Friday, May 29, 2009

5 Tips For Handling Conflict

If you live long enough you will experience conflict. The chance that everyone will like us or get along with us is very minimal. Inevitably we will disagree with someone. When this happens, handling the conflict with a level head avoids stress and keeps the chance of the conflict escalating less likely.

Handling conflict does not have to be confrontational in the classic sense. When someone mentions an altercation we think of the showdown at the OK Corral. Coming into the meeting ready to fight is not the best way to handle a conflict.

Conflicts can occur at any time. You could be in a grocery store and the cashier may act rude as they ring up your groceries. We've all had that happen at least once, right? The first reaction is to slam the money on the counter or to snap back at them. In that instant we have taken their problems as our own and created a stressful situation that changes the tone of the rest of our day.

Here are five tips for handling conflict. They work for coworkers, family members, friends, and even strangers. You never know when the proper response to a conflict could save your life or someone else's.

1. Think about the situation. We are quick to respond when someone says what we don't like. Take the time to breathe before responding. In that breath replay the words spoken.

2. Make the hard decision. In many cases, the conflict that arises is not the first of its kind. Harsh or offensive words or deeds could be a recurring theme in the relationship. Decide if this affiliation is worth saving or if it is time to cut the person loose. Leaving the association could result in a lost friendship, a divorce, or changing jobs. Sometimes, for our own sake, these things are better in the long run than staying in a bad relationship.

3. Wait a day. Don't respond right then. Give yourself time to talk over the situation with a trusted friend. Maybe you overreacted. Sometimes, a third party can see something that you missed in the heat of your anger. In these cases, apologize where necessary. If the consensus is that you were wronged, then bring the matter to the attention of the other person with a level head not a hot one.

4. Find a solution. A common conflict, especially among spouses could result from wanting to make a purchase that there isn't enough money for. Instead of brooding, come up with favorable solutions that could get you what you want or need. Get a second job to earn the money.

5. Apologize if you were in the wrong. Just because something is true doesn't mean that it has to be said. Telling someone that they are wearing a dress that is too small for them is not a positive way to help them lose weight. Understand how it could be offensive to them and apologize. Better yet, stop and think before you respond in situations such as these. Put yourself in the other person's shoes before hand. Part of resolving conflicts is realizing our role in it.
Facing confrontational situations is not easy. But, it is not inevitable and sometimes it has to be done. Learning conflict resolution techniques can alleviate the stress of these situations.

Gregg Zban is a General Manager with Coca-Cola Enterprises and has created a website dedicated to better time management in business, with family, at school and more.

To learn more please visit

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Attracting A Mate Into Your Life

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The "Reason" and "Moral" Dimensions of the Human

(If you wish to obtain more benefit from this article, please read firstly our "Correct Understanding the Human" titled article.)

My precious brother,

I had talked about five dimensions of the human existence in my previous article.

"Substance", "Physiological" and "Psychological" dimensions are present also at the animals. But "reason" and "moral" dimensions belong to the human only. I want to emphasize the last two dimensions for the reason that these are the base of the human behaviors.

A human in the reason dimension

The human gets a "character" and "personality" with being taken over the management of the body by mind, in the fourth "reason" dimension. Because, the reason is a mechanism for "thinking", "analyzing and synthesizing", and "deciding". For this reason, this dimension is a dimension that the human behaves according to his self free demands and desires, with his self free volition and with his self free decisions. But, by reason of the fact that the divine education doesn't occur yet, the desires and ambitions of the ego dominate the behaviors of person, in this dimension. That means, person takes the base entirely his own demands and desires, his own volition, when he decides on any subject.

The "good" and "bad" in this dimension

As a result, in this dimension, those being suitable for the desires of the person are "good", but those being adverse to the desires of the person are "bad". For this reason, the person can not be rid of having a double standard. Because, while a thing and a situation is "good" for being suitable for his personal interests; at an other time, the same thing and situation is "bad" for being adverse to his personal interests.

An other characteristic of this dimension is to be fond of money, status and having. In this dimension, for the reason that the person bases on the demands and desires of his ego as main manager of his behaviors, everything satisfying this desires gets a big value in his eye. A big fondness arises in his heart for everything satisfying this demands and desires of his ego. This extreme love and fondness for the things such as money, status and having divinizes these things in their owner's eye. And makes him become merciless and hard-hearted against the other humans.

The boredom of the human in the fourth dimension never finish

The boredom and confusions of the human in this dimension never finish. Because, the human obeying to his ego, in the fourth dimension, consumes all the time of his life by trying to satisfy the interminable demands and desires of his ego. However, the needs of human are endless. The demands and desires emerging in the heart for these needs are also endless. Does it finish the troubles of the human who tries to satisfy his own every whim? For this reason, the main characteristics of this fourth dimension is the boredom, heart unrest, and precipitancy.

One of the most important characteristics of this dimension is haughtiness. Haughtiness means to see himself superior to other humans. This is an inherent result of being egocentric. Because, the ego changes the realities according to self's demands and desires. And it sees excellent itself over everybody and everything.

The human in the fourth dimension doesn't know also a true "love"

The human in this dimension, also, doesn't know a "love" in real meaning. Because, the "love" of him is only for his ego and it's demands and desires. For this reason, he loves everything and everybody satisfying his desires and giving the pleasure himself. But, he becomes instantly distant from everything and everybody giving a little trouble himself. He loves everybody fulfilling any desire of him, he hates everybody who doesn't fulfill his desire.

Therefore, the majority of humans are very "good" as long as you perform his demands. "The good and the bad of humans is understood when you have not fulfill his desires."

Briefly, the man in the fourth dimension is a human who is owner "personality", but egoist, hard-hearted, atrocious, troubled, unrestful and unloving. Although he tries to seem like a good human for the reason the behavior patterns coming from value judgments placed in society, there is always an egoism under these views. There is an artificiality and a spuriousness in these behaviors, always.

Everything changes with "the faith" in the moral dimension

Everything starts to change, when a person has accepted to be subject to the will of his God, believing Him. This instant is an instant that the human has took first step to the maturity. The fifth dimension starts here.

My dear brother,

The fifth "spiritual" or "moral" dimension of the human is a divine education process that its rules are put by God. The name of this education process is the religion. The religion is a mercy and beneficence of God. Unfortunately, only the believers to God and after death take advantage of this mercy and beneficence. This mercy is only for those giving themselves up to God with a contented heart. Most of humans are so engaged in the demands and desires of their ego that they are not fully aware of this mercy and beneficence of their Creator.

The most important reason of the deprivation from the mercy and beneficence of God is, doubtlessly, the arrogance of human. The haughtiness is the most important barricade in front of all the divine benefits. But, the worst of the haughtiness is that being against his God by human. It is such a foolish behavior to be conceited against his God by human, whereas he was created by Him, his all needs are provided by Him, and he is a weak creature who will be dead if he remains breathless a few minutes.

The results of being subject to the volition of God

If the human begins to be subject to the volition of his God by relinquishing his self free volition and his haughtiness, in self heart contentedness and believing Him, he goes into a spiritual ascension and maturation process.

The method of this spiritual ascension and maturation process is to remember always his god, Allah, and to do "riyazet" and "mucahede". "Riyazet" means not to do the things which ego desires (such as forbidden things), "mucahede" means to do the things which ego doesn't desire (such as worships and favors).

As long as this maturation process is completed by doing "riyazet" and "mucahede", the politeness and maturity of the human increases. He begins to be a "human" in a real sense of the word. The endless desires of the ego being present in his heart decreases little by little. The person is rid of his ego and egoism. The fondness for the money, status and havings in his heart finishs. The love of Allah who is the real deity and is owner the mercy and high favour, takes place in his heart, in the place of these fake deities.

If how much a person be sincere in his faith and be desirous in performing the worships for his God, this maturation process is completed so much quickly.

A new personality

When the love of Allah has settled to the heart by disappearing the other loves and passions, everything changes. The person has got an altruistic divine personality now, in place of the previous egoistic personality. I just compare this situation to this that one greedy caterpillar which devours everything becomes one elegant butterfly which carries fragrances from flower to flower. After being completed this maturation process, takes modesty the place of haughtiness, gentleness the place of coarseness, compassion the place of heartlessness, bashfulness the place of shamelessness, beneficence the place of grimness, love the place of hate. This "love" in fifth dimension differs from the "love" in fourth dimension. It is a true "love". It is not like the loves which be showed for wold benefits and then disappears when this benefit finished.

My dear brother,

The most important results being obtained in consequence of this process are those: A strong faith and a heart serenity depending on it. Being in submission. Marifetullah. "Marifetullah" means to know his God by the human. The most valuable knowledge for a human is to know his God, namely "marifetullah". The human has been created for this purpose. The religion is not a somniferous as the socialist mentality supposes. The religion means to be "a true human" by passing through the education of God. If a man doesn't pass through this education, in spite of to be an intelligent creature, he becomes a cruel, fiendish, merciless, shameless, contradictory, tightwad, egoist, unrighteous creature, who always uses his mental activity for viciousness. He sometimes is insomuch cruel that, even any animal doesn't make which he does.

The evilness can not be controlled in the atheist societies

The evilness can not be controlled in the societies being deprived of the religion. The society becomes full to overflowing with the humans who try to crush each other. Therefore, the religion is not a somniferous, but it is a perfection and maturity elixir for the human. There are always serenity and happiness at the societies which sincerely lives the religion. The perturbations and discomforts stalks at the societies which don't live the religion sincerely or they have suspended from the religion.

The human knows his self and his God owing to the religion. He becomes a saintly creature owning the heart serenity, morality and good behaviors, by means of the religion.

The khalif of Allah on the earth

By looking at his behavior, you can easily distinguish such a human who has raised to the fifth dimension by passing through a divine education. Because he always adjudges according to the laws of Allah on every subject, by considering the consent of God every time. He never deviates from justice even it is disadvantageous for himself. He says the good and usefulness when he speaks. He says the true when he says. He never betray when be trusted him for something. He doesn't squander anything. He is true to his word when he gives a promise. He never persecutes anybody. He doesn't despise nobody. He doesn't deem proper anything which he doesn't desire it for himself. A human always feels himself at ease and secure when he came near him. Because he knows that no evil emanates from him.

Briefly, a human in the fifth dimension is a human that he is a symbol of goodness, maturity and perfection, having a divine personality. He is the khalif of his God on the earth. He is a true human.

Be trusted to God.

Dr. Ismail Ulukus is a former phytopathologist and researcher. He has various articles written on plant diseases. In these days, he has begun to write articles on the religion and moral values due to a moral degeneration growing up on all the world.

Dealing With Selfish Thoughts

Finding Something You Don't Like About Yourself - Creating Habits

Finding something you don't like about yourself is usually very easy for most people. Most of the time you don't even have to ask your family or friends because you have heard them complain about the same thing for years. How many times have you heard someone mention, I need to lose weight?

Here's a list of things people don't like about themselves. If you're one of those people that has a hard time finding something wrong with yourself, you could always ask one of your friends for some suggestions. I'm sure they would like that.

1. The need to lose weight. This of course is one of the worst problems with Americans. Most people need to lose weight and let's not forget there are some people that need to gain weight.

2. The need to stop gambling. As more Indian reservations are allowed to build gambling casinos and of course as the Internet gambling gets larger, I've noticed some people with gambling problems.

3. The need to stop drinking alcohol. The abuse of alcohol has been going on for many years. These people have an excuse for why they drink and most of the time it doesn't make sense.

4. The need to stop smoking. This could be one of the most difficult things I've ever seen my friends and family deal with.

5. The need to stop excessive behaviors. For example, gossiping, cruelty, bullying, lying, cheating, stealing, partying etc. You get the idea.

6. Don't forget the dreaded shopaholic. Most shopaholic's seem to have large credit card debt and can't seem to stop this vicious circle of buying and owing money to their creditors.

7. Working long hours or the workaholic. Sometimes this is a necessity but I would suggest that you change your lifestyle if possible. Reevaluate your reasons for working so hard.

8. Religious fundamentalists. People that spend too much time at their place of worship and soon find themselves feeling guilty if they're not doing something spiritual.

9. The need to be on time. This would include people that have problems giving themselves enough time to get ready for work or school.

10. The need to stop doing drugs. I thought by now, approaching my 50s, that drugs would no longer be a problem in the United States, but it is. It's one of the most damaging things people can do to their lives.

There are plenty of things that people would like to stop doing or start doing. If you're a smoker and you seem to shop excessively near the casinos, I would advise you to start with something small and work your way up to the big stuff.

What are you going to change today about your life? Make a list of things that you're not happy with about your life and start making the changes today that you need to create the life you deserve and desire.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a personal development video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.


Simple Words Create Powerful Beliefs - Just How Harmful Can Some Words Be?

Could you imagine someone telling you that if you don't do something, you're going to suffer a horrible punishment and possibly death, because you chose to ignore their message. Can simple words create powerful beliefs, isn't this what some religious doctorines create? Even the media does it, think about it the next time you turn your television on or read the newspaper.

You seem to believe something because someone told you that's how it is and when you go to question them, they simply repeat the simple statement, that's how is. It's hard to imagine a few words, articulated almost perfectly can create an overwhelming emotion in someone.

The Germans used propaganda to create fear with a few of these words. It's not just a few of these words, there's more power behind these words if their repeated often. These words can build up someone's hopes and dreams or tear them apart.

Is there a quote that you're fond of? You probably memorized it and it has some sort of significance or creates a certain feeling when mentioned. Quotes are organized words that create powerful beliefs in some people.

If I mention the words," I have a dream" you probably think of Martin Luther King. These four words meant a lot to people that were struggling for their freedom, not only in America but around the world. These words are a example of powerful words that have created a wonderful feeling.

When these powerful words create fear you know it. If you watch the news, night after night and they keep telling you how bad the economy is, it doesn't take long before you believe it. You tighten up your budget and stop spending money, because you are now fearful and don't want to lose what you have. When everyone starts holding onto their money, the economy actually does become worse over time.

Can simple words create powerful beliefs? Yes obviously they can and they do, so be careful when listening to words that create fear and try not to spread this fear around to others. Fear can be turned into relief if the right words are used, I would suggest using happy words to create a happy world. Have a nice day.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, The Magic of the Believing

Greg is currently working on a self improvement articles filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Motivational Speech Review

Monday, May 25, 2009

Religion Poisons Everything

During the "Does God Exist?" debate between Frank Turek and Christopher Hitchens, Hitchens made much ado about how "religion poisons everything." That's the subtitle of one of his books, in fact. Turek countered in his closing statement by remarking, "religion doesn't poison everything...everything poisons religion."

At the time, I thought "woaaaa, good one!" It had a rhetorical punch to it.

On second thought, though, I can see that the statement's value is limited.

Of course Hitchens' statement goes too far, and Turek's notion of religion being poisoned from the outside brings some balance. However, some religions really are poisonous in and of themselves. Some religions really do teach hate and violence. I'm primarily thinking of Islam here. There is no doubt that some followers of Islam are peaceful people, but the Koran really does incite violence and backwardness. A study of the Koran or a cursory glance at a culture where Islam reigns will tell you that.

I know certain verses in the Koran prescribe peace, yet those verses tend to come from the time when Muhammad lacked military and political power. The surahs "revealed" when Muhammad had power tell a much different tale, however.

There are other examples. One doesn't need to stretch to see the poison of a religion that prescribes sacrificing children to Molech, for instance.

Some religions *are* poisoned from the outside. Take Christianity, for example. Jesus is sublime. His followers-not so much (not that I'm biased.. :) I do think that I've got good reasons to be biased, however!)

But others are poison themselves, and any followers who are peaceful and moral are such not because of their religion, but in spite of it.

Plus, similar to "curing" cancer with a medication that dulls the pain, all religions but one only cure the symptoms of the human problem, not the disease. Only Christianity, with Jesus the true doctor, cures our disease of sin. Therefore, all others are impostors and hence are not intrinsically good.

Rich Bordner authors "The Pugnacious Irishman," a blog on the intersection of spirituality, ethics, and politics in the public square of ideas. He holds a B.A in English and Philosophy from THE Ohio State University (go Bucks!), and is in the process of earning a M.A in Philosophy from Biola University. Check out the blog at

30 Days To Creating Super Habits

Can You Tell the Difference Between Evil Profits and Good Profits?

I was reading through an article the other day about the Wiccan religion and they were very upset about a comment that the Christian website owner had made. I would like you to read the response from the Christians first.

"I was watching a police show on television some time ago, and saw a sting operation in which undercover police officers bought drugs from dealers on the street. Invariably, some of the dealers would ask, "You a cop?" The officer would say "no," and the deal was made. Satan often goes undercover. The Bible tells us that he can even masquerade as an angel of light. Just because a certain religion professes no belief in Satan, does not mean its adherents are not falling for his lies. It just means that they're unaware that they are. You said God would be disgusted by our judgmentalism. God has told us in His Word (The Bible) to watch for false prophets and false apostles. God has told us to contend for the faith. He has told us to evangelize. In other words, God has told us to do just what we are doing."

Here's something I would like you to think about if you consider yourself a Christian, read this very carefully.

"God has told us in his Word the Bible to watch for false prophets and false apostles." I would like you to read this statement a couple of times and see if you agree with it. How can you possibly tell who the false prophets are? Do you think that because you are a Christian and believe in Jesus or God, that you will know the difference between a evil profit and a godly one?

I often write articles and have written quite a few of them about religion and Christianity. Seems to be the one that I know the most about, so it gets the most attention from me. If I was to make a statement like the Bible has contradictions in it, would you consider me an evil profit. Someone working for the Devil. I don't think so, because it doesn't make sense, how could you turn a truth full statement into evil prophesies.

If I was to introduce you to a hundred people, could you tell me by looking at them or talking to them, which ones are evil and which ones are good. Most Christians would probably respond to that with, God knows and that's good enough for me. Everyone else who talks bad about Christianity will be considered evil or searching for the truth. They just haven't found Jesus yet, is that right, is that what you believe.

I found this response to the Wiccan believer to be one that I run into often. It seems unfair to others who aren't Christians and one-sided. Most organized religions have answers for everything, the problem is that some of the times these answers don't make any sense at all. If you're going to follow this part of the Bible word for word, shouldn't you follow all of the Bible word for word.

Leviticus 14:9 On the seventh day he must shave off all his hair; he must shave his head, his beard, his eyebrows and the rest of his hair. He must wash his clothes and bathe himself with water, and he will be clean.

Leviticus 19:27 " 'Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.

This will make Christians easier to spot, a bald head with long beards.

Spiritual Change Education

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a Religion help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Bible Verses That Don

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Spiritual Connection to the Earth

From an oversea's show, spliced to view the message from one elder (Floyd Red Crow Westerman) america has come and is destined to go. .. added the Elders Speak to the title

Life of Jesus

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Low Energy People
Immaculee Ilibagiza

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What If You Couldn't Fail - Read This

What would your life be like, if you knew for a fact that you couldn't fail. When you seen the man or woman of your dreams, would you approach them and asked them out for a date, or would you wait for someone better. If you always wanted to climb Mount Everest, now is your chance.

If I told you, that you won't fail at everything that you do, will this inspire you to try a more things. If you knew that you weren't going to fail at everything, would climbing Mount Everest still be one of your goals. The fear of failure, keeps most people from doing things and often leads to a life of uncompleted dreams. Don't die with your music still in you or let fear control your life.

How many times has fear stopped you from doing something? Maybe you always wanted to be in the limelight, living your life as a movie actor or actress but your friends and family told you that it is impossible and would be a waste of your time. Why do we listen to and gather our inspiration from people that aren't living their dreams. It's never a waste of time to try. Just what you have,... what if you were successful, think about.

We should start listening to people that have attained the life of their dreams. These are the people that will inspire us. These people have failed and succeeded, failure to some people are looked at as lessons, an education that provides them with inspiration to try again, maybe a different way. Success brings financial rewards to some and rewards of a different kind to others.

Don't let failure stand in your way. There is a very good chance that you will fail at some of the things in your life. Look at these as lessons and keep trying. You've probably heard the old saying that Thomas Edison tried 2000 different ways to invent the lightbulb but only needed one to be successful.

Your success could be right around the corner, keep trying, keep educating yourself and never give up, never ever quit.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting habits changing skills.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Queen Mary's Court and Her Battle Over Two Religions - 1500s - Part One

Great King Henry the Eighth is on his deathbed when his daughter the Princess Mary is summoned to court. Catholic Bishops have told her it is to pronounce her Queen that she has been summoned, being the first born of Henry's three legitimate children. Instead the girl is denounced in favour of Edward by her father and runs in terror of a court and a country that has persecuted Catholics since Queen Anne's time. Her life is now in its greatest peril for there are influential men who believe the only way to rid the country of the spectre of possible Popish rule is to rid the country of the only Princess to whom England's Catholics can rally and cause rebellion in her Royal name. She is sent from court into a life of exile, fear and waiting. Many times Edward's Protestant Council will summon her to trial and attempt to force her under threat of imprisonment in the Tower, torture and death if she will not deny her Catholic faith and conform to the religion of the realm, Protestantism.

Katharine Parr, the King's sixth and final wife, outlived Henry the Eighth and is now named Queen Dowager and has permission to marry the love of her life, the Lord High Admiral - Thomas Seymour, brother of the Lord High Protector of England; both are uncles and guardians of the next King of England - the child, Edward the Forth. The Seymour's are the most powerful family in England and untouchable because of their status as Edward's uncles. Princess Mary is in her early twenties and with a pre-teen Princess Elizabeth, they watch their sickly little brother Edward have his coronation and is proclaimed King Edward the Forth of England. Edward was raised in the Protestant religion so he is a Protestant King ruling a Protestant Kingdom but mostly he is a scared child surrounded by commanding and controlling Protestant men of the realm whom he cannot rule over and it's these men who govern in the boys' stead. The ambitious Seymour brothers climb high and incur the hatred of other dominant men in the Kingdom, some of them, Catholics.

Even as Edward grows into adolescence he still has little control over the persuasive men of his Privy Counsel who have grown used to reigning in the teenage Kings' position. Now the counsel goes after the Lady Mary, so named because she is not considered to be the true daughter of the Great Henry and because she is a practicing Catholic in a Protestant country. Thus far, this has been tolerated but the tug of war between Catholics and Protestants is becoming more vicious as every Catholic in England is rallying to Princess Mary. Since they have made her their focus, they have also put her life in great danger, for now the Counsel sees her as a very real threat and would either force her to submit or have her head on Tower Green in the fearsome Tower of London. The Counsel does bring her to court and to trial but she is steadfast and denounces them; they dare not take action against her without the King's express command. Over the next few years she is harried and hounded by these great and powerful Protestants but she remains ever faithful to her late mothers' religion. Edward is a sickly King and she is next in line of succession.

Years pass and the King takes on more affairs of State, his word is the Law of England, then Edward's condition worsens and the unthinkable happens. There is hope for all Catholics and fear for all Protestants in the Country. The Lord High Admiral, Thomas Seymour had planned to abduct the King and marry him to his cousin, the Lady Jane Grey while he himself planned to marry the Lady Elizabeth but before the King dies, this plot is discovered. The King orders Thomas Seymour into the Tower and his dealings will his half sister Elizabeth investigated. So begins the trials Elizabeth must endure and survive if she is to become Queen of the realm. The Lord High Admiral does not repent his actions so both he and his brother, the Lord Protector go to the block and the servants of Lady Elizabeth's household are arrested and taken to the Tower for questioning as to both her and Thomas Seymour's plans to marry. For it is treason for a Princess to marry without the permission of the Counsel and the Lord Protector. Then the King dies and the bastard Mary is Queen or so she thinks. The powerful Dudley family and the Duke of Northumberland have been conspiring and having forced Northumberland's daughter, Lady Jane Grey [cousin to the late King and thereby having a weak claim to the throne] to marry Guilford Dudley, youngest son of the Earl, they have placed her on the throne and named her Queen of England, thus sealing the teenage girl's fate. It took ten days for Mary to rally the country and take back her throne. Upon taking the throne, Princess Mary orders the traitors arrested and lodged in the Tower; while all imprisoned Catholics under Edward's rule are released.

Mary pardons the traitors; she does not wish to start her reign with bloodshed. This proves to be a mistake as the Duke of Northumberland rallies and attempts to retake the throne for his daughter, Queen Jane. When the attempt fails he is caught, imprisoned and executed as is Jane Grey and Guildford Dudley along with Guilford's father. Sir Robert Dudley, son of the executed Lord Dudley, is imprisoned in the Tower for most of Mary's sovereignty. So begins the reign of Queen Mary.

The entire Country rallies and celebrates as her coronation takes place; Mary formally becomes Queen of England and the Spanish Ambassador is the first to become her closest friend. Her Privy Council is made up of good strong Catholics who immediately advise Mary to find a husband. When Mary came to the throne she was in her thirties and although she was not past her child baring years, she was of an age where it was considered dangerous to her health and life to attempt to bare children safely. During her father's reign, King Henry had betrothed her many times at a very young age but after twenty years of marriage to her mother, Queen Catherine of Aragon, produced no living sons Henry divorced her and named Mary bastard; thereafter, no Prince in Europe would have her and she spent all her youth as unwanted, unloved and a burden on a Protestant Country, hence unsuitable for marriage. Even her title as Princess had been denied her. Now, as Queen, she came to the throne old. England was a great prize but it required a Prince to marry the Queen, if England was to be ruled and added to another country's domain. Worse still, the English had a horror of being ruled by a foreign power and Queen Mary's Counsel encouraged her to marry within the realm.

The last time Mary had known love was from her mother and when she fell from her father's favour, Henry cruelly separated mother and daughter in an effort to force the divorce. Queen Catherine died denying her husband's claim that he had divorced her, even after Henry had married Anne Boleyn and made her Queen, Catherine stubbornly proclaimed herself the only Queen of the realm. This greatly angered Henry and he punished them both by denying them the right to see each other. Moving the former Queen from one rundown Castle to another until she frequently fell ill and it wore on her health so much that she died. Mary never recovered from her mother's death and her father's cruelty, nor from the abuse she suffered at the hands of Queen Anne and the Counsel's efforts to force her to deny her Catholic faith. She held true to her mother's memory by resisting all efforts, no matter what the cost, to force her to deny her faith. Her mother had been a devote Catholic and so was Mary. She needed to honour her mother's memory by remaining a Catholic and by marrying a Prince from the country her mother had been born in: Spain.

I am an agent for a Mortgage Company out of Edmonton Alberta that uses a mortgage accelerator to reduce the mortgage payments of my clients. I am a successful investor who has a talent for finding safe, secure and profitable online investments that work. I write completely original articles in my leisure time about my interests and subjects that I believe my readers would be interested in.

Learning From The Masters

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Yoga for Constipation - Home Remedies for Constipation

Yoga is a science. The power of yoga is infinite. Yoga can heal many problems and ailments. There are lots of yoga poses (asana), which help the whole body.

Constipation is a common problem. Everybody in his or her lifetime faces this problem at some point in time. This condition should be treated or else it could lead to many more serious problems. The main problem with constipation is that the stool becomes hard and the person is unable to pass it with ease. Yoga could help a person to overcome constipation. The following asanas have proven to be helpful.

Bhujanghasana: This asana helps in removing constipation, gas and helps in digestion.

Trikonasana: Helps the colon and assists a person to pass stool normally.

Ardha Matsyendrasana: Increases the digestive fire and relieves constipation

Supta Vajrasana: Helps in digestion and relieves constipation

Home remedies for relieving constipation:

Take one glass of milk while going to bed at night, as this helps in passing stool normally in the morning.

Take at least 2 glasses of warm water in the morning and go for a small walk; this would help in relieving constipation.

Taking 2-3 glasses of lemon juice with warm water 2-3 times a day helps lessen constipation.

Taking 1-2 spoons of Aloe gel will relieve you of this condition.

In Ayurveda, triphala churna helps in relieving constipation. It must be taken along with water or milk before going to bed.

In short, do your yoga asanas everyday and relax for a healthy life.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

How Did You Choose Your Religion

Positive Words - The Word 'Good'

The word 'good' has many connotations that touch our lives in endless ways. According to the Canadian Thesaurus the synonyms for 'good' are:

Acceptable, admirable, agreeable, capital, choice, excellent, fine, first class, first-rate, great, pleasant, pleasing, positive, precious, satisfactory, splendid, superior, tiptop, valuable.

The word 'good' and its meanings form the foundation of our personal value systems. In early childhood our parents instill in us the values of what is good and what is bad. We learn what is right and what is wrong. We learn the good values for how to behave, how to act and how to talk in a good way. We also learn at an early age that there are boundaries between good and bad behaviour and that there are consequences when we transgress those boundaries. We learn that there can be punishment as a result of crossing a boundary when we hear the words 'Go to your room!'

The good values instilled in childhood are carried with us throughout our lives and determine our thinking and everything we do. The way we apply our good values determine our success and our influence on the world around us. Our good values are applied to our outlook on life and to our attitude and to how we cultivate good relationships within our families and with people around us. Our good values determine how we set our goals and the extent to which we achieve them. They determine how we care for our mental, spiritual and bodily health. Our good values inspire us to foster goodness and goodwill in our communities.

The word 'good' has very important meanings and implications for success in the workplace. Management defines a good vision for where the business or organization wants to be in the future. They define a mission with good ways to fulfill the vision. They define good goals which employees can help to achieve. They define a value system for the business or the organization to inspire employees to deliver good products and services of a high quality. They foster a good team spirit of cooperation.

A good personal value system in an employee is of great importance to the business or organization. The success of a business or organization depends on employees with good values, such as integrity, dependability, initiative, resilience and cooperation. For employees the workplace provides an opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in a fruitful way for the business or organization and for them to become fulfilled in many good ways.

In the broader context there are also boundaries for good behaviour set by municipal, provincial and national governments. They pass laws that set very specific boundaries between good and bad behaviour to protect the wellbeing of the community. When those laws are transgressed the words 'Go to your room' have changed to punishment in the form of fines or even incarceration. When the rules and regulations of the organization or the business are transgressed the consequences can be demotion, suspension or even firing.

Good values are there for the good of everybody. To abide by your good values do indeed create more good in the world.

Phil Minnaar PhD is a management consultant specializing in management information, business intelligence systems and systems thinking. He has a multi-disciplinary PhD in Computer Science and Information systems, applied to Educational Management.

He has a particular interest in the power of positive thinking and recently published his book, The Positive Dictionary. He went through various dictionaries and selected only words with positive meanings or connotations. For each word he wrote a concise explanation in the form of an action or activity which can be practiced to use that word to become more positive in life. Each word is also explained in the form of a deeper thought or a slogan or a motto, which can be followed in life.

The Positive Dictionary is a practical resource for a positive attitude and success in the workplace.

More information about The Positive Dictionary is available on

Action Plan For Success

Friday, May 15, 2009

Samsung F480 and Sony Ericsson G700

Both the phones Samsung F480 And Sony Ericsson G700 have a common thing. They were launched at the same time and both are mid range high quality phones. In this article I would try to contrast the features of Samsung F480 with Sony G700 so that you can decide yourself which of these new phones will be perfect for your daily usage. Samsung has input some quality aspects in the phone F480 and many people are of the opinion that its an upgraded version of i490.

First we go with the features of Samsung F480. The multimedia phone Samsung F480 has a 5MP camera with video shooting and secondary camera for videocall, media player to play some rare files and other software development makes its a very pleasing phone. It is loaded with so many functions that are quite easy to operate by end users.

This is a touchscreen phone whose screen is quite large, 2.8 inches and supports 256K colors. The dimensions of the phone are 95.9 x 55 x 11.5 mm. The internal memory of the phone is quite good, 228MB and it can record 1000 entries in phonebook as well as keep record of 30 dialed, missed and received calls respectively. Samsung F480 is capable of SMS, MMS, EMS, Email and Instant Messaging. There is a WAP 2.0/xHTML browser which makes internet access full of fun. His phone is also good for game freaks. There is JAVA MIDP to support high end games.

The features of Sony Ericsson G700 are quite impressive and you will really like this mid range phone which has features more or less equivalent to high end models of other brands. The software enhancement, body structure (dimensions), color, and the looks make the phone an adorable piece. The phone is equipped with GPRS but no EDGE. The 3G speed of internet connectivity is 382 Kbps. You have Bluetooth, USB port to connect to other devices and has a platform of Symbian OS, UIQ. Sony Ericsson G700 enables you SMS, MMS, push mail, email, instant messaging and there is WAP 2.0/HTML (Opera), RSS reader. Moreover you have a good camera of 3.15 MP with some brilliant attributes on it. You also have a secondary camera in the G700 model.

Thus main features of the phone are in front of you. Its you choice whether you choose Samsung F480 or Sony G700. Both these phones are almost the same with one or two differences here or there.

Samsung F480 and Free Nokia N96 are the popular Mobile Phone deals and these deals are available on Online Mobile Phone Shop UK

Faith Hill is Search Engine Marketing Consultant for Cheap Mobile Phone Contract UK

Stop Losing Your Car Keys

Welcome to the Mind Revolution: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Living Between the Points

What does it mean to live between the points? What are the points? Are they science and religion? Are they conservative and liberal? Are they men and women? Are they childhood and old age? Are they intellectual and physical? Are they quantum physics and cosmology? Are they Freud and Jung? Are they the sacred and the profane? Are they nature and nurture? Are they light beer and stout?

To live between the points is to understand the nature of the human mindwhere it begins and where it ends. The very structure of time is inherent in the process of thoughtthe ticking away of the clock in the song Time on the Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon is the sound of the mind in movement. See, the mind is a function of the universemuch like Keplers laws of motion which keep planets swinging in elliptical orbits around a common center of gravitational mass.

The paired opposites described in the first paragraph are all addressed in the philosophy of living Between the Points, but more importantly they are surpassed for the ultimate pair of oppositeslife and death.

When I was nineteen years old, I was enrolled as a Pre-Pre Med student meaning that my grades werent good enough to get me in Pre-Med and my patience for analytical science bounced me at about Chemistry 102. But in my study of the many fields of science, I developed a genuine respect for the scientific method and for the science of cosmology in general.

Cosmology is the study of the universe on a grand scale. Quantum physics is a study of the universe on a very small scale. I began studying the nature of the universe at a time when Cosmology and Quantum Physics were merging into a single vision of how the universe physically operates. That vision is still being defined to this day but there was something I learned in a book by Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time, that changed my life forever.

I learned about the nature of quantum singularities in space. Quantum singularities are events in space/time where the structure of the universe completely breaks down and the physics that operate everywhere else no longer function. The structure of the universe is space and time so time itself breaks down in these actual places out in the universe.

Well, what struck me about this was not the existence of singularities in outer space but it was the existence of singularities in inner-space and how they both were related to one another. See, I realized that time breaks down in the mind as wellin the form of memory. I can recall events that happened when I was three down to the sight, smell, texture, and even the emotions of vivid memories.

So, there is a point in outer space where time breaks down and there is a point in inner space where time breaks down. Beyond these points is the great unknowndeath, birth, heaven, hell, whatever words you choose to use to describe itthe fact is that there is no direct human knowledge that can be quantified and proven through the scientific methodology that determined the edge of physical and mental existence.

So what is one to do with this insight? Well, its funny when I look back on these last ten years since I had this epiphany and it is almost as if some unseen hand were guiding me to the answers when I was able to ask the right questions. Im sure it is the same for you if you were to examine it closely.

One day I found myself at a dead end fork in the road. There was no passion in my life. I had no interest in pursuing the college degree in my course of study. I quit school, got a job in a restaurant, and spent my days in the library chasing some kind of meaning for life. I came across a video series title Transformations of Myth through Time by Joseph Campbell. The answers to most of my questions lay within these twelve VHS tapes.

I came to understand that mankind had been dealing with this very same dilemma for thousands of yearsever since the first death was truly felt. One day, an ancient ancestor of man knew a friend, a wife, a child that was up and walking one day and then lay down and grew still, cold, and died. Something was gone that had just been there. It was at this point that the human spirit was born and it was at this point that art, philosophy, science, and even religion were born as well. These are all methodologies of attempting to discern the exact nature of what lies beyond the two points.

I also came to understand the nature of the metaphor. All words are symbols. The symbols T R E E are not great leafy carbon based life forms that take in Carbon Dioxide to produce oxygen. But we read the word TREE and immediately the letters conjure up an image in our minds. The problem with these symbols comes about when they are used to describe something that cannot be defined in terms of time and space, in other words when they are used to describe what is beyond the points.

Let us consider for a moment the supposed great conflict between science and religion.

Contrary to popular scholarly debate, there is no inherent conflict between science and religion. In fact, religion and science both have a warm history of expressing reality and invoking passion in the human mind. Religion is ultimately concerned with spirituality, with touching the center of man and transforming him or her from the crawling animal to the human being who strives to attain the unknowable, who mourns for dead relatives with established rituals and seeks to relieve the suffering of fellow human beings with compassionate acts.

It is the purpose of the institution of science to give humanity a vision of what the Universe actually is from moment to moment. Science as an institution is constantly in flux; there are no ultimate truths, only hypotheses that must be constantly tested.

Religion is a constellation of metaphors aimed at relating what is beyond the points to the human mind and it is the purpose of religion to penetrate the science of the day and allow the ultimate unknowable truth to shine through its metaphors. But this means that religion must also constantly be in flux and open to change.

The problem comes about when religions begin proposing to their constituents that the metaphors they use to describe the unknown are indeed the actual point of worship. This is the point where money becomes king. This is the point where murder becomes communication and when wars over words escalate so intensely that they threaten the existence of every human being on the planet. But this is also the point of ultimate redemption which can only take place in the mind of the individual for there is no such thing as freedom in a group.

Religious institutions are generally not concerned with spiritual breakthrough of the individual to a realization of the unknown but rather these institutions are supremely concerned with the social integration of their followers under specific teachings and morals. And let us not forget that all religious institutions are ultimately concerned with acquiring money and political poweroften at the expense of the very ones they were established to protect and guide toward the sacred light.

The great religious texts that form the foundation of all major religions were composed millennia ago under different scientific laws. The Ancients, with the exception of the Egyptian astronomer Eratosthenes, believed that the Earth was flat. The Ancient Hebrews had never heard of or met the Chinese and if they did, it was never written about. Science changes and so must religious metaphors also change. The truths that all religions offer, however, those common human themes of justice, righteous living, and spiritual emancipation, are anthropic and therefore common to all human beings at all times.

Let us return to our points. So there is a point in outer space where time breaks down and there is a point in inner space where time breaks down; between these points is where the phenomenal world rests. This is the realm of linear motion, of birth and death, of social interaction, scientific investigation, and the worshipping of ideas and dates of historical significance. This is the phenomenal world, broken into pairs of opposites that can be neatly divided and classified under specific categories according to the laws of logic and structure of human existence itself. This is the realm of comparison in which science, religion, and art ultimately guide the human animal to becoming a human being. These institutions accomplish this by guiding the individual to these outer and inner points and ultimately laying the challenge down to go beyond while leaving the temporal and phenomenal world of the individual and collective ego behind.

To live between the points is to live in the realm of death. To understand that no thought or concept can go beyond those two points is the beginning of intelligence and not the intelligence brought about through time and study, but an eternal intelligence that is only present when the mind is quiet--silent. This intelligence is vast, all encompassing and all-powerful. When one has reached this precipice you have come to the realm of the sacred in the heart and mind of man and defining this moment as the boundary between Heaven and the phenomenonal world.

Intelligent human beings, the humble among us, understand that what lies beyond the two points is unknowable to the mind of man which has been composed by knowledge of the in-between. The intelligent understand this limitation, what thought is capable of and what it is not, and put thought aside in areas of life where it is not applicable. The in-between will never relate to what is beyond the points and the true mystic and quiet observer of this fact will come to understand that the two points are really the same pointthe alpha and the omegathe beginning and the end. It is the still point upon which the Buddha sat and struck illumination.

The reference that religious metaphors refer to is the still point and to know the still point is to understand the nature of death in the moment. Once the understanding of the complete cessation of psychological movement is understood, not as a theory but as clearly as one looks up to the night sky and recognizes the Moon, a glorious palace of pure energy rises from the wasteland to replenish what was once a weary spirit. This is the shining city on a hill that is the beacon of liberty for all of mankind to take part in because they are human mortals who share this spinning globe adrift in an elliptical orbit around an average yellow star in one of many long arms of gas and dust that orbit a massive galactic core set adrift in a sea of other galaxies all moping around the greatest point of gravity known to the mind.

But there is only one mind of man and inside the mind of the individual is a point of infinity just as there is in the farthest reaches of space, past the 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang barrier that our senses and our science cannot see beyond. There is an alpha and omega of liberty and it begins in the mind of the individual and ends at the farthest point the mind can stretch toward and conceive. The distance traveled between these two points is that of time and history and we bring this experience into the present moment to create the world we each live in. Each human mind is the totality of the Universe and the Universe itself exists distinctly in the mind of each individual. E Pluribus Unum.

This world is a collective product of all minds active in the present moment, each bringing their own experience to shape reality which ultimately shapes the reality of human society. What would the world be like with ten, twenty, a hundred individuals who were capable of grasping the still point and losing themselves at any moment? The answer is that the entire world would eventually be composed of artists; every politician, auto mechanic, lawyer, check out clerk, writer, singer, actor and painter would be capable of shedding their ego and stepping outside of time to bask in eternity. The sun fire is hot on the sandy beaches outside the river of time. The solar rays of eternity shine deep and warm as the vicissitudes of time evaporate from one's skin and the sand of creative energy hugs and sustains the artistic vision that has inspired mankind to crawl from the muck as slugs to become rulers of this insignificant yet beautiful planet. The energy is eternal; it is the individual who falls into darkness without it. There is only one truth, yet the sages speak of it with many names.


Joshua Minton is a father and husband as well as a writer. He is co-developer, along with his wife, of the Video Scrapbook Diva DVD system ( which teaches mothers and fathers how to take their family films, transfer them to the PC and turn them into fantastic movies that can be shared with family and loved ones.

Josh has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing from Bowling Green State University. He has won several awards for his poetry and fiction, including the BGSU Alumni Book Award and was included in the 1999 edition of Who's Who in College America.

Joshs professional background is in the health insurance industry where he has spent the last two years serving as Executive Business Analyst for the Executive Director of the nation's largest health insurer. He currently serves as President of Family Bliss Enterprise, Inc. ( and is webmaster of where you can view samples of his essays, poetry, fiction and much more.

You can contact Josh at

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lessons for Life: How to be Humble

Lessons for Life: How to be Humble

Our culture says that humility is a virtue.

However, we often fail to apply the concept in our own lives.

Some of us look for aggressiveness in our children. We think that it will help them to succeed in life. It also will make you proud when your son scores a touchdown or makes the All State debate team.

But have you noticed that some of the greatest athletes are humble, that some of the greatest intellects are humble, and that some of the greatest leaders are humble?

What! Your culture doesnt say that humility is a virtue?

Try this if you are Jewish or Christian:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chr. 7:14

Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. Prov. 16: 19

And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled:
Isa. 5: 15

Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 18: 4

And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. Matt. 23: 12

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. James 4: 10

Here is one from the Koran:

Surely (as to) those who believe and do good and humble themselves to their Lord, these are the dwellers of the garden, in it they will abide. The Holy Prophet 11.23

Go to to study what the worlds religions say about humility and being humble.

Here is a Native American tradition:

The Lamenter [who is seeking a vision] cries, for he is humbling himself,
remembering his nothingness in the presence of the Great Spirit.
Native American Religions. Black Elk, Sioux Tradition

Here is a Mormon scripture:

Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers. D&C 112:10

There is something about being a benevolent and humble person that exceeds the expectations of the angry core of our crocodilian being. We have that great urge to survive, to remove or run from threats, to grab food wherever we can find it, to reproduce, to fight when bored, to grovel in our minds.

When we find a humble person eager to share what he or she has, we are surprised and then pleased.

Why do I combine benevolence with humility? Because they go hand-in-hand dont they? A humble person gives his or her soul to God and serves others not expecting any earthly reward.

Here is an opinion that Ive had for many years: The most effective leaders and the best leaders are benevolent. This applies to religious leaders, of course, but it equally applies to business executives.

Does being humble drop your self esteem?

I dont think so. It simply places you in the scheme of things now and in the hereafter. You no longer have to think of yourself being the brightest, cleverest, strongest, best looking person in the world.

If you are rich it will diminish the fact and you will become more benevolent. You will seek wisdom more than riches and you will govern your affairs with dignity and honor.

A humble person can take bad luck much better than a person less humble.

I have noticed over the years that people from poor straights can take a loss better than a more wealthy person or a person of higher social status. They expect bad luck and they can cope with it.

Humility is the beginning of knowledge.

If you say that you know nothing about the fauna of Egypt but would like to know about it, you are on your way to gaining knowledge. You will feed your mind and you will be grateful for that knowledge and you will seek more knowledge.

If you say that you know nothing about a subject and you have no desire to learn more because you are afraid that you might not understand the knowledge you receive, you will be miserable if you dont even try to gain such knowledge. You are suffering from low esteem not humility. A humble person says that one will do the best one can to learn.

A humble person will do what he can to serve others.

A humble person will search for wisdom.

A humble person will be grateful for all he receives.

A humble person will recognize that he knows little but can learn much more.

A humble person will not be aggressive to others.

A humble person will take care of his family and give them support in all that they do.

A humble person will love God and recognize that God will lead him to truth and knowledge.

The End

Humility, humble, religions, world, Bible, Koran, native American, world religions, culture, God, benevolence, benevolent, living, ethics, morals, leadership

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Education Connection

The importance of a well rounded education is extremely important in todays ever changing world. Although you may know exactly what field or business you want to get into, be sure to fully evaluate your situation and scenario. In order to do this I feel it is crucial test the waters, to get your hands dirty with something a bit unfamiliar.

I went to a a liberal arts school in Staten Island, NY and why, might you ask. I went because I had no idea what I wanted to study and furthermore, what I wanted to do, but I did know one thing, if I was going to find out I was going to find out in the most diverse city in the world, NYC. Here is where I got my well rounded education. I took my sciences, histories, mathematics, religions, and economics courses during my time in the class and learned very much from them. However I feel much of my formal education came from the time that I spent out of the classroom. The time learning and understanding how people work, how the city operated, the speed at which it operated, how trucks came in day in and day out to stock the city, all this baffled me and I was curious to learn about it.

Im not downplaying my classroom time, but rather enlightening on the fact that if I had been a complete classroom student, I would not have been able to apply my classroom teachings to the daily trifles of the real world. Education comes in many forms, shapes, and sizes. One must look beyond the classroom for this while at the same time, remembering and keeping fresh what was taught in the classroom. Once this connection is made then, well my friend, you are an educated individual!

liberal arts

Thought Vibration by William Walker Atkinson - Book Review

Written in 1906, Thought Vibration by William Walker Atkinson, is as current and relevant today as it was a century ago. Atkinson, a somewhat forgotten New Thought pioneer, was also an attorney, merchant, publisher, editor and author of more than 100 books, many under pseudonyms.

Without being preachy, Atkinson explores the ideas of increasing willpower, mastering the real self, living fully, ridding the mind of negative thought, training habits, harnessing emotions, and developing new brain power. His older writing style is still lively and surprisingly refreshing 100 years later.

I love Atkinson's "in your face" attitude about will power. (If you don't have any, you're mentally lazy!) And his thoughts on what he calls "asserting the life-force" or really living and experiencing each moment of every day, call us to stop doing things half-hearted. Take an interest, man!

Atkinson spends a lot of time discussing fear and how it affects our attitudes and, eventually, our ability to succeed. Fear, he says, is an expectancy of the feared thing. To banish fear, start to do some of the things you could do if you were not afraid to try. Assert courage and, eventually, the fear will recede.

Atkinson leaves us with some thoughts on our views of successful people. We imagine successful people to be superior. And if we ever get the chance to meet someone we deem as superior, many times we are disappointed to find that they are the same as ourselves! The difference, Atkinson asserts, is the successful person's belief in themselves and their ability to concentrate. Resist the urge to undervalue ourselves and overvalue others.

Amazing how the world around us is so different yet the human element remains the same!

Annette Greco is co-owner of a successful home remodeling business, author of The Kitchen Remodeling Cookbook: The Survival Guide to Cooking When Your Kitchen Can't and co-founder of On The Level Consulting. The remodeling business requires a successful combination of sales, marketing, administration and production. It is even more important for the small remodeling company to execute all areas well and in the right combination. Find out how to maximize profits while minimizing time and stress. Sign up for On The Level Consulting's FREE online newsletter to find out how. Visit

Sunday, May 3, 2009

You Can Do It If You Want Video

Get off your butt and start your life in motion today.

Question Your Religion

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a motivation help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Finding Something You Don

What's Jesus's Real Name - Christian Thought

I've been studying Christianity for over 30 years now and would really like to know what his real name actually is. What was Jesus's real name? In the new International Version Bible it states.

This is from the book Matthew in the New Testament.

22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 23 "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" which means, "God with us."

24When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. 25 But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.

Jesus has always made sense to me, because I was raised speaking the English language. It wasn't until I was in my teens that I first heard some one tell me about Yahweh and that's pronounced (YAH-WAY) . Now I had a hard enough time, the first time I seen Jesus's name on one of the payroll sheets at work. I couldn't believe my eyes, Jesus was working with us, and I wanted to meet him. Lots of luck, come to find out he was a very busy person.

Later on I found out that Jesus is a popular Spanish name and is pronounced (hey zoos), and that's who was working with me. Now again this isn't the only name for Jesus. How about: God, Lord, Word, Messiah, Alpha and Omega, Redeemer, Savior, Lamb of God, Light of the World, Ruler of Creation, Immanuel , King of the Jews and Rabbi.

Another program I watched, said that Jesus's name was Joshua and was pronounced Yeho-shua . I guess Yeho-shua is the closest I have came to his actual Christian name that might have been given by his mother Mary and father Joseph. Oh wait a minute, there weren't Christians back then so this would have been his actual Jewish name.

Well that's the best I could do, good luck on your search for Jesus's real name. Have fun.

What Happened to the Wise Men's Gifts

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site: Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Experiment With Your Waitress

Friday, May 1, 2009

Why Is Faith Important - Zig Ziglar Video

Zig Ziglar explains how come your faith is so important. Listen to one of the best motivational speakers in the world explain his belief in Christianity.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Walpola Rahula
Make A Live Out Of Your Life

Five Positive Attitude Tips Guaranteed to Boost Your Mood!

Need some positive attitude tips to help you get back on the right track? These tips are guaranteed to reframe what's important to you and make you feel good about yourself. Practice using them and you'll find yourself with a great habit that just might change your life...for good!

Positive Attitude Tip #1--Affirmations

Put relevant affirmations in strategic places you'll see throughout your day (computer screen, bathroom mirror, steering wheel, fridge). Often it takes a bit of time to allow affirmations to be absorbed-that's OK. Most of us have pretty tough walls up in some areas and have a hard time opening the gate for such strong and positive statements aimed at ourselves. With practice, affirmation statements can be a one of the cheapest, easiest, and most effective ways to boost your attitude and self concept!

Positive Attitude Tip #2--Pre-Meditated Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness are wonderful-but sometimes we need to plan our generosity so we can ensure it doesn't get overlooked on a busy day. And doing for others is one of the best ways to improve your immediate attitude and your overall mindset. So plan to be a bighearted driver (allowing others to merge), a considerate co-worker (sending a quick email of appreciation), or a thoughtful citizen (pay for the coffee of the person behind you at Starbucks). I guarantee that planning your acts of kindness, no matter how small, will give you a boost like nothing else!

Positive Attitude Tip #3--Special Indulgence

Do something special for yourself. A fancy coffee drink, a lunch-hour walk, a snuggly movie with the kids, window shopping through your favorite stores-something that's a little special and a little out of the ordinary. The change of pace and the sense that you're getting a little something extra will send the endorphins your way.

Positive Attitude Tip #4--Appreciate your Bounty

Identify something you really appreciate-your loyal spouse, a steady job, a healthy family, a good education, thoughtful friends, a winning sports team, upcoming vacation days, food in the fridge, a clean living room, winning a raffle-write it down and display it. It's easy to forget how many wonderful things we have in our lives so take time to name and appreciate your blessings and feel positively thankful.

Positive Attitude Tip #5--Recognize and Reflect on Your Strengths

You've got some amazing qualities that probably get lost in the shuffle sometimes. Think about the traits you embody that have gotten you this far. The traits that have helped you through challenges. The traits that your family appreciates. The traits that make you successful. The traits that you, and others, love and like. Give yourself credit for the positive characteristics that make you a unique and radiant woman and celebrate them!!

Corinna Bowers is a life coach who coaches overwhelmed women to feel more confident, connected, and accomplished. Learn more at Want to actually follow through on your goals this year? Join Corinna's amazing women's self-help group to focus on taking care of you--learn more here Strong Foundation for a New Direction.