Friday, July 31, 2009

Jesus Did Outline the Revelation

The Book of Revelation (or Revelation of Jesus Christ) is arguably the most complete future installment of God ever beheld by a man and subsequently addressed to the Church.

In this article, we will look at Chapter one, verse nineteen, and consider the instructions given by Jesus that virtually outlines the prophetic book.

It all began Sunday morning, 95 AD, somewhere on the small island in the Aegean Sea called Patmos. The Apostle John-having been banished to Patmos by Rome for his testimony of Jesus Christ-was in some remote corner of that island worshiping God. Then, as he knelt in prayer, he was confronted by Jesus Christ and instructed to record this Vision.

"Write the things which you have seen," Jesus told him, "and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this" (v. 19).

An earlier verse makes God's purpose clear: "the time is near" (v. 3). God wants us to know the prophecy because Jesus has completed the work of redemption on the cross, in turn starting the count down for what some refer to as "the sequel to the Cross", when Christ returns to gather His elect, vanquish His enemies, and redeem the planet.

Okay, now let's look at verse nineteen and see why it's the "key" to understanding the prophecy. Notice that John is instructed to write Revelation in three sections.

  1. "Write the things which you have seen"
  2. "Write the things which are"
  3. "Write the things which will take place after this."

The phrase "the things which you have seen" is clearly in the past tense. John was instructed to write what he already witnessed. This concerns that which John had seen as he beheld Christ. Thus corresponding with John's eyewitness account of the risen and glorified Son of God as contained here in Chapter one.

The phrase "the things which are" is in the present tense. This concerns that which existed during the time of John, which is the Church. And as we will see, the next two chapters, Chapters two and three, surround the Church exclusively.

The phrase "the things which will take place after this" is in the future tense. This concerns the yet-future events shown to John beginning in Chapter four where he is taken in the "Spirit" to heaven and subsequently shown the future.

Study and contemplate this verse and consider these three parts. You'll discover that Revelation becomes more straightforward and your study of this great prophecy less chaotic.

About the Author

James Kobzeff has been a born again Christian and prophecy enthusiast for the past fifty years. He owes his biblical training to teachers such as Chuck Smith, Chuck Missler, J. Vernon McGee, and a host of biblical commentators. He maintains a blog titled Learn the Revelation simply to teach the Revelation. Why not start your study at =>

Thursday, July 30, 2009

"666" Whats Up

666! Quote;So, 666 is the culmination or
best/worst effort of the three primary areas of humanity and will
initiate the "worst times the earth has ever seen or will ever see
again"=Total Deception. Unquote.

This was a nice effort on your part to try to Identify the meaning of 666, but this is not what the Bible states is the meaning or purpose. Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

This is indicating that the number is not a conglomeration of mankind's faults or attributes, but of a charismatic man, of uncommon speaking ability, that will turn the world to him, one way or another. Here we see A religion or copy of a religion, brokered by the Beast (Anti-Christ.) that will seduce many, this will be his trade mark. To be anti-Christ is to denigh the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, for all three are one. Mankind's faults or attributes, are all based on one thing and one thing only, Sin. So the, so called, three primary areas of humanity have no connection to the identity of the Anti-Christ but will only add to his power.

The number 666 is an attribute of the Anti-Christ. This is his way of controlling all religions, until he can eliminate all but his. His religion may be a form of Christianity and Judaism combined together to deceive the very elect of God.

Could Mohammedanism or another form of Judaism be the religion that takes over the world, or could a man of peace call for a combination of the three major religions to bring about peace. We see that Mohammedanism (aka; Islam.)is the major religion in the middle east, this being a major player in the instability of the region.

The number, 666, could be a numerical value of an Islamic Individual with Jewish ties of the past, making Him acceptable to both the Islamic world and the Jews. This man must be able to broker a pact between the Jews and the Islamic factions.

Islam will never give up Jerusalem nor the Dome of the Rock, where the Third Temple must be built, The site of the Temple of Solomon.

The Anti-Christ and His number,666, must be an individual and not just human attributes, for Israel is looking for a Messiah, this must be fulfilled according to prophecy. There fore the Anti-Christ being a man will give good reason to the Muslims, why Israel should be given this area to rebuild their temple.

Is there proof of this in Scripture? Yes, We see this in the statement of Luke 18:7; And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? For the Apostle Paul stated that we are Jews inwardly, so we become the elect of God by adoption thru Christ and into the House of Israel thru belief, Gods Chosen.

Continuing with Mark 13:19-20;

For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be.
And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.

ELECT', n. One chosen or set apart; applied to Christ.
Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth. Isa 42.

1. Chosen or designated by God to salvation; predestinated to
glory as the end, and to sanctification as the means; usually with a
plural signification, the elect.

Shall not God avenge his own elect? Luke 18.

If it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Mat 24.

He shall send his angels--and they shall gather his elect from the four winds. Mat 24.

2.Chosen; selected; set apart as a peculiar church and people; applied to the Israelites. Isa 45. Dan 8:12 And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.

Dan 8:13 Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the
transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?

Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

Lengerke; According to this, the meaning is, that the host, or the Jewish people, were given to him at the same time, or in connection with the daily sacrifice. The conquest over the people, and the command respecting the daily sacrifice, were simultaneous. Both passed into his hands, and he exercised jurisdiction over them both.

Where Jesus is righteousness, Love and Compassion, the Anti-Christ will be Hate, Control and destruction, especially of his enemies and Jews.

Rev 17:10-11; And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. Perdition here meaning the like character and destiny of the individual and his religion.

The number, 666, is a sign or banner of Control and conquest, signifying the power of the anti-Christ. This number will be forced on many, it will not be a computer chip or anything else that is not visible. The mark will be such as can be seen by the eye and be recognized as a property mark showing ownership of that person by the anti-Christ.

Barnes states of the number; The plain meaning is, that the number 666 would be so connected with his name, or with what would properly designate him, that it could be determined who was meant by finding that number in his name or in his proper designation.

Rev 13:16-17; And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Be not deceived by people setting dates, times, or years, the end will not come until all prophecy is fulfilled and no man knows the day nor hour and neither can man figure it out. ars Mar 13:20 -
for: Isa_1:9, Isa_6:13, Isa_65:8, Isa_65:9; Zec_13:8, Zec_13:9; Mat_24:22; Rom_11:5-7, Rom_11:23, Rom_11:24, Rom_11:28-32

Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries A.R.Smith Ministries

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Sweet Love of Caffeine

It is generally believed that approximately 90% of adults living in North America consume caffeine on a daily basis. That being said, there are many different ways to consume this highly addictive stimulant. You could get your caffeine through tea, energy drinks or the most popular coffee. You can even get a small amount of caffeine simply by eating some chocolate as well. When it comes to those who are addicted to caffeine, they can't seem to get enough of that yummy cup of joe and praise the many coffee distributors. Caffeine seems to have an effect on all of our lives in some form or another.

Caffeine is highly addictive. Nobody knows this better than someone who has tried and failed or tried and succeeded for that matter, in quitting their coffee. For someone who merely drank one cup of coffee each morning for several years, giving up that morning cup of coffee might be harder than they think. Although they may not realize it, they are hooked on that morning energy rush. The first morning that they give up those wholesale coffee beans might not actually be too bad. It is the next day that is the killer. There is nothing quite like the headaches that go along with caffeine withdrawal. This can make any person crabby and extremely irritable. A good piece of advice if you are trying to quit caffeine is to not go cold turkey. Try brewing weaker and weaker coffee until it no longer tastes good to you. Or you could also try alternating between the days that you drink the coffee and slowly adding more days in between. Then there are some of those people who can simply quit drinking their morning cup of coffee and never feel a difference. You just won't' know which type of reaction you will have unless you give it a try.

For those of us who simply can't or won't give up our daily caffeine kick, there are many fabulous ways to enjoy it. There is nothing better than those wholesale coffee products brewed up nice and hot by our local barista on a cold day. If it is rather warm outside, you could even choose to have your coffee poured over ice for a nice refreshing blast of cold caffeine. If tea is more your thing, you can choose from many different flavors for your pick me up. You can even have your tea poured over ice and mixed with some refreshing lemonade. Whatever your daily routine is, enjoy your little indulgence. Think of it as your own little slice of heaven on Earth!

If you are looking for a fresh selection of wholesale coffee products, be sure to click on Intelligentsia Coffee today. They have a wide variety of wholesale coffee beans to choose from. Intelligentsia Coffee is a great resource when it comes to looking for some coffee distributors as well. Your guide to great coffee is just a click away!

Are Your Prayers Being Answered

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Clearing Blockages to Increase the Flow of Money into Your Life

Money is probably the most challenging thing for many people to manifest. It can also be easiest. Just look at those who have millions or billions of dollars. It doesnt matter what the economy is doing, there will still be a great many people with an abundance of money. What are they doing differently? Are they just lucky?

When we understand that money is energy, only then can we began to focus on how to direct that energy flow into our lives. It all starts with each of us individually. How is your energy flowing today?

One way to get our personal energy flowing is to first look at our health. What are we putting into our bodies? Ive learned that some of the biggest zappers of energy are things such as sugar, white flour, white rice, processed foods, soft drinks (diet ones too), drugs, smoking, alcohol, just to name a few. And please stay away from artificial sweeteners such as aspartame which is in that blue sweetener packet. This poison will block ones energy in many ways. For details, visit Dr. Janet Hulls website at:

Eliminating these items from our diets and replacing them with nutritious foods, especially live foods such as raw, fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, and lots of pure water will not only bring us good health but will greatly enhance the energy flow in our bodies.

When setting out to achieve anything, the energy of it must first come through us. That is why it's so important to clear the way, so to speak, so energy flows freely. If we have blocks in this flow, these manifest outwardly into our lives, in various forms. Poor health as well as a shortage of cash flow are possible results.

The next step is to look around at our immediate environment. Energy flows constantly, everywhere. The trick is directing this energy so it becomes most beneficial to our lives. If we have clutter in our homes or offices, we have blockages to energy.

One excellent way to learn how to easily clear these blockages and enhance every aspect of our lives, including money and prosperity, is to learn the ancient Chinese science of feng shui (pronounced fung shway). Feng shui literally means wind and water and its is fun and easy to learn. I began to successfully use this science in my home about 12 years ago and Im still amazed at how efficiently and quickly it works! Although this science is still somewhat new to the western world, I feel one day it will be common knowledge and we will all know how to enhance our lives with this science, including wealth and prosperity. Ive learned that most of the rich and famous worldwide use feng shui for their homes and businesses.

One very comprehensive source of information about feng shui is the national best-selling book, Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life: How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect and Happiness by Karen Rauch Carter, professional feng shui consultant and licensed landscape architect. I interviewed her on my radio talk show and I love her great sense of humor in her approach to feng shui. Karens website is at: where you will find numerous articles, tips and information about this art.

More recently, I had the pleasure of meeting Master Kwai Lan Chan, who has years of experience in the art of Imperial Feng Shui. She was trained and educated as a financial auditor and has a strong financial and business background to help her clients become prosperous with the energy of feng shui. A wealth of information about Imperial Feng Shui can be found on her website at:

There are many more ways we can direct energy in our lives these are only two methods we can use to clear any possible blockages to this flow. Once we have energy flowing positively in our bodies and homes, we will definitely begin to see the results in our lives, not only with our health and other areas of our lives but with an increased cash flow.

So I repeat, how is your energy flowing today?

Chyrene Pendleton, Metaphysician, Numerologist, Dowser, teaches several workshops on topics including prosperity and abundance, numerology and dowsing. Her articles have been featured in many mainstream and spiritual journals over the years and in her free, online Ezine called, The Isle of Light.

Chyrene is the owner of The Isle of Light Inc., a spiritual, metaphysical online spiritual center dedicated to assisting all to become more empowered and enlightened in a wide variety of ways. She is a certified television show producer and co-produced and hosted The Isle of Light television talk show in Denver, Colorado, which continues to air biweekly. Chyrene is also the producer and host of The Isle of Light Internet radio talk show which airs 24 hours each day at Live365.

Chyrene Pendletons websites can be found at:

The Isle Of Light

Internet Radio Talk Show

The Isle of Light Blog

Spiritual Dictionary

Monday, July 27, 2009

How to Select and Prepare Shrimp

Among the many varieties of seafood, shrimp ranks as one of
America's most favorite. Even people who dislike fish seem
to enjoy shrimp and there is an endless number of ways in
which shrimp may be prepared. The dense white meat of shrimp
has a fresh, mild flavor that combines well with many
ingredients. Shrimp is great for dieters as they are very
low in fat and calories; however, they contain a greater
level of cholesterol than most seafood so that must be taken
into consideration if anyone has been advised by their
physician to limit their cholesterol intake.

Of the numerous species of shrimp sold worldwide, saltwater
shrimp are generally designated as 'cold water' or 'warm
water' species. Cold water shrimp are caught in the North
Atlantic and northern Pacific waters while warm water shrimp
are caught in tropical waters. The majority of warm water
shrimp available in the United States are harvested from the
waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic. These
shrimp are generally classified by the color of the shells
(i.e., pink, brown and white shrimp). The differences in
appearance and flavor are difficult to distinguish but it is
thought that the Gulf white shrimp (although the most
expensive) are the most desirable.

Shrimp come in a wide range of sizes; naturally, the larger
the shrimp, the higher the price. Size classifications range
from Tiny (150 to 180 shrimp per pound) to Colossal (10
shrimp or less per pound). Although larger shrimp may cost
more per pound and be easier to prepare (because you will
have less of them), they don't necessarily taste any better
than the smaller ones.


Shrimp are not inexpensive, so you will want to be certain
that the shrimp you buy are the best quality. Follow the
guidelines below when purchasing and storing shrimp:

When buying shrimp:

Purchase frozen shrimp with their shells on if possible.
Most all shrimp are frozen as soon as they're processed, and
the longer they stay frozen, the fresher they'll be.

Look for shrimp with firm white meat and a full shell. Avoid
frozen shrimp that has already been peeled and deveined, as
the shrimp will be less protected against freezer burn
without its shell.

Do not buy shrimp with black spots or rings (unless it's
black tiger shrimp) as this indicates the meat is starting
to break down. Also avoid pink meat.

Make sure the shell is not yellow - this indicates that the
shrimp has been bleached.

Avoid shrimp that smells of anything other than salt water.
It should have a clean smell with no trace of ammonia or

Be cautious of labels such as large or jumbo, as there
are no firm guidelines for such terms. For each shrimp
variety (size), the market or grocery should display the
number of shrimp that make up a pound - use this as a
guideline instead.

Cooked shrimp should be purchased the same day they were
cooked. If cooked in the shell, shrimp should be
pinkish-orange with opaque rather than translucent flesh.
Avoid fresh-cooked seafood that is displayed alongside raw
fish or shellfish, as bacteria can migrate from the raw meat
to the cooked.

When storing shrimp:

Uncooked shrimp should be stored like fish and used the same day they are purchased.

When buying frozen shrimp, make sure they are still solidly
frozen when they reach the home freezer.

Cook raw shrimp before freezing...since 'fresh' shrimp are
most often previously frozen and then thawed at the market.

Cooked, shelled, and deveined shrimp may be frozen in
airtight packaging. Most types of raw or cooked shrimp can
be safely kept frozen for up to two months at a temperature.

Always thaw frozen shellfish in the refrigerator rather than at room temperature.


It is much easier to eat shrimp that have been shelled prior
to cooking, but the shells do add flavor to the dish. Of
course, shrimp may be purchased that have already been
shelled, deveined and are ready to be cooked, but this makes
the shrimp far more expensive. Shrimp will cost less if you
buy them in the shell and learn to shell and devein them
yourself. Once you know how, it's really not difficult.

How to shell shrimp:

To remove the shell from uncooked shrimp, use a small sharp
knife to make a shallow cut down the back (outer curved
side) of each shrimp. Use your fingers to pull off the shell
and legs, leaving the tail portion attached to the meat.

How to devein shrimp:

The black "vein" that runs along the back of the shrimp is
actually its digestive tract. It isn't necessary to remove
the vein, but the shrimp certainly look better and some say
they taste better when deveined. You can devein shrimp while
leaving the shell on (the shell adds flavor and can protect
the meat if you're grilling the shrimp.)

To make it easier to access the vein of unshelled shrimp,
cut down the back (outer curved side) of the shell with a
knife or kitchen scissors. Use a small pick ('shrimp pick'),
a skewer or your fingers to find the vein, and pull it out.
Pull out as much of the vein as possible (working under cold
running water will help free the vein). Repeat in several
other areas until the vein has been fully removed.

How to butterfly shrimp:

Many recipes will call for 'butterfly' shrimp. The raw
shelled shrimp are split and flatten to give them a pretty
appearance or aid in preparation, such as battering and

First shell the shrimp leaving the tail attached. Next
insert a knife or kitchen shears about 3/4 of the way into
the shrimp at the head region. Cut almost all the way
through the flesh, down the center of the shrimp's back and
to the tail. Use your hands to open the flesh of the shrimp
until it lies flat. Remove the vein with your fingers or the
tip of a knife. Hold the shrimp under cold running water to
rinse thoroughly.

Methods of cooking shrimp:

When cooking shrimp, it is important to heat them
sufficiently to destroy harmful organisms, but not so long
that the flesh becomes tough and looses flavor. This can
happen with only seconds of overcooking. Cooking must be
closely monitored and times will vary depending on size.
Shrimp will undergo a characteristic change when cooked that
indicates doneness. The flesh of adequately cooked shrimp
will turn opaque and the color will change from a
grayish-green to pink or orange.

BAKED: Peeled shrimp turn out moist when baked in foil
packets. To bake in foil, place the shrimp on a large square
of heavy-duty foil and add lemon slices and butter (herbs
and spices may also be added, if desired). Fold the foil
over the shrimp and seal by crimping the edges together.
Bake in an oven that has been preheated to 375F until just
done (approximately 5 minutes).

BOILED: Shelled or unshelled shrimp that are cooked ahead to be served cold or used in a recipe are usually boiled. Add raw shrimp to water that has been brought to a rolling boil. For extra flavor, add a few lemon wedges and crab-boil to
the water. Avoid overcooking or the shrimp will toughen and
loose flavor. Medium shrimp (2 to 3 inches long) take only
about 2 minutes to cook; larger shrimp take 3 to 5 minutes.

BROILED or GRILLED: Shrimp, in or out of the shell, can be grilled on skewers or broiled in the oven; however, leaving
the shells on will protect the delicate meat as it cooks and
add flavor. A marinade or baste will keep the shrimp moist
as it cooks.

MICROWAVED: This is a quick method for cooking shrimp. Place shrimp (preferably unshelled) around the edge of a
microwave-safe casserole dish with the tails pointing toward
the center. Drizzle with lemon juice and cook on high for 2
to 3 minutes. Be careful not to overcook.

POACHED: This cooking method works well for shrimp in or out of the shell. Poach shrimp in a mixture of water and lemon
juice or wine. Flavor the poaching liquid with herbs, if
desired. To poach 2 pounds of shrimp, bring 2 quarts of
liquid to a gentle simmer, add the shrimp and bring to a
boil. Once the liquid boils, cook shrimp for 60 seconds,
then remove immediately.

SAUTEED: This method for cooking shrimp traditionally
requires quite a bit of butter or oil, both for flavor and
to keep the shrimp from sticking to the pan. Remove the
shrimp from the pan promptly when done, or they will
continue cooking (and may overcook) from the pan's heat

STEAMED: Steaming shrimp provides a gentle, fat-free and
flavorful method of cooking. Steam unshelled shrimp in a
collapsible steamer or steaming rack over boiling water.
Seasonings may be added to the water in the steamer for
additional flavoring. Cook just until the shell on the back
of the shrimp lifts away from the meat.

STIR-FRIED: Stir-frying is a quick-cooking method that is well suited for preparing shrimp. Cook and remove the peeled
shrimp from the wok as soon as they are done then stir-fry
the remaining ingredients in the dish. Return the shrimp to
the cooked ingredients in the pan to briefly reheat
immediately prior to serving.

According to Bubba and Forrest Gump...

Shrimp is perhaps the most versatile shellfish on the
market. The number of ingredients shrimp compliment is
limitless as it adapts well to both spicy and plain recipes.
Not only does shrimp make an excellent gumbo, it can also turn
a plain pasta and sauce recipe into an elegant dish.

Although the ingredients may vary, there are only a few
basic methods of preparing shrimp. Once you know how to
select good shrimp and have a basic knowledge of how to
prepare them, you will find endless ways to enjoy this
delicate, succulent tasting crustacean.

Copyright 2005 Janice Faulk Duplantis

About the Author: Janice Faulk Duplantis, author and publisher, currently maintains a web site that focuses on Easy Gourmet and French/Cajun Cuisine. Visit to see all that Bedrock Press has to offer. Janice also publishes 4 free monthly ezines: Gourmet Bytes, Lagniappe Recipe, Favorite Recipes and Cooking 101. Visit to subscribe.

Are Christians Really Interested

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why do Muslims and Islam Honor Jesus and Mary

Many do not know that Muslims honor Jesus and Mary as part of their religious beliefs. The following highlights some of the facts regarding Muslims beliefs about Jesus and Mary.

* Muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet. They believe that God (Allah) sent many prophets to mankind and Jesus was one of them

* As the Muslim religions foundation is to believe in one God and not to associate anyone with God and His powers and attributes, Jesus was only a human being that was raised by God and will return him to this earth in this life. Jesus will then die as a regular human being.

* Muslims believe that Bible was revealed on Prophet Jesus. However, with time, as that book was changed, God (Allah) revealed His last book, the Quran on the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad.

* Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years

* Muslims believe in Mary as the Virgin mother of Prophet Jesus

* There is an entire chapter in the Quran that explains in detail the birth of Jesus, his family, etc. The chapter is called Chapter of Mary

* Muslims believe that Jesus although was put on the cross was never crucified. Instead, he was raised to the heavens by God (Allah) and another person instead was crucified in his place. These teachings and the fully story are narrated in the Quran.

* Muslims also believe that Jesus will come back to earth, unit the Christians and the Muslims and will kill the anti-Christ.

* The Quran teaches Muslims that Jesus though was a normal human being but had special powers from God (Allah) including raising the dead and curing diseases.

Waseem works for, an Islamic and Middle Eastern Portal Website.

50 Prosperity Classics

Can It Actually Prove That God Does Exist

Chris Hedges
Joan Konner

Hinduism, Buddhism and the Devil

No sect of Hinduism personifies the powers of evil in one figure corresponding to Satan, or the Ahriman of Persia. In proportion as a nation thinks pantheistically it is disinclined to regard the world as being mainly a contest between good and evil. It is true there are innumerable demons and innumerable good spirits who withstand them. But just as there is no finality in the exploits of Rma and Krishna, so Rvana and other monsters do not attain to the dignity of the Devil. In a sense the destructive forces are evil, but when they destroy the world at the end of a Kalpa the result is not the triumph of evil. It is simply winter after autumn, leading to spring and another summer.

Buddhism having a stronger ethical bias than Hinduism was more conscious of the existence of a Tempter, or a power that makes men sin. This power is personified, but somewhat indistinctly, as Mra, originally and etymologically a god of death. He is commonly called Mra the Evil One, which corresponds to the Mrityuh ppm of the Vedas, but as a personality he seems to have developed entirely within the Buddhist circle and to be unknown to general Indian mythology.

In the thought of the Pitakas the connection between death and desire is clear. The great evils and great characteristics of the world are that everything in it decays and dies and that existence depends on desire. Therefore the ruler of the world may be represented as the god of desire and death. Buddha and his saints struggle with evil and overcome it by overcoming desire and this triumphant struggle is regarded as a duel with Mra, who is driven off and defeated.

Even in his most mythological aspects, Mra is not a deity of Hell. He presides over desire and temptation, not over judgment and punishment. This is the function of Yama, the god of the dead, and one of the Brahmanic deities who have migrated to the Far East. He has been adopted by Buddhism, though no explanation is given of his status. But he is introduced as a vague but effective figure-and yet hardly more than a metaphor-whenever it is desired to personify the inflexible powers that summon the living to the other world and there make them undergo, with awful accuracy, the retribution due for their deeds.

In a remarkable passage called Death's Messengers, it is related that when a sinner dies he is led before King Yama who asks him if he never saw the three messengers of the gods sent as warnings to mortals, namely an old man, a sick man and a corpse. The sinner under judgment admits that he saw but did not reflect and Yama sentences him to punishment, until suffering commensurate to his sins has been inflicted.

To learn more about Buddhist teachings and beliefs, you might be interested in my FREE E-EBOOK "Buddhism for the Non-Buddhist Layman"

You will also find many free articles about Buddhist teachings, beliefs and practices in my site:

Gregg Braden

Saturday, July 25, 2009

What Are the Fundamentals in Christianity

Philip Harris
Jonathan Manske

Hoping to Enter Heaven - Religious Views Based on Hope

I was told by an advertising executive one day that all of your advertisements need to deliver some sort of hope for the people you're trying to persuade into buying your products. Funny, if you think about it, I got some and great advice about life from someone in the advertisement business.

Most people are looking for hope, in everything they do. Most of our daily activities revolve around hope and this gives our lives some sort of direction. If you believe in an almighty being and creator of the universe, often you will try to please him, ....or her, ....or it, in hopes of entering the kingdom of heaven or the promised land after you die.

Often our fears will increase our levels of hoping, the fear of doing something against your religion can often inspire you to become a more spiritual person, a good and moral person. Fear of making the wrong choices will inspire us to make better, moral choices, all for the sake of acquiring a ticket to Heaven or Nirvana. You're hoping, your good deeds on earth will earn you a place in heaven.

Most people are afraid of dying and leaving this world, for good. They don't know where they're going and that seems to scare most people. If we can offer someone a little hope, that they are going to a much better place than here, we can often ease the pain and suffering associated with death. I have to admit, most religions of the world promise another world, after we're done with this one.

If you're living a honest and moral life with the hopes of living a bountiful life in heaven, could you be wrong. What if you're seeking Hope in the wrong religion? If you're a Christian and the Hindus are right and you're wrong, do you get to enter there eternal kingdom.

Think about this question, I'm about to ask you. What if spend your whole life studying your religion and it's wrong? There is no heaven and when you die, that's the end of your existence

Have you ever wondered why you believe in your religion and someone in another country or even a couple of miles away believes in something entirely different.

Don't get mad at me or yourself, simply think about the question for a while, this question has transformed my life and put me on a wonderful spiritual path of learning.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, The Power of Intention

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Teenage Drug Problems

What Was Jesus True Message To His Followers

Charles F Haanel
Og Mandino

Friday, July 24, 2009

Spirituality and The Bottom Line

Whadda ya know?

Seriously. With absolute certainty, what do you know?
Put aside all opinions, beliefs and theories for a moment and address this one straight question: What do you know for sure? Or, as Thoreau put it:

"Let us settle ourselves, and work and wedge our feet downward through the mud and slush of opinion, and prejudice, and tradition, and delusion, and appearance, that alluvion which covers the globe... through church and state, through poetry and philosophy and religion, till we come to a hard bottom and rocks in place, which we can call reality, and say, This is, and no mistake; and then begin..."

In other words, let's cut the crap and figure out what's real. The cogito does exactly that, and it's very simple. The question is: What do you know?

The answer is: I Am.

All other so-called facts are really non-facts and belong in the category of consensual reality and relative truth, i.e., unreal reality and untrue truth.

::: Cogito Ergo Sum

Cogito ergo sum is the equation that proves the fact. But first, before we go on, let's ask what else we know. What else can be said for certain?

Nothing. We don't know anything else. And that's the real point of the cogito. The importance of I Am isn't that it's a fact, but that it's the only fact.

I Am is the only thing anyone has ever known or will ever know. Everything else, all religion and philosophy, is nothing more than dream interpretation. There is no other fact than I Am. The cogito is the seed of the thought that destroys the universe. Beyond the cogito, nothing is known. Beyond the cogito, nothing can be known. Except I Am, no one knows anything. No man or god can claim to know more. No God or array of gods can exist or be imagined that know more than this one thing: I Am.

We can't avoid letting this topic drift briefly into the Christian realm. When Moses asked God His name, God answered, "I am that I am." The name God gives for Himself is I Am.

Note that I Am is unconjugatable. It allows of no variation. God doesn't say, "My name is I Am, but you can call me You Are, or He Is." The cogito, the I Am equation, does not extend beyond one's own subjective knowing. I can say I Am and know it as truth, but I can't say you are, he is, she is, we are, they are, it is, etc. I know I exist and nothing else. Understood thusly, I Am, aka God, truly is the Alpha and the Omega; the entirety of being, of knowledge, of you.

::: The Line Is Drawn

The cogito is the line between fantasy and reality. On one side of the cogito is a universe of beliefs and ideas and theories. To cross the line is to leave all that behind. No theory, concept, belief, opinion or debate can have any possible basis in reality once the ramifications of the cogito have fully saturated the mind. No dialogue can take place across that line because nothing that makes sense on either side makes sense on the other.

We all think we know what the cogito means; this is an invitation to challenge that assumption. If professors of philosophy truly understood it, they wouldn't be professors of philosophy. Alfred North Whitehead said that all philosophy is a footnote to Plato, but all philosophy, Plato included, is rendered obsolete and irrelevant by Descartes. Nothing but the subjective I Am is true, so what's the point of prattling on?

The cogito isn't a mere thought or an idea, it is an ego-eating virus that, properly incubated and nurtured, will eventually devour all illusion. Once we know the cogito, we can begin systematically unknowing everything we thought we knew, and unraveling the self we aren't.

::: Life is but a Dream

There is no such thing as objective reality. Two cannot be proven. Nothing can be shown to exist. Time and space, love and hate, good and evil, cause and effect, are all just ideas. Anyone who says they know anything is really saying they don't know the only thing. The greatest religious and philosophical thoughts and ideas in the history of man contain no more truth than the bleating of sheep. The greatest books are no more authoritative than the greatest luncheon meats.

No one knows anything.

::: Disprove it for Yourself

Anyone wishing to deny these statements about the meaning of the cogito need merely prove that something, anything, is true. By all means, give it a try, dash your head upon it, but it can't be done. Cogito ergo sum, however, isn't the endpoint of inquiry, it's the starting point; it's a tool that helps us see, without intermediaries, exactly what is true and what isn't.

How great is that?

::: About the Author

"Jed McKenna is an American original." -Lama Surya Das

Jed McKenna is the author of "Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing" and "Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment", published by Wisefool Press. Coming in 2005: "Spirituality X" and "Jed McKenna's Notebook". Visit to learn more.

Lifes Suffering Cycles

Examples of Prayer and Their Effects on Your Life

David Myers
Robert Cialdini

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Real Meaning of Easter and Springtime

In nature and inside ourselves are energy patterns and dynamics that activate. Humanity evolved over a million years or more responding to the seasons of the year. Thus we have built into our genes, our psyches, a natural energy rhythm that we would do well to acknowledge and not avoid.

- finding Easter Eggs in an Easter egg hunt

- going to Easter Sunday church service when you don't go other times of the year

- getting in a car accident you never intended to happen, or did you?

- starting a love affair, whether married or not

- buying new clothes for yourself to go into summer with

- marrying the wrong person, and so later you have to get a divorce

- wanting to take a week's vacation instead of work at your job

- reading the latest mystery novels just out this year at this time

- going into nature with your friends and doing at least a walk there

- feeling depressed because you have nobody to love


What does the above list have in common?

- Why must you watch out for its effects?

- Why do certain celebrations occur traditionally at this transition from winter into springtime that is the 21st of March and the month of April?

In Jungian terms the archetype of Death-Rebirth becomes most active at springtime.

Death-Rebirth? What is that?

In nature and inside ourselves are energy patterns and dynamics that activate. Humanity evolved over a million years or more responding to the seasons of the year. Thus we have built into our genes, our psyches, a natural energy rhythm that we would do well to acknowledge and not avoid.

For what is not faced consciously in our awareness gets acted out anyway unconsciously.

Why do Norwegians every springtime take a week or more vacation at their summer cottages by the sea or in the mountains?

It's a wonderful thing to do. After the long Northern winter of more darkness than light, of more cold than warmth, the Norwegians are used to the seasonal shifts.

The spring equinox is the transition point when the hours of night equal the hours of day. We can imagine the long winter nights of the Northern countries, such as Norway. When spring finally arrives a sense of happiness comes with it, or so we think.

What about the dark side, the people who commit suicide when the spring comes, the people who have accidents?

One strange custom that has developed in Norway is that Norwegians when they go in the spring to their cottages also take along this year's published thrillers and mysteries. This type of genre is all about being killed and finding the killer. Why should a strong people who have just survived the winter then want to read fiction about death?

Well, don't think everything is just fine in the springtime. Norway has other forms of death for you, like quicksand in the forest because the ground is no longer frozen. Or how about you are hiking up the big mountain in Norway and suddenly the ground under you on the path just collapses into running water and mud and you are swept off the mountain to your death?

Yes, things like this happen every year in Norway. Several deaths occur to hikers in the Norway mountains when the springtime is arriving. Death is not over. Springtime is also the time they find the thawed-out bodies of those Norwegians who have chosen to commit suicide in the past winter by going into the forest and sitting under a favorite tree and freezing to death.

Deaths like this are no stranger to the Norway clime.

What is going on?

Since Death-Rebirth is the archetype of springtime this means that one must experience death first and then rebirth, then new life. The religion knows this with its Black Friday and then its Easter Sunrise service.

You don't have to go to an actual church service to feel the effects of Death-Rebirth. But the archetype is there.

Part of the monastic service is to have a midnight service and the lighting of the new pascal candle which has nails in it representing the crucifixion.

Thus built into our psychology is the recognition that we have to acknowledge our suffering and hurt and go through a letting go process to release ourselves into new birth.

The beauty of doing a sunrise experience is that you experience in nature Death-Rebirth, and this experience becomes a conscious part of you for as long as you live.

I went with some friends years ago and drove to the top of the local mountain, Mt. Diablo, in Northern California. There in the darkness we waiting all night looking out over the near and distant cities that kept their street lights on, the energy of humanity. We talked. We meditated. We knew the significance for us in our own lives of the Death-Rebirth experiences we were going through. Finally from the stone-walled walkway we saw the dawn breaking in the far distance. We had stayed up all night in our vigil and sharing together.

Here was our reward: the new dawn to a special day of rebirth. It is never to be forgotten.

Of course, the important level is to also take such things inside.

As a dreamwork psychologist, I wanted to figure our why when I lived and taught in Norway that the Norwegians read the new mystery novels at springtime. They did not know consciously themselves. It was a fad that most of them did.

Could it be that the Norwegians had waited out the long winter cold and at last when they did not have to be so strong any longer they could indulge in reading about surviving death?

What is the essence of these death-defying thrillers if not to catch the murderer before he or she catches you.

We all know we are under sentence of death but with indefinite reprieve, as Victor Hugo, the French writer, put it, but we don't know when our death will come. Will it be this year or the next, or after that? But it will come.

It's great in reading a thriller to realize that though there are deaths in the story, none of those victims are you. You are alive one more year, or so you hope.

Thus for me in the Norway sun and rains, and the new leaves on the branches of the trees, I felt a certain sadness. I was so glad to be alive still another year, and always planned to make good use of my "luck." But I also knew that one of these years the spring would come and I would not be there to marvel in its new life. The very wooden Norway house I lived in could have been built by those no longer alive. I lived in a dead man's house. And if not the house being there after me, at least the other houses of our community in the country of Norway, beloved land of all the seasons, would surely outlive me.

Whether by the sea in spring in California, or high atop the mountain elsewhere, it is a time to go adventuring and meditate on all your life is now.

What must you lose and give up? What must you sacrifice so you don't have to sacrifice life itself, even gruesomely as recounted here?

Better to realize the death part of your life now, the letting go of what can never more be. This is the base, the preparation to look forward to, and to experience through choice the new life you will dedicate yourself to with passion and awareness, as you live further your existence purposefully on this earth.

View Drs Kaplan-Williams' extraordinary blog at:

Neil Donald Walsch

What Does God Really Look Like

Deepak Chopra
Wayne Dyer

You Don't Become a Wicca, You Either Are Or Are Not

There is a major growth in today's society for older religions, this includes people who want to become a Wicca. First of all, people need to understand that you do not become a Wicca, no more than you become a doctor and an engineer. Sure, there are signs of progress, and as a doctor or an engineer you get a piece of paper, however, that doesn't make you a doctor or an engineer.

As I said you do not become a Wicca. I am sure this raises some degree of curiosity and confusion. If I don't become a Wicca, then why do people call themselves such? See, it's not about becoming as much as it's about being. You don't become a Wicca, you are one.

I learned this a long time ago when I was studying the martial art of Ninjutsu, and it carried over as I began practicing witchcraft. As I gained belt after belt, I wondered at what point I would be a ninja. I couldn't wait to tell people I was a ninja. Once I earned my black belt, I wondered if I was now a ninja. I asked my teacher and his only response was, "you will know."

Eventually I came to understand that I can't become a ninja. It is something I am or am not. It wasn't about becoming, it was about being a ninja. The same is true when talking about how to become a Wicca. I now live, day to day, the way of the ninja. I use the philosophy and strategies I learned as I trained to live my life on a daily basis. The same is true for my spiritual practices.

You see, you didn't become anything, I either was or wasn't. I either lived as one, walked as one, talked as one, made decisions as one based on what I had learned, or I didn't. Learn, study, and apply what you learn as you grow, and you will be a Wicca. Then there will be no need to become a Wicca.

Are you ready to become the most powerful witch you can? Do you want to learn what it means to be a witch, and how to create your own spells at the drop of a dime? Do you want more free spells and the best resource for ancient witchcraft and Wiccan knowledge? Then Click Here Now to learn how! Don't forget to sign up for your completely free spells!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Good Explanation of Old Testament Tithing

Value Of Change In Your Life
Can One Person Make Big Changes

What is a Psychic

The word psychic (pronounced /saikik/; from the Greek psychikos--of the soul, mental') refers to the ability to perceive things hidden from the normal senses through what is described as extra-sensory perception, or to those people said to have such abilities.

The truth of the matter is that everyone has extra sensory abilities or psychic-ness. It is what the common-or-garden term used these days is your 'gut feeling', intuition, sixth sense; that little voice in your head that tells you otherwise. It is the sense that tells you to avoid a certain place or person without any logical reason. Everything and everyone has a psychic ability that we either choose to use or ignore. It is just a matter of being aware of your own unique gift.

Being a psychic person in simple terms is the process of being aware and developing a greater heightened awareness of being aware. For some it might be a daunting task and for others is might be easier. This is one of the reasons that many people engage in the practice of meditation, practicing bringing the mind to the present moment, yoga or any activity that develops the habit of strengthening your awareness.

A person who is highly intuitive/psychic or possess a greater heightened sense of awareness is not necessarily living the life of Buddha or anything profound but an ordinary life with all its up and downs of the day-to-day trials and tribulations. It is like some people can wiggle their ears or raise one eyebrow and some people can tell you are going to call them before the phone rings. It can also be a difficult way of being without the help and understanding of others. Have you ever been told you are just too sensitive? Are you hypersensitive in crowds? Electronic gadgets drive you crazy sometimes? Or maybe you have dreams that actually come true? literally.

These are all symptoms of having a psychic sensitive awareness. Some consider it a wonderful gift on a good day and some days a great burden. It is a responsibility that is not carried lightly but with guidance and support by those of us who have been there (especially in the more difficult times) to help learn to manage these gifts, it can be a beautiful way of being.

So in my opinion, everyone is a psychic and everyone has the ability to master their gifts of the extrasensory ability, it is just a choice as to whether you choose to use it, follow it, have confidence in it or not.

In the next issue of PsychicsEmerging Newsletter we will explore different types of extra sensory/psychic abilities, what they mean, and for what they are used.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE, BLOG OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Sandy Ng is an Intuitive Counselor, Author, and Speaker. Join a growing community by signing up for the Psychics Emerging Monthly Newsletter at, and gain access to more information, articles, tips, tools and strategies.

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Finding Something You Don

Meditation Ideas and Experiences

You Have Got To Read This Book
Healing With Your Mind

Why do Muslims and Islam Honor Jesus and Mary

Many do not know that Muslims honor Jesus and Mary as part of their religious beliefs. The following highlights some of the facts regarding Muslims beliefs about Jesus and Mary.

* Muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet. They believe that God (Allah) sent many prophets to mankind and Jesus was one of them

* As the Muslim religions foundation is to believe in one God and not to associate anyone with God and His powers and attributes, Jesus was only a human being that was raised by God and will return him to this earth in this life. Jesus will then die as a regular human being.

* Muslims believe that Bible was revealed on Prophet Jesus. However, with time, as that book was changed, God (Allah) revealed His last book, the Quran on the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad.

* Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years

* Muslims believe in Mary as the Virgin mother of Prophet Jesus

* There is an entire chapter in the Quran that explains in detail the birth of Jesus, his family, etc. The chapter is called Chapter of Mary

* Muslims believe that Jesus although was put on the cross was never crucified. Instead, he was raised to the heavens by God (Allah) and another person instead was crucified in his place. These teachings and the fully story are narrated in the Quran.

* Muslims also believe that Jesus will come back to earth, unit the Christians and the Muslims and will kill the anti-Christ.

* The Quran teaches Muslims that Jesus though was a normal human being but had special powers from God (Allah) including raising the dead and curing diseases.

Waseem works for, an Islamic and Middle Eastern Portal Website.

30 Days To Creating Super Habits

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Meaning of Soul Video

What is soul, is it someone dancing around to some great music or is it something inside of us, find out what two people think about the word soul.

Question Your Religion

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

How To Win Friends
Changing Bad Habits

It Just Makes Life A Little Brighter

Just eight letters can mean so much. What eight letters am I talking about U I O E V Y O L, now you say that doesnt make any sense, so lets move them around a little, I Love You. Three little words that can mean so much, and at the same time are often said without much thought. To some it can only be related to the physical act of love.

In todays culture a lot of what is called love is just the physical act. This is not love it is merely physical, but is often confused with the emotion of love. The truth is that true love is emotion pure and simple. Does that mean love cant be physical, absolutely not the physical part of it can be the completion of love. That is the way it should be, the physical act should be a fulfillment of love, not an end unto itself.

We have the other form of love such as a mothers love for her child and visa versa. This love is a bond that lasts forever. Im in my sixties and yet my mom still worries about her little boy. This feeling goes both ways, yet Im sure a mothers love is stronger than that of her siblings.

Sometimes the person saying, I love you is doing so just because they know thats what the other wants to hear. In that case a disservice has been done and it really affects both. The one who says it knows he/she isnt being honest and the one hearing it has a false hope. In the end they both lose.

Maybe if we applied a honest look at the world we would discover the main reason for all the turmoil is because we as humans have forgotten how to love. A lot of our actions bear this out, we have road rage, warfare, politics and a thousand other things that we get caught up in and its always the same. We have to win. Well when its all said and done, just what have we won. Its been said that he who dies with the most toys wins. What does he win hes still dead? Maybe someone who doesnt have many toys but lives longer with a partner that he loves, and who loves him is really the winner. It would appear to me that all the toys in the world arent going to bring much real happiness if there is no love. Now if you love what you are doing and also make a lot of money at it that would be one thing. If youre just doing it for the money then your goal is just material things. To some people material things are everything, but what happens when you either get everything or you cant get something you think you want. There is always that person who is right behind you out to get more than you have, so the race is on and never finished.

I have known many wealthy people and some enjoy life, but so many are so busy making sure that nobody is getting ahead of them or out doing them that they never take any real time out to smell the roses. They also have a tendency to only associate with people who can benefit them in business or is in the proper group. They couldnt even imagine having a friend just because they liked him. I guess in some ways you cant blame them because they have to be cautious because someone is always trying to use them also.

Now having put those on the tables so to speak, how about the real emotion of love.

The American Heritage dictionary has many explanations for it. Among them are:

1. To have a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward (a person).
2. To have a feeling of intense desire and attraction toward (a person).
3. To have an intense emotional attachment to.

All of these listed are the emotion of love. If you really love someone and tell him or her so, and if you hear the same back from them, admit it you heart skips a beat. Your outlook on life just got a little brighter. Those three little words, eight letters, can make your whole day. Without love we just exist. Some say money makes the world go round, but it wouldnt be much of a world without love.

I think I prefer a life of unconditional love, with someone who loves me the same way. To me that makes the love for material things pale by comparison. Maybe you just have to reach a point in life where you decide that material things really dont matter. As long as you have a place to sleep and food to eat, and someone to love that is the real meaning of life. As long as you can say and mean it with all your heart I Love You then you have the essence of life. This of course is just one mans opinion.


Charlie Phillips has been in construction, and has done everything from labor, carpenter, heavy equipment operator and contractor. Owned and operated of his own truck over forty-eight states and three provinces in Canada. He never attempted much writing until he came across a little tool called spell checker. There are no titles after his name, just a lot of life experiences. Website:

Getting Up Earlier

Nurture Your SoulCreate Peace of Mind

The majority of people believe humans have a soul. There is significant controversy, however, on the souls impact or whether as humans we impact the souls growth or lack there of. Those who practice spirituality believe we are human beings having a spiritual experience and we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Such movies as: Ghost, Sixth Sense, What The Bleep Do We Know?, City of Angels and others illuminate this belief.

Nurturing the soul is as important as healthy nutrition, exercising and sleep. The souls sole purpose is to create spiritual/emotional growth. The sense of well-being and happiness emanates from the soul to the psyche. If the soul is ignored or malnourished the psyche and ultimately the body suffers.

The most effective way to nurture the soul is through spirituality. Spirituality is the God-related science of developing and freeing the God-made innermost beingthe core of usMade in the image of God." Love creates, all else destroys. Love cannot co-exist with other premises simultaneously; therefore, God is only love. The fly in the ointment of human existence verses in spiritual formas Godis the "ego. The ego is essential to navigate the vicissitudes in physical life. However, the ego is what gets us into trouble. The truth is: All life on earth serves the sole purpose of developing our spirituality to the point of being free of spiritual ignorance, free of selfish or destructive behavioral (ego) patterns, free to return to our eternal home in God. True spirituality leads to freedom in God.

True God-related spirituality is achieved by means of scientifically applying spiritual teachings and spiritual techniques that fosters the ego to vanish in the fire of divine love and ego-oriented spirita.k.a. intellectto be replaced by the Holy Spirit. Such true spiritual teachings can only be affected by a true connection to our innermost self. Because all humankind is God-made, Spirituality is our true nature and spiritual development is the most direct way to solutions of love and peace in all creation.
Prayer, Meditation, Gratitude, Spending time in natureincluding near fire and water are practices to create spiritual/emotional health.

Prayer: Researcher and mind/body medicine expert Herbert Benson, M.D. found that regular prayer or the repetition of spiritual phrases such as "Shalom," or "Hail Mary," triggers relaxation and reduces stress. Make prayer a time of personal conversation with God, state your need or concern and ask for divine intervention. Acknowledge all you have to be grateful for and give thanks for that which you desire. Giving thanks is more effective than asking for what you desire. God knows what you need before you need it and has already sent it to youtherefore giving thanks acknowledges what you havent seen yet. Establishing a regular prayerful routine is important.

Meditation: Researched for centuries, meditation is proven to have physiological benefits, including stress-relief, improved immune and cardiovascular function, relaxation, and decreased pain. Regular meditation practice leads to new insights about life issues (often resulting in the healing of past emotional trauma), heightened creativity, inspiration, greater compassion for others, and a greater connection to one's own inner guidance. There are a plethora of books and classes on meditation practices.

Gratitude: The state of being grateful; thankfulness. (The American Heritage Dictionary) In the push and pulls of life we seldom realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich. Looking at the glass as half empty albeit is half full assures us, we will live with a sense of lack.

"Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for. The more we seek gratitude, the more reason the angels will give us for gratitude and joy to exist in our lives." --Terry Lynn Taylor

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." --Melody Beattie

Time in nature: The most visible manifestation of spirit is nature, where we most fully encounter and interact with life's primal energies in the forms of earth, water, fire, and air. Walking/hiking are easy and practical ways of reconnecting with nature and the earth, as are gardening, biking, camping and boating. Spending regular amounts of time outdoors within a natural setting, you enable yourself to better appreciate the rhythms of life, including your own.

Modern living prevents us from a balanced life. Time in nature restores that balance, while also deepening our connection with Spirit. Being near the water is a spiritually healthy experience, due to water's higher concentration of negative ions. Swimming in natural water or soaking in a mineral hot spring provides therapeutic benefits for a variety of ailments.

Exposure to a campfire or fireplace has health benefits. Leonard Orr discovered that fire cleanses the bio-energy field of negative energies, and is a powerful aid in curing physical disease. Orr recommends spending a few hours each day near fire. Fire is also an important component of the vision quests Native Americans undertake to connect with the Great Spirit and discover their life purpose.

Air is the closest expression of Spirit. Clean air is essential to health on all levels, and practicing conscious breathing is a potent self-care method for restoring energy and making you more aware of the power of Spirit as it flows through you.

Regular exposure to the four elements creates consciousness of Spirit's loving intelligence to sustain the world, while more deeply recognizing our place within it.

Given busy lives in todays world there are several techniques to use until one can engage with the four elements. The following techniques relax, revitalize and remove blocked energy.

Craniosacral TreatmentRelieves blockages caused by stress in the craniosacral system. Discovered by Dr. John Upledger in 1980, this system includes the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.

Reiki Chakra TreatmentJapanese spiritual healing technique, energy is channeled from master to student, cleansing the bodys chakrasspecific energy modes inside the body. Creates reduced stress and a stronger bridge to your inner being.

The Sound of Peaceful Healinga 120-minute sensory journey that uses sound, touch and smell to revive the senses and restore a feeling of calm.

Massage: Acupressurebased on acupuncture without needles, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Swedish, Shiatsu, Aquatic Shiatsu,Trigger Point/Myotherapy, Rolfing.

Engaging in one or more of the soul nourishing activitiesPrayer, Meditation, Gratitude, Spending time in nature, including near fire and waterdaily will create soul/spiritual/ emotional health and you will enjoy a highly enriched and enriching life.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer specializes in: Mind, Body, and Spirit healing for Individuals, Special Issues and Professional Coaching. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.

Creating A Habit

Doreen Virtue appeared discusses the Crystal Children part two

Doreen Virtue appeared discusses the Crystal Children, a type of child born since 1995 that has unusual attributes such as very large eyes, telepathy, and fearlessness. Virtue had previously studie

Life of Jesus

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

If Only I Had This

Monday, July 20, 2009

Christmas - The Birth of the Christ Consciousness Within

The Christ is not just one person. The Christ is an "office" or "position" we ALL attain to. The word Christ means, "the anointed one." Jesus came to show us the way to be a vessel for the Love of God to manifest.

When the Christ Spirit entered Jesus he had perfected His soul in many lifetimes to be a worthy temple for Love incarnate. Edgar Cayce said that Jesus was Adam. In the "fall" was the promise of full redemption.

The Christ Consciousness is part of the Trinity, known by different names in many religions. The Father is the Will and Power of God, the Son or Daughter, the Christ, is the Love of God, and Holy Spirit Mother is the Thought, Wisdom, Understanding, Truth, Faith and Wisdom of God Goddess.

Where did the concept of the Christ come to mean just one person? Was it a matter of control?

The Christ of our time was Jesus. In every age the Christ Spirit enters an advanced soul to bring higher learning to the people of that time. Moses, Abraham, Buddha, Krishna, and Mohammed, have all come to teach their people a more advanced connection to the Great Spirit. There is always a great teacher who comes to show us the way and the great possibilities of us as Human/Divine beings.

The biggest secret is that God is within each one of us, and also in every atom of space and in every form we see.

This Christmas, let us pray to truly forgive anyone who we may be angry with, including forgiving self. Let the power of Love heal all wounds.

Enjoy Christmas and observe the 12 Holy Days December 26-January 6, as a dedication to the 12 months ahead. Let this devotion bring you ever closer to the possibility of the Christ of Love being born within.

Let this sacred season bring us joy, peace and healing of all conditions. Let the Christ Consciousness of Love be born within each one of us so that we may usher in the 1,000 years of peace!

2008 Merry C. Battles

Merry C. Battles has worked in the healing arts since 1977. She has practiced the art of massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu (an ancient form of Japanese Acupressure), CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki, and foot reflexology. Merry is the author and illustrator of Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6 Merry's book is a compilation of her 26 year meditation journey with the twelve holy days. Her book can be used all year as we travel through each sign of the Zodiac.

Merry has been a student of the ancient mysteries for as many years. Her greatest joy in life, along with her grandchildren, is to learn about the spiritual. This is reflected in all of her work.

Habits To Prevent Losing Things

David Lynch on Transcendental Meditation Part Two

Bhagavad Gita
Wants And Desires In Life

How to Forgive Someone

Weve all heard the saying, You have to forgive, but you dont have to forget. I wont refute that, but you have to agree that a lot of people use that excuse to never really forgive at all. Are you one of those people?

Lets rephrase it a little. You have to forgiveand you have to forget the anger, the pain, the anxiety, and everything else that comes with someone sinning against you. But you dont have to make yourself a target (even though Jesus did). Sound a little more difficult? This is really the Christian way of life, and its going to be difficult. No one promised you would enjoy it.

So well start with the forgiveness. This is where you have the most control, because its an act of will. You have to decide to forgive, and then do it. Heres a short list of what this involves:

No more daydreaming about your perpetrators pain and suffering.

Stop thinking about the what if outcomes, and accept what happened.

Start praying for the person. Not for their punishment, not for them to see the lightpray for their good and their soul. Say a simple Hail Mary, without meditating on the one youre praying for. Meditate on the words, and dedicate it to your perpetrator. Let God decide how to reward or punish them.

If you can do something nice for the person, do it without grumbling and without reminding them of what they did wrong.

Stop gossiping about them.

Every time you find yourself thinking about it, change the subject. Think about the starving kids in China, your financial problems, Baby Jesusanything.

Now that (believe it or not) is the easy part. Now it comes time to deal with the anger and pain. Sometimes its easy. But in cases of serious violation, or when someone hurts a loved one, the very idea sounds idiotic. And no, youll never completely let go, but you can completely try. And you can start by using some of the techniques listed above.

Youll probably have to take it further. Youll have to swallow those emotions. Bury them deep. Yes, Im going against what every therapist out there is preaching, but talking and sulking is no way to get over anything. Youve had your period of pity; its time to move on. When you feel the flame of anger building inside you, force it to the back of your mind, and let it die. Dont waste another second of your life stewing. Itll take practice, but every day is another chance.

Finally, theres that last part. This is where most of us have trouble. This is also where we have to weigh our duties, and choose whats most important. Here are a few questions to help you sort it out:

Does it involve someone under your protection? Im talking mainly to parents. Our children obviously come first, and were never obligated to put them in danger.

Does it involve a sexual violation? I dont have to go into this. If someone isnt treating your body like a Temple of Christ, then stay away from them.

Does it involve injury? The big question here is How much? A school boy shouldnt offer himself out to the wedgie bully, but a pop in the arm is usually more a matter of humiliation than personal injury. If your body is being harmed by someone, you have a right to stop thembut again, Christ didnt. Also, consider how likely the person is to harm you again. If it was a one-time event, you should let go. On a side note: Repeated domestic violence has several victims, especially children. And track records show that very few offenders only strike once. If youre trying to figure out whether or not to leave such a situation, stoop thinking and get out.

Does it involve personal property? Whos property? If youre raising a family, you cant risk everything and ignore their needs. But ask yourself if the amount stolen or damaged property is worth the hassle of never trusting someone again.

Does it involve your good name? Hunker down and forget about it. The truth will set you free. Lies hurt the liar more than anyone else. If its the truth, then just be more careful of what you saybut dont withhold something begrudgingly.

Written by the copywriters at, where you can find free content for your Christian newsletters and websites.

Habits To Prevent Losing Things

Words Create Powerful Beliefs

Could you imagine someone telling you that if you don't do something, you're going to suffer a horrible punishment and possibly death, because you chose to ignore their message. Can simple words create powerful beliefs, isn't this what some religious doctorines create? Even the media does it, think about it the next time you turn your television on or read the newspaper.

You seem to believe something because someone told you that's how it is and when you go to question them, they simply repeat the simple statement, that's how is. It's hard to imagine a few words, articulated almost perfectly can create an overwhelming emotion in someone.

The Germans used propaganda to create fear with a few of these words. It's not just a few of these words, there's more power behind these words if their repeated often. These words can build up someone's hopes and dreams or tear them apart.

Is there a quote that you're fond of? You probably memorized it and it has some sort of significance or creates a certain feeling when mentioned. Quotes are organized words that create powerful beliefs in some people.

If I mention the words," I have a dream" you probably think of Martin Luther King. These four words meant a lot to people that were struggling for their freedom, not only in America but around the world. These words are a example of powerful words that have created a wonderful feeling.

When these powerful words create fear you know it. If you watch the news, night after night and they keep telling you how bad the economy is, it doesn't take long before you believe it. You tighten up your budget and stop spending money, because you are now fearful and don't want to lose what you have. When everyone starts holding onto their money, the economy actually does become worse over time.

Can simple words create powerful beliefs? Yes obviously they can and they do, so be careful when listening to words that create fear and try not to spread this fear around to others. Fear can be turned into relief if the right words are used, I would suggest using happy words to create a happy world. Have a nice day.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, The Magic of the Believing

Greg is currently working on a self improvement articles filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Structuring Your 24 Hour Day

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Aum Mantra For Mediation

Ahhhhh is the sound of God and can be used for meditation. Listen to this wonderful sound and try to find God in it.

Question Your Religion

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Greg Vanden Berge Quotes
Get Something Out Of Worship Or

Spiritual Awareness With The Good and the Bad

Spirituality is a subject that is so vast that it can lead to endless discussions. Although most people do admit there is a Spiritual side to every human been not everybody wants to embrace that part. What do you mean by that I hear you ask? And if so then why is it like that?

First let me try to answer another question. How do we know we are spiritually aware? The answer is if you are alive and if you have emotions you also have a spiritual awareness to things. Don't tell you never say: 'I knew that." There is a connection we have to the unknown that we can't describe, but it is as if we have insight to certain things before it happens. I do think everybody has a spiritual awareness even though they do not call it that. So if we all have are and if it is so valuable to have, why don't we all try to embrace it?

A possible answer is because it is a subject that attracts so much hocus pocus. This is something the reasonable man can't embrace. Just recently I saw a television program about a spiritual healer. Now though I can never say he or she isn't, I noticed things that bothered me. This woman surrounded her with things such as the Egyptian Ank, Tibetan bells, candles, crystals etc. She also made certain statements that I frowned upon. She mentioned that she used crystals because its vibration is very close to the vibration of the human body? I wonder what Asimov would have said about that? Can anybody show proof of such statements/

To come back to the discussion, I find that traditional Western people only come to a spiritual awareness level later in life. Some only after they got addicted to all the other things. Once they gave up drugs, alcohol and the rest that failed to supply them with answers, they suddenly discover spirituality. But boy do they discover it then. Within months they buy anything and everything that is available and they throw that together in a concoction that can cure anything physical and emotional. They suddenly have all the answers and throw around jargon that is very impressive. For some this actually works but for the rest, the Lotus flower and crystals disappear.

To the contrary, in Tibet, India, Taiwan and other places known for their temples and people who study religious texts, you don't find this. Here you find a more serious and focused concentration on the subject. In Tibet the monk uses his bells, in Egypt he used the Ank and in Japan he used a Zen garden. Each to its own.

In Zen Buddhism it is believed that if you want to grow you need to take away something everyday, not add more. They also believe in Simplicity. Less is better. I have a feeling this way will lead to a deeper understanding of the subject that will last longer. I could be wrong.

If subjects such as these interest you, then you must have a look at my site or find out what the word Ozymandeus means

Backup Plans Feel Good

Meditation Ideas and Experiences

Fear Based Motivation
Motivational Speech Review

Marking 50 Years of Achebe's Things Fall Apart - Maintaining a Proud Presence in World Literature

50 years ago in 1958 a young Nigerian, Chinua Achebe, at the young age of 28, made major breakthrough for African Literature with the publication of his novel Things Fall Apart. This novel became widely read and recommended in schools and colleges all over the world. I could remember reading it for two years in succession 30 years ago when I was in secondary school in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and all of us in the class were as thrilled not only by the events but by the infectiously fresh idioms and imageries used to describe characters and scenes.

Up to now the imageries that lard the texture of the narrative still have place in the lexicon of my students. The most common included that comparing the speedy growth of Okonkwo's reputation and power: to "a bushfire in the harmattan" and that if a man should say yes his chi, his personal god, should also say yes, in accord with him. Unoka, Okonkwo's father, the "agbala" soon had his counterparts identified amongst us as much as were the fools and weaklings dubbed 'efulefus'. But Unoka was not seen as such a hateful character as his son was trying to make him, for he seemed like a lively fun-lover who had no problem with anyone, except of course his son who was ever burning with the hatred of a failed parentage and heritage as his father spent most of his time playing flute and drinking palmwine unmindful about tomorrow. I have had to read, teach, lecture, discuss, read and reread with new layers of meaning and interpretations unveiling themselves to me at each stage in that joyful cycle of engagement with it, with the text taking a permanent place in the imagination.

I am still trying to retrieve an essay I wrote whilst doing my masters on Achebe's unique style across his novels, then restricted to Things Fall Apart, No Longer at Ease, A Man of the People and Arrow of God. For Anthills of the Savannah had not yet been written. So when I read the preamble to Joyce Ashuntantang"s interview of the literary sage in "50 Years After "Things Fall Apart": A Chat with Chinua Achebe" it was as if she was a spokeperson for our experience which I expect might be one all across Africa, especially. She recalled many secondary school children who were not macho enough ending up with the nickname "agbala" which meant womanly, a derogatory reference to a man in Umuofia who had not taken any titles as was the case with Unoka. Another name she identified was "efulefu" meaning worthless person,

Many of the proverbs from the text have flown beyond Umuofia to Anglo-literate communities across Africa like ours in Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Ghana and Gambia. For example, "The lizard that jumped from the high Iroko tree to the ground said he would praise himself if no one else did"; "Eneke the bird says that since men have learned to shoot without missing I have learned to fly without perching"; "A child who washes his hands can dine with elders"; "An old woman is always uneasy when dry bones are mentioned in a proverb".

Chinua Achebe's fate was being sealed from 1948, when in preparation for independence, Nigeria's first university, now the University of Ibadan, opened, as an associate college of the University of London.

Achebe obtained such high marks in the college entrance examination that he was admitted in its first intake with a bursary to study medicine.

After a year of gruelling work, however, deciding that science was not made for him, he changed to English, history, and theology. But this switch cost him his scholarship. He now had to pay his tuition fees. Luckily, he received a government bursary, which helped him halfway together with money contributed by his family. His older brother, Augustine, gave up money for a trip home from his job as a civil servant to enable Chinua continue his studies. From its inception, the university had a strong English faculty which attracted the brightest intakes including those who like Achebe were to become famous writers like Wole Soyinka, Elechi Amadi, John Pepper Clark, Christopher Okigbo and, Kole Omotoso.

In 1950 Achebe made a further advance towards his literary goal when he wrote his first piece entitled,"Polar Undergraduate" for the University Herald even serving as its editor during the 1951-2 school year.Through irony and humour it celebrates the intellectual vigour of his classmates. He followed this with other essays and letters about philosophy and freedom in academia, some of which were published in another campus magazine, The Bug.

Achebe then wrote his first short story, "In a Village Church", which combines details of life in rural Nigeria with Christian institutions and icons, a style which was to be of much use in many of his later works. Other short stories he wrote during his time at Ibadan include "The Old Order in Conflict with the New" and "Dead Men's Path" which examine conflicts between tradition and modernity, with an eye toward promoting dialogue and understanding on both sides. Professor Geoffrey Parrinder's arrival at the university to teach comparative religion, set Achebe on exploring the fields of Christian history and African traditional religions.

He was now becoming critical of European literature about Irish novelist Joyce Cary's Mister Johnson, about a cheerful Nigerian man who was working for an abusive British store owner for which Achebe and some of his classmates could not conceal their dislike . One of his classmates even went as far as announcing to the professor that the only enjoyable moment in the book is when Johnson is shot . In amother move to cultural nationalism, Achebe renounced his British name, Albert, replacing it with his indigenous name "Chinua."

At the end of his undergraduate studies in 1953 Achebe was so disappointrf at being awarded a second-class degree and not the first class that he had been expecting that he became uncertain as to how to proceed after that. So he returned to his hometown, Ogidi, to sort through his options. There, a friend from the university who visited him convinced him to apply for an English teaching position at the Merchants of Light school at Oba, a ramshackle institution with a crumbling infrastructure and a meagre library built on what the residents called "bad bush" or evil forest as a similar area in Things Fall Apart is called - a section of land thought to be tainted by unfriendly or evil spirits which was what was allocated to the Christian missionaries to build their church with the hope that they would not survive the evil spirits..

As a teacher, Achebe encouraged his students to be original in their work and read extensively. As the students did not have access to the newspapers he had read as a student, he made his own available in the classroom. But after four months here he grabbed an opportunity which arose in 1954 to work for the Nigerian Broadcasting Service (NBS), in Lagos, and left.

Achebe was assigned to the Talks Department, where he was responsible for preparing scripts for oral delivery, a task which helped him master the subtle nuances between written and spoken language, thus enabling him later to write realistic dialogue with ease.The city of Lagos, a huge conurbation teeming with recent migrants from the rural villages also made a significant impression on him, as it did on Ekwensi. Achebe revelled in the social and political activities around him later drawing upon such experiences when describing the city in No Longer At Ease.

While in Lagos, Achebe started work on a novel though quite a challenging task, since very little African fiction apart from Amos Tutuola's Palm-Wine Drinkard (1952) and Cyprian Ekwensi's People of the City (1954) had been written in English. While appreciating Ekwensi's work, Achebe worked hard to develop his own style, even as he pioneered the creation of the Nigerian novel itself. Queen Elizabeth II's visit to Nigeria in 1956 which brought issues of colonialism and politics further to the surface, was a significant moment for Achebe.

His first trip outside Nigeria also in 1956, when he was to undergo training in London at the Staff School run by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).was an opportunity for Achebe to advance his technical production skills, and to solicit feedback on his novel. In London he met a novelist, Gilbert Phelps, to whom he showed the manuscript. Phelps with great enthusiasm, asked Achebe if he could show it to his editor and publishers. Achebe declined, insisting that it needed more work.

On his return to Nigeria, Achebe started revising and editing it, now titled Things Fall Apart drawn from a line in the Irish poet, William Butler Yeats' poem "The Second Coming". He concentrated only on the story of a yam farmer, Okonkwo, adding sections, improving various chapters, and restructuring and tightening the prose.

By 1957 having sculpted it to his liking, he took advantage of an advertisement offering a typing service to send the only copy of his handwritten manuscript (along with the #22 fee) to the London company. He waited several months without receiving any communication from them, and began to worry.

So when his boss, Angela Beattie, was going to London on her annual leave he requested her to visit the company and act on his behalf which she did rather decisively, angrily demanding why it was lying ignored in the corner of the office. The company quickly sent a typed copy to Achebe. Beattie's intervention thus rescued and revived Achebe's spirit thus enabling him to continue as a writer. Had the novel been lost, he would have been so discouraged that he would probably have given up altogether.

In 1958 Achebe sent his novel to the agent earlier recommended by Gilbert Phelps in London. The agent upon receiving it sent it to several publishing houses. Some rejected it immediately, claiming that fiction from African writers had no market potential. Finally it reached the office of Heinemann. Executives there hesitated until an educational adviser, Donald MacRae, - just back from a trip through west Africa - read it and forced the company's hand with his succinct report: "This is the best novel I have read since the war"

In the book Okonkwo haunted by the failure of his father - a shiftless debtor fond of playing the flute and drinking palmwine - tortures himself not to resemble him in any way by working hard and not showing any feelings or compassion. It also evplores the complications and contradictions that arise within him and in the wider community when white missionaries arrive in his village of Umuofia. Exploring the cultural conflict, particularly after the first encounter between Igbo tradition and Christian doctrine and European administration that ensues, the novel shows the crumbling of the infexible and inhumane structures of Umuofia along with the equally infexible Okonkwo. Achebe thus retold the history of colonization from the point of view of the colonized, in reversal of previous images presented. For Achebe's emergence as "the founding father of African literature ... in the English language," is traceable to his reaction to Joyce Cary's novel Mister Johnson, set in Achebe's native Nigeria which he studied at the University College in Ibadan. In a curriculum full of Shakespeare, Coleridge, and Wordsworth, Mister Johnson stood out as one of the few books about Africa which Time magazine recently declared the "best book ever written about Africa," but Achebe and his classmates had quite a decidedly hostile reaction to. For they saw the Nigerian hero as an "embarrassing nitwit," as Achebe writes in , Home and Exile, and detected in the Irish author's descriptions of Nigerians "an undertow of uncharitableness ... a contagion of distaste, hatred, and mockery." Mister Johnson, Achebe writes, "open[ed] my eyes to the fact that my home was under attack and that my home was not merely a house or a town but, more importantly, an awakening story."

Home and Exile, which describes this transition to a new era in literature is then both a kind of autobiography and a rumination on the power stories have to create a sense of dispossession or to confer strength, depending on who is wielding the pen. Achebe depicts his gradual realization that Mister Johnson was just one in a long line of books written by Westerners that presented Africans to the world in a way that Africans didn't agree with or recognize, and he examines the "process of 're-storying' peoples who had been knocked silent by all kinds of dispossession." He hopes -- that this "re-storying" will continue and will eventually result in a "balance of stories among the world's peoples."

Things Fall Apart marked a turning point for African authors, who began to take back the narrative of the so-called "dark continent."

The style of Achebe's fiction draws heavily on the oral tradition of the Igbo. He weaves folk tales into the fabric of his stories, thus illuminating community values in both the content and the form of the storytelling. The tale about the Earth and Sky , for example, emphasises the interdependence of the masculine and the feminine. Although Nwoye enjoys hearing his mother tell the tale, Okonkwo's dislike for it is evidence of his imbalance. Later, Nwoye avoids beatings from his father by pretending to dislike such "women's stories".

Achebe' s free but deft use of proverbs, which often illustrate the values of the rural Igbo tradition. sprinkled throughout the narratives, repeating points made in conversation is deft. For Achebe, however, proverbs and folk stories are not the sum total of the oral Igbo tradition. In combining philosophical thought and public performance into the use of oratory - "speech artistry" -, his characters exhibit what he called "a matter of individual excellence ... part of Igbo culture." as Okonkwo's friend Obierika voices the most impassioned oratory, crystallising the events and their significance for the village.

Ceremonial dancing and the singing of folk songs also reflect the realities of Igbo tradition. The elderly Uchendu, attempting to shake Okonkwo out of his self-pity, refers to a song sung after the death of a woman: "For whom is it well, for whom is it well? There is no one for whom it is well." This song contrasts with the "gay and rollicking tunes of evangelism" sung later by the white missionaries.

Okonkwo's tragedy perhaps could be seen as emanating from his furious manhood overpowering everything feminine in his life, including his own conscience. For example, when he feels awful after killing his adopted son, he asks himself: "When did you become a shivering old woman?" All things feminine are distasteful to him, in part because they remind him of his father's laziness and cowardice. The women in the novel, meanwhile, are obedient, quiet, and absent from positions of authority - despite the fact that Igbo women were traditionally involved in village leadership. Nevertheless, the need for feminine balance is highlighted by Ani, the earth goddess, and the extended discussion of "Nneka" ("Mother is supreme") in chapter fourteen. Okonkwo's defeat is seen by some as a consequence of his suppression of a balancing feminine ethos.

Heinemann published 2,000 hardcover copies of Things Fall Apart on 17 June 1958. According to Alan Hill, employed by the publisher at the time, the company did not "touch a word of it" in preparation for release. The book received such a rousing reception that merits a whole book or at least an article to detail.Mean while as we celebrate 50 years of Things Fall Apart the book keeps moving into new corners of the globe while holding and tickling the imagination of those of us who have grown and fed on it for decades.

Born and schooled in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Arthur Smith has taught English for over thirty years at various Educational Institutions. He is now a Senior Lecturer of English at Fourah Bay College where he has been lecturing for the past eight years.

Mr Smith's writings have been in various media. He participated in a seminar on contemporary American Literature in the U.S. in 2006. His growing thoughts and reflections on this trip which took him to various US sights and sounds could be read at

His other publications include: Folktales from Freetown, Langston Hughes: Life and Works Celebrating Black Dignity, and 'The Struggle of the Book'

Getting Up Earlier