Thursday, April 30, 2009

Religious Fundamentalism Can Create Problems

Religious groups can easily justify their actions by using religious text to benefit and promote their beliefs. The Muslims can sling quotes out of the Quran to justify their treatment towards women as second-class or even third class citizens in society, often removing certain rights from them because they weren't born men.

Shouldn't these women be treated equally. This is where religious fundamentalism evolves into religious fanaticism.

Christians can often use the same tactics to justify their beliefs and Christianity. This list goes on and on and has created hardships in the past on some people in our civilizations and will continue to do so in the future. As long as people continue to turn a blind eye to evil religious and government leaders, atrocities will take place and some of them will even be supported by those who eventually will become accused are victims of their own wrongdoings.

Does anyone remember the Ku Klux Klan? If you live in the south eastern part of the United States, there is a very good chance that you have heard of them or even know someone who belongs to this organization. The Ku Klux Klan was responsible for hanging African Americans throughout the early 1900s to prove that the white race was superior to the race of black people. Their religious beliefs fueled them with righteousness.

If this going on anywhere in the world today, may be issues about abortion or gay marriage. It seems like an oxymoron, if we allow gay people to get married, we won't have to worry about the abortion issue.

Some Christians, but most Americans look at this as a shameful part of our American heritage. It's not something that most Americans would ever support today. I would like to point something out about the Ku Klux Klan, they started out as a Christian organization and made examples out of other white people who weren't conforming to their ideal Christian society.

There are stories of people that abused their wives and the Ku Klux Klan set them straight, one way or another. If it required beating the crap out of them or killing them, something needed to be done and they are morally obligated to perform the task as Christians. These people took their Christian beliefs to an extreme.

When are we as a country and the world going to start fighting religious fundamentalism at its core and stop the atrocities that are going on today, using religion to justify their wrongdoings.

Create Personal Power

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Starting With Simple Things

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

When Guidance is Misleading - Channeling and Contact With Spirits

Channeling and contact with spirits is now a widespread phenomenon in which a soul on the internal plans communicates with a physical media through a series of transcendental abilities. The messages are often received aural - as a single voice (clairaudiance). They can also receive visual, where the message is seen in pictures and colors (telepathic clairvoyance). Telepathy is also a possibility. Her message is perceived as ideas generated in the mind without hearing and visual sensations. Today we are witnessing an incredibly extensive literature that claims to be created as part of a contact with the spiritual world. There is no doubt in my mind that this contact has brought us wonderful insights, as for example, has been through HP Blavatskys, Alice Baileys and Lucille Cedercrans' writer.

However, there are very big difference to the quality of these messages. Some of the problems associated with having contact with the spiritual world is often interpretation of nature. Let us see, therefore, look at some of the pitfalls which may occur in the interpretation of psychological experiences.

The illusion of being more spiritually developed

The first assumption should be settled is that psychics are specially selected channels to the divine and therefore highly developed human beings. This myth, often kept alive by the psychics themselves, as the first overturned.

Astral clairvoyance and clairaudiance, media literacy, the ability to go into a trance, is not psychic science and signs of spiritual development. The higher spiritual abilities, there really are signs of higher consciousness - mental telepathy, inspiration and intuition, which is translated into a greater community involvement - speaks for itself. But the astral faculties belong to human instinctive and emotional nature that we share with animals. Often there will be that the psychological experiences due to the psychic in this or in previous lives have been dismantled a number of essential protective tissue of the internal energy system, as a result of emotional shock, abuse of drugs, breathing exercises or chakra meditations. It can at worst lead to psychiatric disorders and psychotic breakdown.

The single mysterious phenomena of sounds and synergy often gives the psychologically sensitive person believes that he / she is special and particular selection. Without that, in fact, nothing to suggest that when a soberly eye sees the life he lives. We must always remember that the tree is known by the fruits.

The Free Psychic Chat Rooms Guide will give you lots of advice when explore the world of the paranormal. Whether you seek contact with a deceased loved one, wants to know about your past or future or you want authentic psychic readings in your life you will find all the information you need to take on the spiritual journey

Motivation Theory - How Motivation Theories Helps Us Become Successful in Life

The very meaning of the word motivation means to move. Defined as the internal factor that induces behavior and gives a new direction, motivation is integral to everyones life. Motivation theory described the various processes that talk about the reasons (why, how, what etc) that affect an induce behavior patterns in all of us to feel motivated to do something.

Considered as one of the most important areas of study in the organizational behavior field, motivation theory has two distinct categories content theories and process theories. Despite the fact that there are several motivation theories espoused by many psychologists, not one of them is accepted universally.

Some of the pioneers in content theory of motivation, which focuses on the internal factors that channelize human behavior, include Abraham Maslow, Alderfer, Herzeberg, and McClelland. Motivation theory such as the very famous Hierarchy of Needs by Maslow, the ERG theory by Alderfer, motivator-hygiene theory by Herzeberg also known as the dual factors theory by Herzeberg, and learned needs or three-needs theory by McClelland are some of the major content theories.

Of the above mentioned motivation theories, the content theory by Maslow on the hierarchy of human needs is perhaps the most known and popular. It talks about five levels of basic needs, which are categorized as physiological needs, safety and security needs, self esteem needs, love needs, and needs for self actualization.

Similar to the hierarchy of needs by Maslow, is the ERG theory that explains the existence, relatedness and growth needs in human beings. While the dual factors theory of Herzeberg talks about specific factors at the workplace that can help in job satisfaction. On the other hand, the Thematic Aptitude Test (TAT), a projective technique as part of the learned needs motivation theory by McClelland, tries to evaluate people and their aptitude based on the three main needs that are: power, affiliation, and achievement. It would be safe to conclude that McClellands motivation theory results indicate that people who have a higher need of power take action in ways that tend to influence the behavior of other people and those around them.

A motivation theory attempts to decode the reasons that motivate people to do different tasks and become successful in them. While different people have different thinking behaviors, the immediate environment, the background of the person and other factors are the key reasons. Perhaps thats why Maslows motivation theory states that a mans behavior is controlled and affected by the internal as well as the external factors. This also means that man has the significant ability to make choices in his life and exercise his free-will.

Theories such as Adams equity theory, Vrooms expectancy theory, goal-setting motivation theory, and reinforcement motivation theory etc suggest that when people need something or desire something, they are motivated to achieve it. If you want something really bad, your desire and your need should be motivation enough for you to achieve it!

Any motivation theory can be applied to a cross-section of people and businesses. The underlying principle of every theory is that human beings require their needs to be met. When these needs are met, a certain balance is achieved and the person starts to respond favorably to his immediate environment and the results are more than satisfactory.

Darren Williger writes for,, and

Monday, April 27, 2009

Is Mary Magdalene and More Than a Christian Legend - Movie Video

This video has more information on Mary Magdalene, great video on advanced spiritual thinking.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Dealing With Contractors
David Allen

Mary Magdalene and Spirituality - Movie Video

This video has more information on Mary Magdalene, great video on advanced spiritual thinking.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Abraham Lincoln
James Rachels

Mary Magdalene and Spirituality - Movie Video

This video has more information on Mary Magdalene, great video on advanced spiritual thinking.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Thomas Troward
Judith Delozier

Another Insight on Mary Magdalene - Movie Video

This video has more information on Mary Magdalene, great video on advanced spiritual thinking.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Gay Teenager Problems
Richard Bartlett

Mary Magdalene and Spirituality - Movie Video

This video has more information on Mary Magdalene, great video on advanced spiritual thinking.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Awfulizing Creates Negativity
Daniel Goleman

Another Insight on Mary Magdalene - Movie Video

This video has more information on Mary Magdalene, great video on advanced spiritual thinking.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Judging Your Childrens Partners
Book List Of Future Authors

Mary Magdalene and Spirituality - Movie Video

This video has more information on Mary Magdalene, great video on advanced spiritual thinking.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles . These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Arnold Patent
Sometimes Your The Problem

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Is 2012 Really the End of the World?

Maybe just the end of the world as we know it. No, the world is not going to implode or explode or be completely destroyed in any form for that matter. 2012 is a new beginning, not an end.

There has been so much said about all this, from the bible, from Nostradamus, from Edgar Cayce, from the Mayans. In 2012 we will truly be able to experience heaven on earth. For some, this has already started. We are already feeling these changes. There are many people on this earth who have Ascended from the 3D reality to the 5th Dimension reality already. The Earth herself has ascended from 3D to 5D. In 5D time and space are different, they do not exist in the same way as they do in 3D. This is why so many people are having experiences outside what the "norm" has been the past few thousand years.

Some people think the financial meltdowns etc. are really bad news. It is just a change, different things going on, it doesn't have to be bad news. Everything is perception. A lot of people are being forced to change the way they have been thinking, or the way they have been doing things. So much of the world's issues right now are related to the old 3D ways crumbling. It is a new beginning, not an ending.

Jesus (or whatever Ascended Master you relate to based on your religion or lack thereof), IS coming. It is the Christ Consciousness in us all. Jesus "the man" is not going to just show up one day to save us. Its not quite like that. The consciousness of Jesus will show up for us all as soon as we realize that we have access to it. It is your own greatness, your own Christ Consciousness that will save you. Your realization that you are God. We ourselves are the second coming.

What makes things so hard is the separation from the divine light and love of all that is. For many years people have turned to religion, or leaders that tell us that things are outside of ourselves. Those in perceived power don't want us to know that the power of EVERYTHING is within us. We are all one.

The talk of hellfire and hell coming to earth for those that do not accept Jesus into their lives is true in some ways, but not in the literal sense that some organized religions would have you believe. It has to do with those that accept they are the creators themselves. Those that can see and feel their own greatness will truly be creating a heaven on earth for themselves and those around them.

Those that rely on (or "worship"), things from the 3D reality -- money and ego and external power -- truly will be in a hell on earth. Earth and her energy is changing, has already changed. We, as a species, are learning that we can create whatever we want here. It has very little to do with ego and power. There are many on the earth right now who are here to help with this transition. Many lightworkers who are ascending and "getting it" are here to help you. Many are actually devoting their lives to helping others remember where they came from and what divine beings they are. The first wave of Ascension is over. There are many Masters on this plane of our planet right now. Willing to help you to realize you don't have to stay stuck in 3D any more. Many people think Jesus is a saviour, as in separate from you, that will come and rescue you from your life, your existence, yourself, your perceived sins. God is not going to "make people go to hell". What kind of loving God would actually make people go to hell? If all one does is worship money, control or power they WILL likely end up in their own hell. This will be their own doing (or undoing) though. It will not be something that is done TO them.

Look at how things are right now. The world financial crisis is HUGE. Anyone who is very centred in, or worships, money or power at this point in time is RIGHT NOW in their own personal HELL. God certainly isn't putting them there. It is their perception of their time on earth that is putting them there.

Those that are suffering right now just need to look inside themselves, at the Christ Consciousness, at the God in THEM. Hanging onto the old 3D reality and the worship of external things like money or power or ego is what is causing them suffering. The always wanting more is causing suffering. There is enough on this earth for everyone. Some say they don't believe that...I've had people tell me to my face that I'm full of you know what just for suggesting such a thing.

The reality of it least MY reality of it is that there is enough for all. If we take the greed, the control, the lusting for external power away, there is enough.

All through the bible it states that God is in all of us. Therefore, Love is in all of us.

Religions made the devil up to scare the heck out of people. There were, and still are, those that do not want you to know your own greatness. They don't want you to know what they know. If everyone knew, there would be balance. No one would be better than, or richer than. Everyone would just "Be".

Religions say the devil "fell from grace" because he wanted to be God-like. What better way to make people shun their own greatness, their own connection with God. Scare the crap out of them so that when they start to realize their own greatness, and that they are not just a "part of Source (God)", but that they are indeed Source (God) themselves, the creators of their own lives and spiritual journeys, they get afraid and experience more separation. As soon as people realize their greatness, no one will be able to control them. That is very scary for those that think they have the power over the masses.

We are all God-like. We are all creators, God is Love, we are all a part of God. This scares a lot of people and there are certain governments and religions that don't want people to know this, so they make up stuff like the devil or demons to scare people. They don't want the general population to realize their power, they would lose their own place in society; in the 3D reality they have created for themselves. Imagine if everyone knew just how much like God we are, how much a part of God we one could control us anymore. No one would have the power to "make" us fearful. God is Love.....the "devil" is fear.

So, is 2012 the end of the world? I certainly hope it is the end of the world as we have known it up to this point.

Do not fear the changes, embrace them. Connect with Source in your own way. Find and connect with your own internal Christ Consciousness, your own greatness.

When things are done with Love and not fear, nothing but God and Love can shine through.

There are many things going on. Being a psychic lightworker myself (for lack of a better term), I know that what I see and do, anyone can see and do. The biggest challenge is to KNOW that you can do it. It is just a matter of being open to it and having the realization that we are all Source.

Remember where you came from, remember your divinity. Connect with your own Christ Consciousness. Experience the bliss every day, feel the love every day. Live with Love not Fear of what is going on on our earth. Its all good...

I am a psychic living in British Columbia, Canada. I have been psychic since birth and have been doing psychic readings for others for the past 25 years. With these psychic readings I help people to enhance their own personal growth and assist them to realize their life path. I am also a medium and often when I do readings I have contact from the other side, whether from a loved one who has passed over or Spirit teachers and guides. Visit Psychic Medium for more information on psychic readings.

Is 2012 Really the End of the World?

Maybe just the end of the world as we know it. No, the world is not going to implode or explode or be completely destroyed in any form for that matter. 2012 is a new beginning, not an end.

There has been so much said about all this, from the bible, from Nostradamus, from Edgar Cayce, from the Mayans. In 2012 we will truly be able to experience heaven on earth. For some, this has already started. We are already feeling these changes. There are many people on this earth who have Ascended from the 3D reality to the 5th Dimension reality already. The Earth herself has ascended from 3D to 5D. In 5D time and space are different, they do not exist in the same way as they do in 3D. This is why so many people are having experiences outside what the "norm" has been the past few thousand years.

Some people think the financial meltdowns etc. are really bad news. It is just a change, different things going on, it doesn't have to be bad news. Everything is perception. A lot of people are being forced to change the way they have been thinking, or the way they have been doing things. So much of the world's issues right now are related to the old 3D ways crumbling. It is a new beginning, not an ending.

Jesus (or whatever Ascended Master you relate to based on your religion or lack thereof), IS coming. It is the Christ Consciousness in us all. Jesus "the man" is not going to just show up one day to save us. Its not quite like that. The consciousness of Jesus will show up for us all as soon as we realize that we have access to it. It is your own greatness, your own Christ Consciousness that will save you. Your realization that you are God. We ourselves are the second coming.

What makes things so hard is the separation from the divine light and love of all that is. For many years people have turned to religion, or leaders that tell us that things are outside of ourselves. Those in perceived power don't want us to know that the power of EVERYTHING is within us. We are all one.

The talk of hellfire and hell coming to earth for those that do not accept Jesus into their lives is true in some ways, but not in the literal sense that some organized religions would have you believe. It has to do with those that accept they are the creators themselves. Those that can see and feel their own greatness will truly be creating a heaven on earth for themselves and those around them.

Those that rely on (or "worship"), things from the 3D reality -- money and ego and external power -- truly will be in a hell on earth. Earth and her energy is changing, has already changed. We, as a species, are learning that we can create whatever we want here. It has very little to do with ego and power. There are many on the earth right now who are here to help with this transition. Many lightworkers who are ascending and "getting it" are here to help you. Many are actually devoting their lives to helping others remember where they came from and what divine beings they are. The first wave of Ascension is over. There are many Masters on this plane of our planet right now. Willing to help you to realize you don't have to stay stuck in 3D any more. Many people think Jesus is a saviour, as in separate from you, that will come and rescue you from your life, your existence, yourself, your perceived sins. God is not going to "make people go to hell". What kind of loving God would actually make people go to hell? If all one does is worship money, control or power they WILL likely end up in their own hell. This will be their own doing (or undoing) though. It will not be something that is done TO them.

Look at how things are right now. The world financial crisis is HUGE. Anyone who is very centred in, or worships, money or power at this point in time is RIGHT NOW in their own personal HELL. God certainly isn't putting them there. It is their perception of their time on earth that is putting them there.

Those that are suffering right now just need to look inside themselves, at the Christ Consciousness, at the God in THEM. Hanging onto the old 3D reality and the worship of external things like money or power or ego is what is causing them suffering. The always wanting more is causing suffering. There is enough on this earth for everyone. Some say they don't believe that...I've had people tell me to my face that I'm full of you know what just for suggesting such a thing.

The reality of it least MY reality of it is that there is enough for all. If we take the greed, the control, the lusting for external power away, there is enough.

All through the bible it states that God is in all of us. Therefore, Love is in all of us.

Religions made the devil up to scare the heck out of people. There were, and still are, those that do not want you to know your own greatness. They don't want you to know what they know. If everyone knew, there would be balance. No one would be better than, or richer than. Everyone would just "Be".

Religions say the devil "fell from grace" because he wanted to be God-like. What better way to make people shun their own greatness, their own connection with God. Scare the crap out of them so that when they start to realize their own greatness, and that they are not just a "part of Source (God)", but that they are indeed Source (God) themselves, the creators of their own lives and spiritual journeys, they get afraid and experience more separation. As soon as people realize their greatness, no one will be able to control them. That is very scary for those that think they have the power over the masses.

We are all God-like. We are all creators, God is Love, we are all a part of God. This scares a lot of people and there are certain governments and religions that don't want people to know this, so they make up stuff like the devil or demons to scare people. They don't want the general population to realize their power, they would lose their own place in society; in the 3D reality they have created for themselves. Imagine if everyone knew just how much like God we are, how much a part of God we one could control us anymore. No one would have the power to "make" us fearful. God is Love.....the "devil" is fear.

So, is 2012 the end of the world? I certainly hope it is the end of the world as we have known it up to this point.

Do not fear the changes, embrace them. Connect with Source in your own way. Find and connect with your own internal Christ Consciousness, your own greatness.

When things are done with Love and not fear, nothing but God and Love can shine through.

There are many things going on. Being a psychic lightworker myself (for lack of a better term), I know that what I see and do, anyone can see and do. The biggest challenge is to KNOW that you can do it. It is just a matter of being open to it and having the realization that we are all Source.

Remember where you came from, remember your divinity. Connect with your own Christ Consciousness. Experience the bliss every day, feel the love every day. Live with Love not Fear of what is going on on our earth. Its all good...

I am a psychic living in British Columbia, Canada. I have been psychic since birth and have been doing psychic readings for others for the past 25 years. With these psychic readings I help people to enhance their own personal growth and assist them to realize their life path. I am also a medium and often when I do readings I have contact from the other side, whether from a loved one who has passed over or Spirit teachers and guides. Visit Psychic Medium for more information on psychic readings.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Great Video For Opening Your Christian Minds

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

This got me thinking about other people's dreams and aspirations, most of this is wrapped around them hoping to accomplish something or do something. I never gave it much thought but hope is one of the most important things in our lives. Some people go around hoping that they will keep their job, when the economy is in bad shape. Others go around hoping for forgiveness for their sins or other bad deeds they have done in the past.

What is it you're hoping for? There's got to be something. Are you hoping to become a multimillionaire or even the world's first trillionaire. Are your dreams big or small? Are you the kind of person who is happy living a simple life with very little possessions like a Buddhist monk or are you one who is seeking the lifestyle of the King.

Hope supplies us with the will to continue through hopeless obstacles during our lifetime.

Most people seeking hope are looking for a way out of something or a way toward a better life. These people often fall easy prey to large religious organizations, as they take them under their wing and slowly start to brainwash them. They seek the weak minded, helpless, poor and trusting people and build their organizations using them. I once believed in Christianity, but it no longer offers me true hope, the more I study Christianity and other organized religions, I noticed certain similarities based on inspiration.

I hope I live the good life, so I can go to heaven, the promised land, our ultimate enlightenment.

I hope I am living the true will according to God, Buddha, Krishna or other supreme beings.

I hope that the Bible is wrong about the 144,000 people from the 12 tribes.

I hope I'm living a life that is pleasing to the Lord.

If you're part of an organized religion, ask your religious leaders, any questions that you have about your religion. If they can't answer these questions, try to find them on your own. Books, videos, and the Internet are great sources for information. If you're living your life for the sole purpose of going to heaven one day, you could be disappointed, when that day arrives.

Ask a couple of questions and I hope you will get honest answers to them.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Read and Change Your Life

Most people read a book and if it's good, they might recommend it to someone else, but if the book is great, you can guarantee they will recommend it to everyone who is interested or who they think might be interested in the book. In the field of personal development, one book comes to mind, it's called, "You Can Have It All" by Arnold Patent.

I found the book in one of our antique thrift stores and paid less than $10 for it, I really didn't think much of it and never heard of Arnold Patent before. We've all heard of Anthony Robbins, Susie Orman, Wayne Dyer, but I never heard of Arnold Patent. I skimmed through the book and it looked like a short read. I read the book in about six hours and plan to reread the book, as soon as I get it back for my daughter. The book has short chapters, most of them less than five pages.

Looking at the short chapters, you could get the impression, that there isn't very much information in each chapter, how could there be with less than five pages and some chapters less than three pages. This was very deceiving to me, because each paragraph, was like a chapter and each chapter was like a small book.

The book is full of tools and advice and combines personal development with spirituality. He has chapters on meditation, energy, enjoying what you love to do for the rest of your life, cause and effect, abundance, attachment, pain and suffering, harmony, karma the past and forgiveness.

I can't tell you what a pleasure it was to read this book and if you're looking for some basics on quite a few motivational, spiritual and laws of attraction topics, this book has almost everything you need to get you interested in changing your life. You could actually read one chapter a day and think about it for the rest of the week, there's that much information in each chapter.

I was reading one of his recommendations and it was from Oprah Winfrey, she said, "It was one of the most important books that I had ever read." That's coming from one of the most successful people in the entertainment business. I stumbled across this book and might not have ever found it, but I'm telling you about it and highly recommend it.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Physical and the Non-Physical Consciousness

The junction point between different states of consciousness; i.e. waking and sleeping is a good time to notice this experience.

As your mind and body start to settle down to rest. You become aware of the more subtle nature of the body, mind and aura. For me this experience is one of first scanning my body and my feelings and becoming aware of my deeper connection.

If I become aware of any discomfort in the body, I take my attention into that region and consciously breathe, relaxing the physical body and clearing the mind of any associated thoughts.

As you continue with this process, you may become aware of a third level of awareness; a field of energy that both surrounds and permeates the mind and the body. I say field, as it is a kind of electromagnetic field of energy, similar to magnetism.

This field of energy is the aura, the energy field of the body, it has consciousness too and you may notice your awareness passing from the physical body to the non-physical aura as you settle down to sleep.

Sometimes I experience this like clouds of white light washing over the body and passing through the body. As you take your awareness from your physical body and step over and become aware on your feelings as being within the clouds of white mist of the aura. You notice a freeing of your awareness an expansion and raising slightly of ones vibration.

The human body is such a wonderful thing as we can experience it on many levels and see the connections into may different aspects or dimensions of its nature.

As we become aware of this non-physical connection to our higher Self we may also become aware of its nature. We could invite in our guides and angels to come around us. We could take a few minutes just appreciating the work they do for us.

We could start to ask them for guidance or plan what we would like to do or experience tomorrow. This is a magical time, as we start to drift off into sleep, and if you witness your sleep, you may even have the experience of your spiritual awareness going out of body and astral travelling through the Universe.

This is all apart of your higher Self, the clouds of white light that you feel, is your spiritual connection into the non-physical world. This non-physical, although it is not localised like your body, is still as much apart of who you are as the physical nature of your body, in fact I would say is more your true nature.

So next time you are going to sleep, just in an innocent way, stay a little more aware of your feelings and experiences and consciously enjoy being aware of the many aspects of who and what you are.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.

* New book * "A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human": HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers.

Read HealerGeorges Blog: Curezone Blog or ask at question at: Ask HealerGeorge

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Does God Care About Poor People

It's hard to imagine that God really does care about poor people. When I say poor people, I'm not talking about people that live in the United States of America on welfare or use their unemployment payments to survive. I'm talking about people that live in what we call third world countries, people that are starving to death and dying because they're poor.

I heard somewhere, and it's hard to believe and I don't have any proof, but someone told me that 80% of the people in the world today live on less than $20 a day. I made that statement, but in reality I heard that 80% of the world lives on less than two dollars each day. That's hard to imagine with a caring God or caring God's, the creator of the universe who made us in his image.

I've been asking this question for years to rich, poor, middle class, educated, illiterate, good-looking and ugly people. I have heard so many different answers and beliefs on why God treats poor people badly. Here is a small list of reasons why God treats these people this way.

1. They Must Have Done Something Wrong and God Is Punishing Them for Their Mistakes.

2. They Don't Believe in the Right God.

3. One of Their Ancestors Did Something Bad and Now They're Paying the Penalty.

4. They Were Born into the Wrong Family, Country, Nationality, Race or Religion.

And last but not least my favorite, the more someone suffers on earth the greater the glory they received in heaven. I can't believe someone would actually say this, but this is the one I've heard most often. " The meek shall inherit the earth." Why wouldn't God have said, "That the poor and the starving people will inherit the kingdom of heaven, and only after they have suffered, pain beyond mortal believe shall they get to enter the kingdom of heaven and then live in a world of unbelievable riches, with plenty of food, clothes and of course people that love them."

I think if religious text was a little more specific, it would make more sense to people who are actually suffering.

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Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a Christian library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Studying On Faith Alone

Studying Religious Faith

It's probably hard to find facts if your mind is already made up. If you're trying to find information on anything, more than likely you will find exactly what you're looking for, if you look hard enough. With all the information out there, available in books, media, and of course the Internet, would we really know the honest to God truth if we ran into one.

Not something that man made up and forced our ancestors to believe in.

If you're studying on faith alone and trying to prove or disprove something, you will succeed. If you're reading the Bible and looking for answers to problems in your life, eventually you will find the answers. All you need is to believe in your God and he will show you the way. Has he truly shown you the way or are you basing your religious beliefs on faith alone.

I have studied the Bible for many years and came to the conclusion that, I was often blinded by the way I view the information and couldn't get the facts most of the time. I always enjoyed reading Proverbs and the story of Job, both of these books in the Bible inspired me to become a better person.

By studying the Bible without faith and looking for information based on facts, it wasn't long before I realized this book could be and I say could be a group of stories that man over the centuries combined into one book during the Council of Nicaea in 325A.D and became religious doctrine for Christians.

In order to study anything effectively, you need to keep an open mind, this might require you to reprogram your thinking. You have been taught for years that only your religion is correct and all other religions are wrong. You can't think like this and gather information effectively.

Studying on faith alone could close your mind and keep you on the path of spiritual resistance. You know you're on this path if only the things you believe in make sense. Nothing nobody else says can make much sense if you're studying on faith alone.

What would it hurt to read a life changing spiritual book on another religion or form of spirituality? If you can't read another religious book, because you're religious organization tells you to only read their spiritual books to gather information, you're following a path of spiritual resistance.

If you're really going to study on faith alone then I suggest studying with intention to learn instead of follow.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended reading, Stories from the Old Testament

Greg is currently working on a religious and spiritual answers library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Hope In Religion

What Does God Care About - Spiritual Thinking

If I ask you to stop what you were doing, get a piece of paper and a pencil and draw a line down the center of the paper and on one side, write down what you think God cares about and on the other side write down things that you think he doesn't care about, would you do it? Make a list for yourself and then ask yourself, if your religious beliefs are on that list somewhere. As long as the side of the list is longer, about the things that God does care about, I guess everything is okay, isn't it.

If God doesn't care about starvation or hunger, I guess I can understand that. It would make more sense because in the real world, the world God created, it's survival of the fittest, right, wouldn't that be a true statement. The smartest people on the planet and the most educated, aggressive, goal oriented and religious believers seem to have the best lives and live in nice homes, don't they. I really never thought much about starvation but I guess God's plan is based around the strong will survive. I'm just thinking out loud here.

I wonder if God cares about people that are poor and uneducated? These are the meek and don't they inherit the kingdom of God, or am I missing something. Do you think poor people and uneducated people are suffering because God wants them to go to heaven only after they have suffered on earth. I can't really understand the concept of suffering on earth to receive rewards later after you're dead. Just doesn't make sense to me.

What do you think God really cares about? How will we ever know if we're right? If you believe in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism or any other religion that believes in a deity, I guess you can open up a book and gather all the answers. This doesn't make much sense to me either.

Reading these scriptures can often lead to confusion if you're open-minded. Examining these scriptures a little closer can provide you with education. Educating your self on other religions can help you understand more of what God really does care about. I believe God does care about love and compassion, all gods.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Believing In Yourself

Does God Care About Poor People

It's hard to imagine that God really does care about poor people. When I say poor people, I'm not talking about people that live in the United States of America on welfare or use their unemployment payments to survive. I'm talking about people that live in what we call third world countries, people that are starving to death and dying because they're poor.

I heard somewhere, and it's hard to believe and I don't have any proof, but someone told me that 80% of the people in the world today live on less than $20 a day. I made that statement, but in reality I heard that 80% of the world lives on less than two dollars each day. That's hard to imagine with a caring God or caring God's, the creator of the universe who made us in his image.

I've been asking this question for years to rich, poor, middle class, educated, illiterate, good-looking and ugly people. I have heard so many different answers and beliefs on why God treats poor people badly. Here is a small list of reasons why God treats these people this way.

1. They Must Have Done Something Wrong and God Is Punishing Them for Their Mistakes.

2. They Don't Believe in the Right God.

3. One of Their Ancestors Did Something Bad and Now They're Paying the Penalty.

4. They Were Born into the Wrong Family, Country, Nationality, Race or Religion.

And last but not least my favorite, the more someone suffers on earth the greater the glory they received in heaven. I can't believe someone would actually say this, but this is the one I've heard most often. " The meek shall inherit the earth." Why wouldn't God have said, "That the poor and the starving people will inherit the kingdom of heaven, and only after they have suffered, pain beyond mortal believe shall they get to enter the kingdom of heaven and then live in a world of unbelievable riches, with plenty of food, clothes and of course people that love them."

I think if religious text was a little more specific, it would make more sense to people who are actually suffering.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a Christian library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Simple Words Create Powerful Beliefs

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Similarities and Differences of Pilates and Yoga

You can barely turn on the TV nowadays without hearing about Pilates or Yoga. When you take up a magazine, you are bound to find articles about these two exercise methods and it seems like everyone is doing either one or the other. What is all of the excitement about? Why are these techniques so special? What are the differences and similarities between Pilates and Yoga?

Yoga aims to unite the body, mind, and spirit. The person who aspires to do Yoga views that the body and mind are one. They believe that if the body is given the right tools and is taken to the proper environment then the body can find harmony and will be able to heal itself. Yoga is considered to be therapeutic. You will have a heightened awareness of your body's alignment, posture, and patterns of movement. Yoga tends to make your body more flexible and it will help you to relax even if you are in the middle of a stress stricken environment. Therefore, one of the most important reasons as to why people start practicing Yoga is that they want to feel more energetic, be more happy, feel more fit and be at peace.

One performs Yoga mainly in a group setting on a special Yoga mat with the help of a Yoga instructor. You use your body's own weight for resistance. You must also focus a great deal of your attention to the flow from one posture into that of another. Yoga styles are varied and there is not one style that is considered to be better than another. These styles also vary in their emphasis, and the style you choose is a matter of personal preference.

Pilates also seeks to reach many of the same goals as does Yoga by way of a series of movements that are very controlled. The major difference between Pilates and Yoga is that while doing Pilates exercises not only makes use of a mat, but it also incorporates work on different Pilates machines. The main thrust of the Pilates exercises is to improve posture, strengthen the abdominal muscles, improve balance, lengthen and stabilize the spine and improve overall strength. Pilates will tend to give you a leaner, longer, dancer-like line.

A Whole Body Workout

Unlike a variety of other training programs, Pilates makes an effort to work the whole body and places its emphasis on precision, control, and concentration in both the body as well as the mind. There is no attempt made at doing many repetitions at a time in a rapid, haphazard fashion. Instead, the focus is placed on quality and not the amount of reps you do. The "powerhouse" that consists of the lower back, abdominal muscles and the buttocks are at the center of all movement and this allows the rest of your body to move fluidly and freely. When one focuses on core stabilization, it makes the student stronger from the inside out.

This is critical for the advancement of the Pilates student. Pilates is low impact by nature and, therefore, it is ideal for the prevention of injury and for rehabilitation. Pilates has six guiding principles - concentration, centering, flow, control, breathing and precision. These principles train the body to move more efficiently while placing minimal impact on the body. With Pilates, there is a definite balance between flexibility and strength that creates a vigorous, symmetrical and health workout for all of the different muscle groups, which will result in a more balanced, leaner, and stronger body.

There are a range of DVD's on sale at which have been recommended by a leading British Osteopath/Physiotherapist

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The author, Steven Giles is a 55 year old former accountant who has been suffering from back pain for several years and has found that Pilates provides relief from this. He lives in Greater Manchester in the North-West of England

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hope in All Religions

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

This got me thinking about other people's dreams and aspirations, most of this is wrapped around them hoping to accomplish something or do something. I never gave it much thought but hope is one of the most important things in our lives. Some people go around hoping that they will keep their job, when the economy is in bad shape. Others go around hoping for forgiveness for their sins or other bad deeds they have done in the past.

What is it you're hoping for? There's got to be something. Are you hoping to become a multimillionaire or even the world's first trillionaire. Are your dreams big or small? Are you the kind of person who is happy living a simple life with very little possessions like a Buddhist monk or are you one who is seeking the lifestyle of the King.

Hope supplies us with the will to continue through hopeless obstacles during our lifetime.

Most people seeking hope are looking for a way out of something or a way toward a better life. These people often fall easy prey to large religious organizations, as they take them under their wing and slowly start to brainwash them. They seek the weak minded, helpless, poor and trusting people and build their organizations using them. I once believed in Christianity, but it no longer offers me true hope, the more I study Christianity and other organized religions, I noticed certain similarities based on inspiration.

I hope I live the good life, so I can go to heaven, the promised land, our ultimate enlightenment.

I hope I am living the true will according to God, Buddha, Krishna or other supreme beings.

I hope that the Bible is wrong about the 144,000 people from the 12 tribes.

I hope I'm living a life that is pleasing to the Lord.

If you're part of an organized religion, ask your religious leaders, any questions that you have about your religion. If they can't answer these questions, try to find them on your own. Books, videos, and the Internet are great sources for information. If you're living your life for the sole purpose of going to heaven one day, you could be disappointed, when that day arrives.

Ask a couple of questions and I hope you will get honest answers to them.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Wayne Dyer

Religious Faith Or Religious Facts

If you're a religious follower and believe in your religion, I would like to ask you a question. Do you base religious beliefs on facts or faith? Let's start out with this and assume that you answered, that you do base your religious beliefs on faith, with little factual information to back it up.

Basing your religious beliefs on faith alone can lead you to believe, what ever someone else tells you. For example, if you go to your place of worship and the religious leader reads something from your scriptures to the followers, do you assume that this is a fact. Are you going to do a little research if something doesn't sound right. If everyone else shares a common opinion about something in your religion, but it isn't true, wouldn't you like to know about it or are you one of those people who didn't even listen and really doesn't even want to be at your place of worship.

Faith can create a lot of problems all by itself. Whenever you start digging into most religions, like I have, and mind you, I'm no expert and do not claim to be an expert in religious beliefs. I'm trying to get people to learn about their religion. This information can be obtained from your religious scriptures, books on other religions, information on the Internet and last but not least talking to other people, outside and within your religion.

Religious facts are hard to come by, when you're beliefs are unrealistic. I can't explain the creation of the world or what year it will be destroyed, but it does seem a little unrealistic and hard to believe that a superior entity created this world and possibly the universe. At the same time I cannot argue with this or disprove it.

With this in mind, I wouldn't go around telling everyone that God or a God created the universe. I just don't have any proof and it's as simple as that. Why would I want to instill this belief into my children or another person? No one on earth has this information.

Try not to base your life on religious faith alone. Just the simple fact that you are reading this article, tells me that you have an interest in furthering your education about religion, whether it's yours or someone else's. You might not be able to find all of the facts to support your religious beliefs but at least it's a start and you're heading in the right direction.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended sites, Seeking Knowledge

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Personal Development

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Walk With Farrakhan - The Reality of the Million Man March

"Call to the way of thy Lord

with wisdom and goodly exhortation,

and argue with them in the best manner."

Continuing on in the series, My walk with Farrakhan, we will examine the Million Man March on October 16th, 1995 called by God through The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

It is amazing to think that 12 years have passed since that beautiful day on the Washington mall with nearly 2 million black men congregating in love. From that day until this day many have not understood the purpose for the march nor its goal by the author. Who was the ultimate author of the Million Man March and for what cause?

Minister Farrakhan while speaking to the gathered men reminded them,

"You came not at the call of Louis Farrakhan, but you have gathered here at the call of God. For it is only the call of Almighty God, no matter through whom that call came, that could generate this kind of outpouring. God called us here to this place. At this time. For a very specific reason."

Minister Farrakhan said that he called for the "march" in response to the pitiful global image of black men as portrayed in film, music and the some media. He further stated that he wanted to show an example to the world that black men can and must unite together in love and harmony to affect positive change in our communities.

The call of the Million Man March is rooted in biblical tradition of Jesus calling Lazarus from the grave. However, today a modern day man of God is calling a people, not from a physical grave of death, but from a spiritual-mental grave of death and ignorance.

Let us review John 11: 43-44 for clarity

"And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, loose him, and let him go."

The Holy Qur'an bears witness in similar words

"We have revealed to thee that

thou mayest bring forth men, by their

Lord's permission, from darkness

into light, to the way of the Mighty, the Praised One,"

When you look at the black community then as well as now it becomes clear that we are in need of a healing and resurrection of our minds.

My condition at the time of the Million Man March

At the time of the call of the Million Man March my life was similar to the life you see many young black men participating in. I walked with my pants hanging of my behind(sagging). I didn't attend school much and didn't take authority serious. I spent my nights getting drunk and/or high with drugs. I thought I was living the good life in my downgraded life of sin. I didn't know at the time, but Almighty God was preparing me for bigger and better things.

I was told by my mother, who was fed up with my behavior, she was requiring me to stay home and watch the Million Man March. She told me that since I can't do anything with you maybe Farrakhan can put some sense in your head.

I sat at home watching the many men and speakers on that blessed day on October16th, 1995 and was being transformed on the inside by Almighty God's spirit. However, when I heard Minister Farrakhan speak I received a message, not so much in words, but I felt him speaking directly from his spirit to my spirit. I took the pledge of the Million Man March and decided to begin the journey towards elevation.

The pledge of The Million Man March asked(by Minister Farrakhan) encouraged us to do the following things,

"Take this pledge with me. Say with me please, I, say your name, pledge that from this day forward I will strive to love my brother as I love myself.

I, say your name, from this day forward will strive to improve myself spiritually, morally, mentally, socially, politically, and economically for the benefit of myself, my family, and my people.

I, say your name, pledge that I will strive to build business, build houses, build hospitals, build factories, and then to enter international trade for the good of myself, my family, and my people.

I, say your name, pledge that from this day forward I will never raise my hand with a knife or a gun to beat, cut, or shoot any member of my family or any human being, except in self-defense.

I, say your name, pledge from this day forward I will never abuse my wife by striking here, disrespecting her for she is the mother of my children and the producer of my future.

I, say your name, pledge that from this day forward I will never engage in the abuse of children, little boys, or little girls for sexual gratification. But I will let them grow in peace to be strong men and women for the future of our people.

I, say your name, will never again use the B word to describe my female, but particularly my own Black sister.

I, say your name, pledge from this day forward that I will not poison my body with drugs or that which is destructive to my health and my well being.

I, say your name, pledge from this day forward, I will support Black newspapers, Black radio, Black television. I will support Black artists, who clean up their acts to show respect for themselves and respect for their people, and respect for the ears of the human family.

I, say your name, will do all of this so help me God."

I know where I came from and where I was inspired to go as a direct result of the call of the Million Man March. I will never let anyone disrespect that day by saying it didn't achieve anything. I was a man that was lost, but was inspired to be a better person by the truth and presence of Minister Farrakhan at the Million Man March.

I like to use the example of a patient going to a doctor as an example of the Million Man March. You can't blame a doctor if you are sick and you go to a doctor to heal you and the doctor prescribes you a prescription, however you never go home and take the prescription, so you die. Such a doctor cannot be charged with malpractice. It is the responsibility of both the doctor to prescribe and the patient to take the medicine to affect healing.

In conclusion what medicine did "doctor" Farrakhan give to black men at the Million Man March?

In the following words he gave the ultimate medicine and purpose for our presence at the "march",

"Well, some of us are here because it's history making. Some of us are here because it's a march through which we can express anger and rage with America for what she has and is doing to us. So, we're here for many reasons but the basic reason while this was called was for atonement and reconciliation. So, it is necessary for me in as short of time as possible to give as full an explanation of atonement as possible."

He gave us the following summation of 8 steps of atonement

1) Point out the wrong

2)Acknowledge the wrong

3)Confess fault




7)Reconciliation and restoration

8)Perfect union with God

Long live the spirit of the Million Man March!

Mustafaa Muhammad is an "African American" who is a follower of the Islamic faith. Through independent religious studies developed an ecumenical view of the world's religions and the people of God. And while he is devoted to Islam as his faith he is at home in the Church(or other religious institutions) as he is in the Mosque.

He has been featured on the Radio, Newspapers, public speaking events and at Mosques/Churches telling his story and offering his understanding of Almighty God's plan for salvation.

Mustafaa is involved in community activity. He believes that our faith must inspire us to greater service to humanity or we may be making a mockery of the purpose of faith. Contact him @

Jim Stovall

Find Out Why You Believe in Your Religion

Whenever I ask someone involved in a religious organization, the question, do you really believe in your religion? Most of these people will often answer would be yes and start their religious conversion. Some of these people can become very intrusive if I don't stop them soon, very few of these people listen with an open mind.

I have talked to quite a few men and women about their beliefs over the years and still find it hard to believe that most of them live a life of faith with very little understanding or education about their religion. Now some strong believers might take offense to that statement, while others will listen to what I said and start doing a little more research on their religion.

Most of these religions throughout the world make perfectly good sense to their followers and I understand the reasoning behind some of them, it's all they know, everyone around them believes in the same religion and they get some sort of happiness and joy from it.

It's not hard to imagine a young child, walking around with strong religious beliefs if their parents are strong believers in it also. These children grow up and eventually train their children to follow the same path of their parents. Our children should be able to choose, what they will believe in, by the time they are adults.

This is a natural process of life, your parents learned from their parents and whenever someone asked them a question that they really couldn't answer or were uncomfortable answering, they can always reply with, I'm living a life based on faith or you just have to believe. You have to believe that someone is looking out for you and taking care of you. Most of these people think that something else is responsible for the events that take place in their life.

Is it possible for people that live a life of faith to educate themselves about their religion, to find the origin and maybe the destination of their religions. Could these people actually assume responsibility for their choices, whether they're good or bad. It's often hard to listen to somebody tell me that some evil entity made them do something bad. These people are easily convinced by others who agree with them and support them with their statements and beliefs. This seems to be where the biggest problem lies.

Once the people around us support our beliefs, they soon become realities in our lives. These realities will be transferred to others around us and give them support eventually about their beliefs. It's like a vicious circle that never ends. One believe supports another belief, until it's a fact.

Education is the path to freedom and will soon deliver the students from religious bondage. Someone a long time ago said," Seek and You Shall Find, Knock on My Door and I Will Open It.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Science Getting Rich.

Greg is currently working on a religious education also visit our article library, filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Paulo Coelho

The "Reason" and "Moral" Dimensions of the Human

(If you wish to obtain more benefit from this article, please read firstly our "Correct Understanding the Human" titled article.)

My precious brother,

I had talked about five dimensions of the human existence in my previous article.

"Substance", "Physiological" and "Psychological" dimensions are present also at the animals. But "reason" and "moral" dimensions belong to the human only. I want to emphasize the last two dimensions for the reason that these are the base of the human behaviors.

A human in the reason dimension

The human gets a "character" and "personality" with being taken over the management of the body by mind, in the fourth "reason" dimension. Because, the reason is a mechanism for "thinking", "analyzing and synthesizing", and "deciding". For this reason, this dimension is a dimension that the human behaves according to his self free demands and desires, with his self free volition and with his self free decisions. But, by reason of the fact that the divine education doesn't occur yet, the desires and ambitions of the ego dominate the behaviors of person, in this dimension. That means, person takes the base entirely his own demands and desires, his own volition, when he decides on any subject.

The "good" and "bad" in this dimension

As a result, in this dimension, those being suitable for the desires of the person are "good", but those being adverse to the desires of the person are "bad". For this reason, the person can not be rid of having a double standard. Because, while a thing and a situation is "good" for being suitable for his personal interests; at an other time, the same thing and situation is "bad" for being adverse to his personal interests.

An other characteristic of this dimension is to be fond of money, status and having. In this dimension, for the reason that the person bases on the demands and desires of his ego as main manager of his behaviors, everything satisfying this desires gets a big value in his eye. A big fondness arises in his heart for everything satisfying this demands and desires of his ego. This extreme love and fondness for the things such as money, status and having divinizes these things in their owner's eye. And makes him become merciless and hard-hearted against the other humans.

The boredom of the human in the fourth dimension never finish

The boredom and confusions of the human in this dimension never finish. Because, the human obeying to his ego, in the fourth dimension, consumes all the time of his life by trying to satisfy the interminable demands and desires of his ego. However, the needs of human are endless. The demands and desires emerging in the heart for these needs are also endless. Does it finish the troubles of the human who tries to satisfy his own every whim? For this reason, the main characteristics of this fourth dimension is the boredom, heart unrest, and precipitancy.

One of the most important characteristics of this dimension is haughtiness. Haughtiness means to see himself superior to other humans. This is an inherent result of being egocentric. Because, the ego changes the realities according to self's demands and desires. And it sees excellent itself over everybody and everything.

The human in the fourth dimension doesn't know also a true "love"

The human in this dimension, also, doesn't know a "love" in real meaning. Because, the "love" of him is only for his ego and it's demands and desires. For this reason, he loves everything and everybody satisfying his desires and giving the pleasure himself. But, he becomes instantly distant from everything and everybody giving a little trouble himself. He loves everybody fulfilling any desire of him, he hates everybody who doesn't fulfill his desire.

Therefore, the majority of humans are very "good" as long as you perform his demands. "The good and the bad of humans is understood when you have not fulfill his desires."

Briefly, the man in the fourth dimension is a human who is owner "personality", but egoist, hard-hearted, atrocious, troubled, unrestful and unloving. Although he tries to seem like a good human for the reason the behavior patterns coming from value judgments placed in society, there is always an egoism under these views. There is an artificiality and a spuriousness in these behaviors, always.

Everything changes with "the faith" in the moral dimension

Everything starts to change, when a person has accepted to be subject to the will of his God, believing Him. This instant is an instant that the human has took first step to the maturity. The fifth dimension starts here.

My dear brother,

The fifth "spiritual" or "moral" dimension of the human is a divine education process that its rules are put by God. The name of this education process is the religion. The religion is a mercy and beneficence of God. Unfortunately, only the believers to God and after death take advantage of this mercy and beneficence. This mercy is only for those giving themselves up to God with a contented heart. Most of humans are so engaged in the demands and desires of their ego that they are not fully aware of this mercy and beneficence of their Creator.

The most important reason of the deprivation from the mercy and beneficence of God is, doubtlessly, the arrogance of human. The haughtiness is the most important barricade in front of all the divine benefits. But, the worst of the haughtiness is that being against his God by human. It is such a foolish behavior to be conceited against his God by human, whereas he was created by Him, his all needs are provided by Him, and he is a weak creature who will be dead if he remains breathless a few minutes.

The results of being subject to the volition of God

If the human begins to be subject to the volition of his God by relinquishing his self free volition and his haughtiness, in self heart contentedness and believing Him, he goes into a spiritual ascension and maturation process.

The method of this spiritual ascension and maturation process is to remember always his god, Allah, and to do "riyazet" and "mucahede". "Riyazet" means not to do the things which ego desires (such as forbidden things), "mucahede" means to do the things which ego doesn't desire (such as worships and favors).

As long as this maturation process is completed by doing "riyazet" and "mucahede", the politeness and maturity of the human increases. He begins to be a "human" in a real sense of the word. The endless desires of the ego being present in his heart decreases little by little. The person is rid of his ego and egoism. The fondness for the money, status and havings in his heart finishs. The love of Allah who is the real deity and is owner the mercy and high favour, takes place in his heart, in the place of these fake deities.

If how much a person be sincere in his faith and be desirous in performing the worships for his God, this maturation process is completed so much quickly.

A new personality

When the love of Allah has settled to the heart by disappearing the other loves and passions, everything changes. The person has got an altruistic divine personality now, in place of the previous egoistic personality. I just compare this situation to this that one greedy caterpillar which devours everything becomes one elegant butterfly which carries fragrances from flower to flower. After being completed this maturation process, takes modesty the place of haughtiness, gentleness the place of coarseness, compassion the place of heartlessness, bashfulness the place of shamelessness, beneficence the place of grimness, love the place of hate. This "love" in fifth dimension differs from the "love" in fourth dimension. It is a true "love". It is not like the loves which be showed for wold benefits and then disappears when this benefit finished.

My dear brother,

The most important results being obtained in consequence of this process are those: A strong faith and a heart serenity depending on it. Being in submission. Marifetullah. "Marifetullah" means to know his God by the human. The most valuable knowledge for a human is to know his God, namely "marifetullah". The human has been created for this purpose. The religion is not a somniferous as the socialist mentality supposes. The religion means to be "a true human" by passing through the education of God. If a man doesn't pass through this education, in spite of to be an intelligent creature, he becomes a cruel, fiendish, merciless, shameless, contradictory, tightwad, egoist, unrighteous creature, who always uses his mental activity for viciousness. He sometimes is insomuch cruel that, even any animal doesn't make which he does.

The evilness can not be controlled in the atheist societies

The evilness can not be controlled in the societies being deprived of the religion. The society becomes full to overflowing with the humans who try to crush each other. Therefore, the religion is not a somniferous, but it is a perfection and maturity elixir for the human. There are always serenity and happiness at the societies which sincerely lives the religion. The perturbations and discomforts stalks at the societies which don't live the religion sincerely or they have suspended from the religion.

The human knows his self and his God owing to the religion. He becomes a saintly creature owning the heart serenity, morality and good behaviors, by means of the religion.

The khalif of Allah on the earth

By looking at his behavior, you can easily distinguish such a human who has raised to the fifth dimension by passing through a divine education. Because he always adjudges according to the laws of Allah on every subject, by considering the consent of God every time. He never deviates from justice even it is disadvantageous for himself. He says the good and usefulness when he speaks. He says the true when he says. He never betray when be trusted him for something. He doesn't squander anything. He is true to his word when he gives a promise. He never persecutes anybody. He doesn't despise nobody. He doesn't deem proper anything which he doesn't desire it for himself. A human always feels himself at ease and secure when he came near him. Because he knows that no evil emanates from him.

Briefly, a human in the fifth dimension is a human that he is a symbol of goodness, maturity and perfection, having a divine personality. He is the khalif of his God on the earth. He is a true human.

Be trusted to God.

Dr. Ismail Ulukus is a former phytopathologist and researcher. He has various articles written on plant diseases. In these days, he has begun to write articles on the religion and moral values due to a moral degeneration growing up on all the world.


The Heretic's Daughter - Religion, Fear and the Salem Witch Trials

The Heretic's Daughter is author Kathleen Kent's first novel, and it is a stunning debut. It takes place in and around Salem, Massachusetts during the 1690's, before and during the infamous Salem witch trials. The narrator's mother, Martha Carrier, is based on the real woman of the same name, who was one of the first woman to be tried and hung in the trials. Ms. Kent is herself a tenth generation descendant of Martha Carrier.

Ms. Kent has done her research, and she does a beautiful job of depicting the harsh realities of life during this time. While the initial Puritan settlers had come to this land to escape persecution, and hoped to found a new religious community, they were besieged by plagues, crop failures, and attacks by indigenous tribes. The child mortality rate was so high, we are told in the first pages, "that some families did not name their child until the child was past twelve months and more likely to live. And in many households if a baby died, that same baby's name would be passed on to the next born. And to the very next if that babe died as well."

This is from the novel's narrator, Sarah Carrier, Martha Carrier's daughter. If Sarah sometimes seems distant and unfeeling as she describes horrific events, it is no wonder, based on the climate in which she was raised. In fact, Sarah's voice and attitude was at first a put-off to me, making her difficult to relate to or feel for. But as the novel progresses, her voice becomes one of the book's greatest strengths, because it provides such a vast contrast to our emotion-laden, Oprah-fueled times. Sarah helps us to see what a stark and difficult existence does to people, and as she does mature - through watching her mother's trial and surviving her own incarceration - her growth and new-found wisdom is that much more evident.

As the novel begins, Sarah and her family are on their way to live with her grandmother, and, unbeknown to them, are bringing smallpox with them to their new community. This fact, along with Martha Carrier's headstrong and outspoken nature, will ultimately lead to the family becoming a target when the terrible accusations begin. Those accusations, as presented in The Heretic's Daughter, gain traction in the community because of the lethal combination of fear and damnation-based religion. The community, facing so many challenges to its existence, cannot fathom why they are being targeted by God for such wrath. Surely there must be some offense, some sin, that they are being punished for? In their desperation, they seek out the 'sinners' amongst them, literally demonizing their own neighbors for the smallest of offenses. They seek to scapegoat and purge - as so many have done in the name of religion throughout history.

From there, the paralysis of fear takes over, with each new charge silencing more people within the community, all seeking to protect their own lives and families. Children as young as four are taken into custody - since the 'devil' is behind it all, and can take over anyone's mind, no one is considered innocent. Quite the contrary, during the trials the defendants are most definitely considered guilty until proven innocent. And their innocence is in the hands of several hysterical, adolescent girls no less (I'll let you read the book to learn more about this.)

One of the most touching aspects of the book is how Martha gets Sarah to save herself, helping Sarah to realize that behind her mother's stern exterior lies the greatest of maternal loves. While Sarah at first despises her mother's difficult personality, wishing she would just capitulate to others, she comes to realize her mother's seeming obstinance is actually born of tremendous faith and wisdom. This is exactly the opposite of what her community elders teach - that strict obedience is the foundation for faith. As Sarah observes, that obedience, along with fear, is what allows the madness to continue for so long.

And so The Heretic's Daughter works on at least three levels. First, as a gripping historical novel that masterfully depicts a certain setting and time period. Second, as a personal story of a mother and adolescent daughter struggling to understand each other. And third, as a cautionary tale about how religion can be twisted when a society is ruled by fear.

Lisa Erickson is a mom, meditation teacher, and writer. Visit her blog for spiritual book reviews and information on meditation and spirituality

Julia Cameron

My Walk With Farrakhan - The Reality of the Million Man March

"Call to the way of thy Lord

with wisdom and goodly exhortation,

and argue with them in the best manner."

Continuing on in the series, My walk with Farrakhan, we will examine the Million Man March on October 16th, 1995 called by God through The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

It is amazing to think that 12 years have passed since that beautiful day on the Washington mall with nearly 2 million black men congregating in love. From that day until this day many have not understood the purpose for the march nor its goal by the author. Who was the ultimate author of the Million Man March and for what cause?

Minister Farrakhan while speaking to the gathered men reminded them,

"You came not at the call of Louis Farrakhan, but you have gathered here at the call of God. For it is only the call of Almighty God, no matter through whom that call came, that could generate this kind of outpouring. God called us here to this place. At this time. For a very specific reason."

Minister Farrakhan said that he called for the "march" in response to the pitiful global image of black men as portrayed in film, music and the some media. He further stated that he wanted to show an example to the world that black men can and must unite together in love and harmony to affect positive change in our communities.

The call of the Million Man March is rooted in biblical tradition of Jesus calling Lazarus from the grave. However, today a modern day man of God is calling a people, not from a physical grave of death, but from a spiritual-mental grave of death and ignorance.

Let us review John 11: 43-44 for clarity

"And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with grave clothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, loose him, and let him go."

The Holy Qur'an bears witness in similar words

"We have revealed to thee that

thou mayest bring forth men, by their

Lord's permission, from darkness

into light, to the way of the Mighty, the Praised One,"

When you look at the black community then as well as now it becomes clear that we are in need of a healing and resurrection of our minds.

My condition at the time of the Million Man March

At the time of the call of the Million Man March my life was similar to the life you see many young black men participating in. I walked with my pants hanging of my behind(sagging). I didn't attend school much and didn't take authority serious. I spent my nights getting drunk and/or high with drugs. I thought I was living the good life in my downgraded life of sin. I didn't know at the time, but Almighty God was preparing me for bigger and better things.

I was told by my mother, who was fed up with my behavior, she was requiring me to stay home and watch the Million Man March. She told me that since I can't do anything with you maybe Farrakhan can put some sense in your head.

I sat at home watching the many men and speakers on that blessed day on October16th, 1995 and was being transformed on the inside by Almighty God's spirit. However, when I heard Minister Farrakhan speak I received a message, not so much in words, but I felt him speaking directly from his spirit to my spirit. I took the pledge of the Million Man March and decided to begin the journey towards elevation.

The pledge of The Million Man March asked(by Minister Farrakhan) encouraged us to do the following things,

"Take this pledge with me. Say with me please, I, say your name, pledge that from this day forward I will strive to love my brother as I love myself.

I, say your name, from this day forward will strive to improve myself spiritually, morally, mentally, socially, politically, and economically for the benefit of myself, my family, and my people.

I, say your name, pledge that I will strive to build business, build houses, build hospitals, build factories, and then to enter international trade for the good of myself, my family, and my people.

I, say your name, pledge that from this day forward I will never raise my hand with a knife or a gun to beat, cut, or shoot any member of my family or any human being, except in self-defense.

I, say your name, pledge from this day forward I will never abuse my wife by striking here, disrespecting her for she is the mother of my children and the producer of my future.

I, say your name, pledge that from this day forward I will never engage in the abuse of children, little boys, or little girls for sexual gratification. But I will let them grow in peace to be strong men and women for the future of our people.

I, say your name, will never again use the B word to describe my female, but particularly my own Black sister.

I, say your name, pledge from this day forward that I will not poison my body with drugs or that which is destructive to my health and my well being.

I, say your name, pledge from this day forward, I will support Black newspapers, Black radio, Black television. I will support Black artists, who clean up their acts to show respect for themselves and respect for their people, and respect for the ears of the human family.

I, say your name, will do all of this so help me God."

I know where I came from and where I was inspired to go as a direct result of the call of the Million Man March. I will never let anyone disrespect that day by saying it didn't achieve anything. I was a man that was lost, but was inspired to be a better person by the truth and presence of Minister Farrakhan at the Million Man March.

I like to use the example of a patient going to a doctor as an example of the Million Man March. You can't blame a doctor if you are sick and you go to a doctor to heal you and the doctor prescribes you a prescription, however you never go home and take the prescription, so you die. Such a doctor cannot be charged with malpractice. It is the responsibility of both the doctor to prescribe and the patient to take the medicine to affect healing.

In conclusion what medicine did "doctor" Farrakhan give to black men at the Million Man March?

In the following words he gave the ultimate medicine and purpose for our presence at the "march",

"Well, some of us are here because it's history making. Some of us are here because it's a march through which we can express anger and rage with America for what she has and is doing to us. So, we're here for many reasons but the basic reason while this was called was for atonement and reconciliation. So, it is necessary for me in as short of time as possible to give as full an explanation of atonement as possible."

He gave us the following summation of 8 steps of atonement

1) Point out the wrong

2)Acknowledge the wrong

3)Confess fault




7)Reconciliation and restoration

8)Perfect union with God

Long live the spirit of the Million Man March!

Mustafaa Muhammad is an "African American" who is a follower of the Islamic faith. Through independent religious studies developed an ecumenical view of the world's religions and the people of God. And while he is devoted to Islam as his faith he is at home in the Church(or other religious institutions) as he is in the Mosque.

He has been featured on the Radio, Newspapers, public speaking events and at Mosques/Churches telling his story and offering his understanding of Almighty God's plan for salvation.

Mustafaa is involved in community activity. He believes that our faith must inspire us to greater service to humanity or we may be making a mockery of the purpose of faith. Contact him @