Monday, August 31, 2009

The Power of Gratitude - Gateway to Riches

Gratitude is said to be the single most positive element to contribute to your Wellbeing, Fulfillment and Wealth

Heartmath conducted an extensive study which showed thoughts of Gratitude are the fastest way to move into your power and influence things around you with positive energy - Athlete's Performance increases, Students Test Scores improve, Executive Thinking and Creativity expand, Powers of Intention grow, no matter what he situation.

Gratitude restores confidence. Gratitude about your current situation - no matter what or how simple, will bring about a feeling of improved wellbeing. Gratitude can help to change feeling alone into appreciating being supported.

The feeling of lack and negativity are often brought on by focusing on what we don't or feel we cannot have. Expand your focus, raise your eyes, look outside your immediate surroundings. Walk around and look to see, or think, of the many things you have access to, which you have no need to own - community, sunshine, the stars, the sight or sound of children playing, a casual hello from someone you meet.

We can even be grateful for things that at first glance may not appear a blessing, such as: * Exercise you get if you cannot find a nearby parking spot
- Cleaning up the house after having friends or family around - think of the special time or what they mean to you
- The early morning alarm - moving into a new day of being needed
- Whatever your income - 2.4 billion people on the planet live on less than $1,000 per year

A large study conducted by Dr Michael McCullough and Dr Robert Edmonds involving more than 700 people separated their field of study into 3 groups of people - those that merely tracked events through their day, those that took particular note of unpleasant events that occurred to them, and lastly a group which focused on being grateful for whatever happened. The third group consistently showed High Alertness, Enthusiasm, Determination, Optimism, Better Energy, Less Depression and Stress, Better Inclination to Help Others, and Ability to Express Love to Others.

You must feel rich to become rich - when you start to feel grateful for whatever you have you will attract more. In today's world Intelligent Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ) are often thought as important but these both pale when compared with the direct benefits of GQ - Gratification Quotient.

The Power of Attraction which we hear about so much today as so well described in "The Secret" is supercharged through Gratitude.

Gratitude is the fastest path to Riches. Focus on what you have and more will appear. Others will be drawn to your energetic field of gratitude. Riches are more about what you feel than just counting in money. Another Heartmath study showed when we are in a state of gratitude others can sense this up to 6 metres away. This has a direct positive affect on their heart rhythm and their brain waves change to more positive thinking.

Pay attention to what you are focusing on, don't blame or complain this will drain your gratitude. Be grateful for your challenges, create a greater peace of mind and you will open the pathways for opportunities.

Watch out for negative attitudes creeping into your life. Apathy leads to negative thinking. Look for the silver linings in all situations. Slow down, recognise what you already have - especially the simple things in your life, wherever you go. Gratitude will help you feel complete, no matter what your immediate situation.

Gratitude doesn't cost anything but it generates huge riches.

You deserve to be Rich so be grateful and share your gratitude with others. A daily practice of Gratitude will lift and advance all areas of your life rapidly.

Brian Fincham
- Life Coach and founder of Life Development Australia.
Brian has over 20 years Experience Developing and Leading Winning Teams
- a company dedicated to Personal Development and helping individuals build successful home businesses using the proven LifePath Unlimited system.

Quit Smoking Today - An Ebook Review

The desire to quit smoking is probably more widespread these days, as the world is more exposed to the potential dangers of this unhealthy habit. Still, the process of quitting can be so complex and excruciating that it affects the resolve of even the most resolute of people. Some individuals relapse after the first few attempts, while others don't even have the heart to try at all.

There are currently a variety of products available that can help you stop smoking, but some don't work while others have a long list of potential side effects. Because of this, a lot of smokers hardly seek help and eventually give up any efforts to become smoke-free.

One solution is Quit Smoking Today, a technique created by Rob Mellor, an expert on Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, which is a branch of psychotherapy that deals specifically with nicotine addiction. In this article, we will share some vital information about Mellor's approach so that you can make an informed decision on your quest to stop smoking.

The Quit Smoking Today program consists of an mp3 audio file that lasts for 38minutes and 13seconds. The program promises to teach you to quit smoking without suffering any withdrawal symptoms. The author further claims that more than 90% of 5,000 test subjects completely kicked the habit after using his method. Additionally, he claims that the majority of test subjects were able to stop smoking within a month after listening to his recordings only once, and most did not relapse after more than six months.

The central idea of the Quit Smoking Today mp3 is quite similar to the principles of hypnosis. It aims to access the subconscious and change the smoker's perception of cigarettes & nicotine cravings.

Most reviews of Mellor's technique have been mostly positive, with numerous people vouching for its effectiveness and reporting no untoward experiences. The only unenthusiastic response so far is that of people claiming that the method still lacks sufficient testing data. However, more than any official research, we value the voice of the product's actual users, and to date, the results have been extremely encouraging.

The Quit Smoking Today audio book is not a miracle product that will serve as a shortcut to an otherwise painstaking process. However, we encourage you to try out this product and see if it works for you. Since it has produced impressive results for others, there's no reason why you won't benefit from it as well. Improving your health is well worth the try.

To download your copy of the Free Quit Smoking Guide, and to read more articles related to Quit Smoking Today, please visit this quit smoking website.

The Self-Help Paradox

When rethinking this article and searching the web I found a book that was already published in 2003: the self-help paradox (1).

I read the review and decided to write this article after all. The book is about the overflow of self-help support that is available in the marketplace. Basically as I understand it, the premise of the book is that certain books will tell you left, where others will tell you right; one example is: "am I at peace or just lazy?" Now how would you solve this dilemma for "yourself?"

Another way to look at the self-help paradox I had in mind is that with the decision to enter the self-help arena you start to become dependent of what you read. Or put differently: you accept that you need help when you are surfing around the self-help titles.

In my opinion the paradox lies in the fact that the only way to prevent this is not to enter the self-help section at all. So it is not I'm lazy or at ease, but I don't bother what or how you (others) call what I might be or not be.

Before freud there was no such thing as psycho-analysis. Now there is and there are much more solutions in solving psychological problems. Of course, not all self-help is of the same level or similar domain of psychology, but many books have that focus.

There are many self-help books on nearly any subject or niche. And in the article market it is one of the most heavy segments, both in number of post as in number of reads.

But even if you want to help-yourself, there comes a time to "have had it," where you leave the self-help behind you. The moment you start reading the self-help section (like this article) you are not able to spend time on other activities.

(1) -

Hans Bool

Hans Bool writes articles about management, culture and change. If you are interested to read or experience more about these topics have a look at: Astor White.

How to Overcome Fear and Procrastination

If we listen to world news today, they give us every reason to be fearful. If we give in it seems that something dark lurks around every corner of our mind. The challenge with fear, either real or imagined is that it can hold you back from doing well in life.

When one lives with constant fear you may also be prone to procrastination because they are two sides of the same coin. In fear you cannot move forward which makes you hesitate or procrastinate on a lot of issues, especially if one believes nothing he does is good enough. Instant fear is designed to quickly move people out of dangerous situations, but prolonged or constant fear is not the natural state of the body.

Take Susan as an example. She is someone who really wanted to be a nutritionist but because she was always heavy she thought she couldn't do it. Many people told her she should take classes at the community college but she was too afraid to even call them for fear of rejection. Susan had already negatively assumed the outcome of her efforts in her mind.

When you are in the midst of feeling afraid of anything take a step back and really look at the situation. Are you in danger of some kind? Is it moving you out of your comfort zone? Are you afraid of succeeding? Are you afraid that if you make that move your life will change way too much?

If so, close your eyes and ask yourself, "What would I do if I weren't afraid?" As you calmly wait for your answer(s) without judgment you will find that fear is a complex illusion. It is an elaborate scheme by your ego to stop you from moving ahead. The dominant ego keeps you from experiencing your life in a way that will make you happy. Fear is based on events from the past that make us wary of making certain moves, old rhythms or patterns often set long ago by life experiences.

How can you release the fear and help heal procrastination? First of all by acknowledging it and then taking an action step forward. The problem lies in basing your present on the past or the future. One simply should not accept that what happened in the past will be some variation of what happens now. This vicious cycle can keep one trapped in negativity. The more closely related to the now you can be, by breaking your fearful goal into tiny manageable steps or a smaller to do list, the easier it will be to release the fear.

Going back to our example, if Susan had just called the community college it would have been a step towards her goal. She could have talked to a counselor and then perhaps have signed up for one class at a time, opening the door to new possibilities. Susan can always leave herself open to changing her mind as she moves along, helping to get past her fears.

Life can be wondrous when you release fear and side step procrastination. Now is the time to move out of your fear and take the first step. You never know what will happen to make your life become bigger than you ever imagined. I always like to keep in mind the old adage "Fear is just, False Expectations Appearing Real."

Become part of something that is sweeping the world with inspiration. You will find a wealth of spectacular material including free affirmations, beneficial worksheets and other useful tools to download at

Priscilla Parham coaches on awareness and goal setting for your health, your business and your relationships, motivating others to rebuild from the inside-out.

You can post this article on your web site or blog as long as no changes are made, the author's name is retained and the links to our site URLs remains active.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Raising Vibration

Raising Vibration

All of us want better, happier lives for ourselves and our families but too many of us simply don't realize how to bring about these desired improvements in our daily existence. We think we are powerless to control our own futures or to call into being the very things we wish we had the most. That's because so few of us understand the law of attraction and how it can provide the solutions we long for.

The Law of Attraction: A Brief Discussion

While many of you may already be somewhat familiar with the Law of Attraction, it seems important enough that it should be briefly introduced for the sake of readers who are new to the idea and to make sure we are all on the same page regarding what this means for us and for our futures.

The idea of the Law of Attraction - sometimes also known as the Law of Vibration - is that what we think we can make happen. For example, if you want a better job you can focus on mentally bringing this about. However, you must remain positive in thinking. You can't doubt that a better job is not going to be in your future. By thinking about what you want, you can cause it to manifest in your world meaning you can get that new job you want.

What is Our Vibration?

Each thought we have is a vibration. The vibration leaves us and goes out into the universe where it attracts the concrete manifestations of our thoughts then pulls them back to us. And for many of us this is where the problem lies.

Our thoughts are made of energy and different thoughts will possess different energy levels. Unlike the world of physics where things that are alike are repelled and that which is different is attracted, our thought vibrations actually attract the same level of energy. For example, if we are positive and enthusiastic in our thoughts this creates a high vibration and we can expect positive things to be attracted back to us. However, if are pessimistic, worried, or doubting then we will be sending low energy out into the universe and we will not get back what we want.

Clearly, the key is in Raising Vibration Energy so that we can consistently send out high energy into the universe.

Raising Vibration: A Few Ideas

Since the key to bringing about what we want as explained by the law of attraction or law of vibration, we need to have clear idea on how to make this happen, especially when we begin to sense that our thoughts are heading in a negative direction.

One of the best ways is to read a positive affirmation about ourselves. For example, if you are trying to improve as a cook then you might say "I am a fantastic cook" any time you begin to doubt your own skills in the kitchen. By repeating this over and over again aloud, you can drive out those negative thoughts and replace them a higher vibration which will help you make a wonderful meal in the kitchen.

Another good way of Raising Vibration Energy is by removing obstacles in our lives. Clutter is one of the best examples. Those of us who have held onto so much of our past lives can often find that our vibrations are being blocked by all of the stuff that fills our lives. Plus, holding onto those memories can get in the way of the things we want to bring into our lives anew.

To change this, look around your home and be brutally honest about what can be removed. Get rid of anything that is no longer necessary or that causes you to have negative thoughts. Even positive memories may be brining your energy levels down.

You should also pay attention to your thoughts and your actions. For example, if you start realizing that your thoughts and vibrations are going negative you can take an active role in changing that. However, you must pay attention to these issues in order to bring about changes.

Another idea is to create a special place in your home. When we get stressed or face challenges in our lives, this can often lower the energy level of our vibrations. Raising Vibration Energy

For Additional information concerning The Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics visit

Reading Feng Shui Books - Get Great Advice

Quite simply, a different style of living. If you're the kind of person who eats the same food week after week, shops and the same stores and only socializes with a few people, feng shui is probably not something you're going to be interested in. However, if you're someone, who wants to try something different, the Chinese philosophy of feng shui could be something that you, just might be interested in.

Where can you find feng shui books? Of course we all know you can find them at your local bookstores like Barnes & Noble, Amazon and other online sources. Here's something that might be a little new age or something that most people often forget about, how about going down to your local public library. Public libraries are a great source for books and if you don't like them, you never had to pay for them.

Feng shui books have become popular in the last 20 to 40 years and seems to create an environment out of your home. The Chinese have been practicing this for over a thousand years and it almost has a mystical power to it. If you're tired of the same old house and would like a little change in your life, I would suggest using some of the simple methods, suggested in these books.

One $20 book on home building or feng shui, can save you lots of money, if you're willing to do a little research and the labor to complete almost any home building project.

By the way, if you're interested in learning how to repair a roof, build your own house, interior decorating, structural engineering, building a deck, gathering some more information about home painting or even remodeling your bathroom. Our online home building bookstore can save you money if you're willing to do the work.

You can learn a lot by reading feng shui books and I would suggest, that if you're interested in interior design or even spirituality, these books will provide you with the information, you need to create a little change in your life.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

The Power of Truth

Everything you need to succeed is found within you. How you see yourself and your ability to succeed will be "make or break" of your business. I've seen some amazingly talented people give up because they allowed two words to take over their psyches. These words have had a profound impact on their lives and businesses. The words are, "I can't."

"I can't" are the two most debilitating words in the English language. "I can't" usually starts with the all to familiar "You can't," or "You'll never". These words seem to carry an intrinsic power. For some, it's a call to stand up and say, "Yes I can! Watch me!" For others it's call to sit in the ashes of self-defeat. Which one are you?

For years I allowed, "You can't" to get in the way of my success. There was a time when I believed I would never be a success. My self-esteem was so low I didn't think I could get up again. Then I realized the Power of Truth. The choice to get up or stay down had been given to me. My success or failure was up to me, no one else. I became fully aware that I had the power to choose. I chose to stand. After I made that decision. I made several changes in my life in order to keep my mind set on belief instead of unbelief.

My rules to stay standing are:

1. Start where you are. Don't think about past failures. Start right here, right now, today. Move ahead one-step at a time.

2. For every negative thought that comes into your mind create an opposing positive thought. Say it out loud. Write them down and keep them front of you. Read them daily.

3. Commit to your goal. Write down your goals. Make sure they are manageable and commit to making them happen. Keeping them visible is a great way of keeping them real.

4. Be in good company. Stay around positive people. Read positive material. I highly suggest joining online groups to provide support and accountability.

5. Trust the Power of Truth. No matter where you go there are going to be those who will want to knock you down. Connect with your inner power. Remember who you really are. Don't go back to the ashes.

Make the choice to stand.

Jill Betz Freeman is the CEO of ROAR! Growing Your Business With Pride. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and small businesses grow. Jill has over 15 years of experience in sales, marketing, business development, customer service and corporate training. Shel is a saavy, vivacious, straight on consultant and trainer who is commited to working with companies, business owners and sales professionals who want to increase their bottom line. She has trained sales people involved in diverse industries such as healthcare and engineering. Stacy Kelly, CEO of PM Squared in Houston TX said, "Jill is the go-to person for sales advice." Beth Felege, BSN and Clinical Liason for a major skilled nursing company praised Jill as being, "the person who taught me the most about sales."

Check out ROAR! at and contant Jill for more information about services.

Priming the Passion Pump

Clarifying your life purpose is a team effort between your rational and intuitive minds. The following exercise is an effective way to combine these two powerful resources to help you move forward toward a life on purpose. Engaging in the following questions utilizes your memory and your rational nature to prime the pump, making it easier to access the intuitive or creative nature. Write down your responses in a journal, adding whatever comes to you as you are writing. Asking people who know and support you what they see about you in regards to these questions will add grist to the mill.

What do you love to do? When have you felt most alive, excited, in love with life? What were you doing during those moments? Who were you with? Ask people who know you when theyve noticed you most alive and enthusiastic.

What kind of people do you love to be with? Answer this both specifically (specific people) and in general (types of people you enjoy). What are some of the things you could do in your life that would give you the opportunity to spend more time with these people?

If money, time, energy, and talent were unlimited, what would you do with your life and who would you be? If its difficult to imagine any of these being unlimited, make a note of this. Then, let go of that concern and continue the exercise.

Who are some people that you greatly admire? These may be celebrities, people from history, family members, or friends. What is it about them that you admire? Is it a way of being, or a set of values, or what they do in life? Be as specific as you can.

What values are most important to you? Its important to distinguish between the values you think you should feel are important and the ones you choose of your own free will.

2003 Brad Swift of Life On Purpose Institute, Inc.
This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this resource box are included.

Dr. Brad Swift founded Life On Purpose Institute in 1996 with the vision of creating a World On Purpose by assisting people like yourself to clarify their life purpose & live true to it. Determine how on or off purpose your life is with the fun & insightful Self Test at: Inspire yourself with a subscription to Purposeful Pondering Ezine:

Saturday, August 29, 2009

How a Blind Artist Teaches Others to Practice a New Philosophy

When I first met Keith Salmon I was struck by his gentleness and simplicity. As I got to know him more I became inspired by his inner strength and his continuing desire to create and work towards conquering new goals.

Keith became blind through diabetes - however, he did not let that stop him following the career that he had chosen, learned and practiced as a youth - of becoming an artist. Through his path of self-development he has never let his deteriorating sight stop him from realizing his dream of creating art, and today he shares how he dealt with his condition with others and teaches them to overcome their difficulties and to keep working towards their dreams.

Frequently he will talk to groups of people who were once sighted and who have lost their vision as he did, teaching them to move forward and not give up on their goals. Illustrating to them how best to maintain their motivation and telling his story of how he conquered his drastic loss of vision and using the 10% of sight that he still has in one eye to its best advantage in the creation of new method and depth in his artworks and which has allowed his art to advance dramatically over the last decade. All this has been largely due to his acceptance and positive reaction to his forced change of perspective on life.

Rather than accept some kind of defeated attitude from the cards this life have dealt him, Keith Salmon`s work shines by his actual physical and mental example of how not to take the world sitting down and by leading from the front. By sharing his philosophy with others he has inspired many people who might otherwise have felt defeated to rise up and lead their life from the front.

Keith is not only an accomplished and respected artist, living and working in Scotland, but is also someone who has continued to combine his childhood pleasure of hill walking with his work as an artist. Consequently his contemporary landscape art of the Scottish mountains is perhaps one of awe-inspiring intimacy. For not only does Keith represent the landscapes that he paints but given that he has lived them for the best part of the last fifty years and has experienced them as many of us may not, and is able to transfer those feelings and that adventure that he still feels when walking in the hills today, led by friends, onto bare canvas and board is a testament to his strong desire to share what he loves with the world.

John McMenemy is a respected art dealer and artist promoter who works with artists internationally, promoting their works and arranging for it to be exhibited. If you would like your art promoted you may contact him directly via the author link to his web page.

Christian Thinking

There is a popular saying from Mark Twain about Christianity. Mark Twain - "If Christ Were Here Now, There Is One Thing He Would Not Be, a Christian."

Giving this some thought and looking around at the people that view themselves as Christians got me to thinking. Do you think, if Mark Twain were alive today, he would have the same view towards Christians and Christianity as a whole? I wonder if Christ's vision of a better world or society is what's going on today. I read somewhere, where this over 33,000 different types of Christian religions, is this what Jesus had in mind over 2000 years ago.

I don't think Mark Twain was referring to Jesus as being a bad person and Christians not wanting to associate with him. I believe it's the other way around, Jesus was an exceptional person and believed in living a life as an example towards others with kindness, forgiveness and love.

Sometimes Christians get a little carried away when they start talking about loving their neighbors like they would themselves or asking for forgiveness while choosing not to forgive others. It's hard to imagine what Jesus would actually think of modern day Christians or even what he would think about Christianity over a hundred years ago.

I wonder what Jesus would have thought a thousand years ago about Christians. Mark Twain brings up a very good point, if Christ was here today, would he be happy. If you're living a life as a Christian and following in the footsteps of Jesus, you should be proud of yourself. If not, maybe you should start thinking about changing your ways.

If you are following the path of Christ, are you following a path that has been changed and manipulated to benefit organized religion and the advancement of Christianity, or are you following the true path of Jesus. Something to think about if you're planning on spending the rest of your life in the Christian religion.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing, marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his latest articles, What Is The Secret Of Life

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Stress Management and Defending the Ego

Stress management is an absolute requirement when we get into a mode of defending various beliefs and opinions. We can get to a point where we would rather die than be proven wrong. This mindset can place us in a self-imposed box that closes us off from the wonders that Life offers. However, we can give ourselves immediate relief.

The ego is composed of beliefs, attitudes and the resulting energies. The ego believes these positions are necessary for its' survival. The ego believes it is right and everything else is wrong.

This variation from reality produces a tremendous amount of stress. Management of this discomfort becomes necessary if we're going to have a meaningful life. We can make amazing progress by simply letting go of the idea that we have the only right opinion.

Right or wrong depends on context. From the context of a computer programmer, it's right to spend all day in front of a computer. From the context of a sales person, it's right to spend all day saying good things about their product.

Stress management becomes necessary when we lose track of the above. You can experience relief when you recognize the above. Socrates said that we all believe we're doing the right thing.

This right and wrong context extends to all life situations. In the grand scheme of things all of us are divine. In every day living we can simply observe ourselves with love and silently give ourselves approval. Then we can observe other people with love and silently give them approval.

It's easy to read the above paragraph. However, the above is a powerful tool for living. If you focused on the above as your basic principle for living, your life experience would go through the roof.

Copyright 2006 by Jim Kitzmiller

Jim Kitzmiller is the author of Rocket Fuel for the Soul -- Blissercise Self-Help Manual. The book's bliss exercises (blissercises) surpass usual positive thinking approaches by bypassing the logical mind. The blissercises cover 46 different areas of life.

Jim leads self-help workshops and does spiritual coaching.

Relationship Self Help - No Pity Here

Until you are willing to realize relationship self help then there is no pity here. It's easy to run around and ask others for help. The thing is have you really sat down and taken a long hard look as to why you are in this mess in the first place. All too often people are quick to blame everything that happens on their ex. Well I think it takes two to tangle for the most part so have a look at where you went wrong in the relationship.

I have a strong desire to brush people off when they ask for advice if they haven't gone through the stage of relationship self help. That doesn't mean you have to find all the answers. It just means you need to understand where you went wrong and be able to make a commitment to changing. Once you have done then it may be time to start working on getting your ex back.

Once you have gone through the relationship self help stage then it may be time to ask for some help on changing things. If you truly believe you want to be a different person and you truly believe you have what it takes then it's time to go for it. You need to be able to understand the direction you are going and the direction you want to be going. You need to understand that all errors can't be fixed over night and lastly you need to understand that it just may be too late to get your ex back.

However with the right attitude and relationship self help you at least stand a chance of straightening things out. So before you even think about getting your ex back make sure you know why you are doing it and make sure it is for all the right reasons. Always be prepared for the worst in case you don't get the results you want. At this point it may be time to move on with your life and at least learn from your mistakes.

I have no certificates on my walls, I have no degrees from anywhere. What I do have is a lifetime of experiences to help others with their relationship issues.

I think life skills are more important than any others out there. So yes I would say I am very qualified to give advice on your relationship topics. Visiting my site is a must if you are looking at how to get back an ex.

Also I have built my site around a place where people can help others with stories, articles and questions and answers.

I look forward to seeing you at Get Back An Ex

Create Joy While Doing Boring Tasks

There is something about doing chores and routine tasks that most people dread. Is it the repetitive actions-cleaning, laundry, cooking meals, gardening, etc.-that dulls our enthusiasm and imagination?

When I was nine, I remember the wave of boredom that washed over my mind when I was faced with yet another stack of dirty dishes that I was designated to wash and/or dry. No automatic dishwasher. My younger sister was designated to be the dryer, but, often feigned being sick, until the dishes were done, so I often washed and dried. With a family of six and sometimes hired help, the mountain of dishes often seemed insurmountable, especially when it was bread baking day. The huge mixing bowl, spoon, measuring items, and the 4 or 5 baking tins made the pile higher. Not to mention the milk separator needed to be washed, which was like having another stack of dishes-the huge milk strainer and bowl were nearly half my size.

The thought that I could find joy in these routine chores and tasks I was bored with came to me one morning. I realized that I could change my attitude, a different approach and challenge myself to see how fast I could get the task done. The first morning I estimated the time at thirty-minutes to do the breakfast dishes. Breakfast was not a bowl of cold cereal or a protein bar. Breakfast was bacon, ham, or sausage and eggs with pancakes or oatmeal with grapefruit sections or chunks or other fruit. The oatmeal breakfast was the easiest to clean up. I worked as fast as I could muster and was able to finish in twenty-five minutes.

I was proud of my ability to meet this challenge. Wow! I was onto something. From then on I would estimate the time for the stack that lay before me to see if I could beat that time. It worked to lessen the dullness and boredom of this routine chore. I still use this method today, not for doing dishes, as I have the best automatic dishwasher available, but, for all the other chores and errands life produces, it compels me to 'get things done in record time.'

Gardening is my time to commune with nature and have meditative time. Digging in the dirt is therapeutic for my psyche. And to add more benefit on gardening days, I don't need to go to the gym as I have gotten a light workout.

Many people tend to put off what they dislike doing. Surprisingly, as I learned at age nine, the best approach to unpleasant tasks or dull chores is to dive right in and be fully engaged in what one is doing.
You may not cherish doing laundry or mopping the floors, but you can view it as a loving act for both yourself and your family. Or you can add a challenge of seeing how quickly you can accomplish the task and set a bench mark on which to improve upon next time.

Other ways to change your attitude about chores is saying, 'Thank you,' to the universe for being able to have these chores in the surroundings you have-a lovely home and neighborhood. Each morning, see how quickly and neatly you can make your bed and take pride in knowing that you are taking good care of yourself and your environment.

Another way to create a pleasant experience, while doing mundane chores, is play your favorite music, singing or dancing about while you are working. Creating a mental list of all the things you are grateful for keeps your mind occupied on positive thoughts versus the negative thoughts of how boring and tedious the chores are.

You could ask a friend(s) to exchange helping each other with tasks such as: cleaning the garage, basement, painting or wallpapering a room, etc. Remember to look for joy in doing the mundane tasks and chores and all your life maintenance activities will be a source of enjoyment rather than a duty you simply tolerate.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

Friday, August 28, 2009

A Mirthful Spirit by Mary Huntley & Edna Thayer - Book Review

Beaver's Pond Press (2007)
ISBN 9781592981656

"A Mirthful Spirit" uses stories, research, quotes, poetry, tips and suggestions by two scholars in the field of mirth and laughter. More than a guidebook for embracing mirth and laughter, "A Mirthful Spirit" provides guidelines for incorporating humor in the workplace, hospitals, and schools to improve productivity, wellness, and creativity.

One of the best things about laughter is that it is contagious. By teaching yourself the techniques and tips for living a mirthful life, one of the biggest benefits is that you will soon find yourself surrounded by people dispersing the joys of living with a mirthful spirit.

From the physical benefits (Initiates Internal Jogging, Thwarts Infections, Alleviates Pain) to mental benefits (Lightens stress, Increases brain-cell functioning), "A Mirthful Spirit" provides a handbook for healthy, happy, humor-filled living.

"A Mirthful Spirit" closes with an intriguing section on the historical and cultural highlights of humor. Even humor has evolved and matured from its beginnings (ridicule) to the healing powers of mirthful living we can access today.

"A Mirthful Spirit: Embracing Laughter for Wellness" is a perfect bedside companion and coffee table book; this is certainly a book to put on your gift lists. Not only will the receiver benefit from the wisdom among its pages, all will benefit from the gift of spreading mirth. Reading "A Mirthful Spirit" will change your outlook on life. Not only will you become happier-everyone will feel your joy and start laughing with you. Huntley and Thayer are firm believers in what one of their heroes, Patch Adams, says, "The most revolutionary act we can commit in the world is to be happy." Go buy a copy of "A Mirthful Spirit" and you too can laugh your way to wellness.

A Season For Thankfulness

It's nearly that time of year when Harvest Themes arrive in the stores, so whether you're looking forward to a harvest feast or you're simply thinking about this year's workouts, here are some quotations to provoke your thinking about 'gratitude' and 'self-restraint' to nudge you forward.

At the very least, if you pick one of the following quotes to ponder over the coming few days it will send you into your Thanksgiving celebration with a new attitude, perhaps one of kindness, acceptance, and yes, appreciation. Let go of any mishaps of the past. This is a brand new celebration.


At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. Albert Schweitzer

Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful. Buddha

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others. Cicero

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. William James

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. Henry Ward Beecher

Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more. Brother David Steindl-Rast


I have always repented speaking, but never of holding my tongue. Xenocrates Self-control is the chief element in self-respect and the chief element in courage. Thucydides

Remember, there is always a limit to self indulgence, but none to self- restraint. Mahatma Gandhi Some people are molded by their admiration, others by their hostilities. Elizabeth Bowen

There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself. Louis XIV

The best executive is one who has sense enough to pick good people to do what he wants them to do, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it. Theodore Roosevelt

I wish you a safe and enjoyable celebration of the rewards you've earned through the 'planting and plowing' you've done all year. Be thankful for your 'harvest' - the results of a year of great work. It's my warmest hope that your own sense of gratitude and of self-restraint have a fuller sense within you also. Enjoy your discoveries!

Keeping your skills fresh for your career will help you accelerate your success. Enjoy Master Certified Coach Ann Golden Egl's weekly Success Thought for the Week as an aid to success. You can sign up here: or email:

Living Life in the Divine Flow

How would you like every moment of every day to feel like one miracle happening after another? How would you like to accomplish your goals and realize your dreams without undue struggle or strain?

Its possible. Its called living life in the divine flow.

Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, there is a divine flow in your life that is continually guiding you toward the effortless fulfillment of your hearts desires. The trick is learning how to recognize and cooperate with that flow, instead of blocking or restricting your experience of it.

Fortunately, thats not a very difficult thing to learn how to do. In fact, there are two fundamental steps that you can take right now to begin living life in the divine flow.

Step one is to simply pay attention. The divine flow is continually guiding you toward the effortless fulfillment of your hearts desires . . . continually! But to take advantage of that guidance, you must be aware of the subtle ways that the flow is attempting to guide you.

Here are three ways that you receive guidance from the divine flow:

First, you are continually receiving direction from your own intuition. Your intuition is the most valuable and reliable source of guidance you have. It is the spirit of the divine within you. It is the spirit of the divine that is you! Your divine spirit always knows the next right step to take. And it is continually trying to tell you what that step is. So take the time to slow down, get quiet, and listen to that still, small voice. Honor it. Respect it. Follow it.

A second form of guidance comes to you through the wisdom of others. The divine flow often speaks to you through the people who cross your path. It is through their wisdomtheir intuitive guidancethat you are often led to your next right step. That doesnt mean that you have to accept and act on everything that everybody says to you. But you should at least be open and receptive to others, and willing to consider what they have to say.

A third way that the divine flow communicates with you is through signs, coincidences, and synchronicities. These occurrences are not mere chance or happenstance. They are meaningful. They are divinely designed to open doors for you and create opportunities for you in direct response to your desire. But you have to pay attention to those signs and synchronicities. And you have to act on them. You have to go through those doors and take advantage of those opportunities.

Which brings us to the second step for living life in the divine flow: You must let go of what you think you know. The divine flow often guides you to your good in a way that is far differentand far betterthan anything you would ever come up with on your own. But to take advantage of that guidance, you must be careful not to hastily dismiss it or overrule it because you know better.

That doesnt mean that you have to forget everything you have been taught, or ignore the conclusions you have drawn based upon your experience. It simply means that you must keep an open mindand realize that there is always more to know than you currently know. As certain as you are about something, if you are willing to admit that there could still be something that you just havent considered, you will leave an opening in your mind that is wide enough for divine direction to get through.

So there you have it. Let go of what you think you know. And pay attention to the flow. Stop trying to force things to go they way you think they should go, and be willing to move in a direction that is different from what you planned on or expected.

Do those two things, and you will begin to live a life that is dramatically more fulfilling, immensely more joyful, and, on top of it all, remarkably effortless!

Steven Lane Taylor is a spiritual author and speaker now living in Sedona, Arizona. Since the publication of his book, Row, Row, Row Your Boat: A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow, Steven has been sharing his message with congregations and organizations all across the country. For more information about Steven and his work, to see where he is speaking and conducting workshops, or to sign up to receive his free weekly inspirational email, visit

Win Your Lover Back Through Positive Thinking

Even if you have come to the point where a break-up is inevitable, you can still win your lover back. Just look around - people make up every day and there are plenty of couples, who had survived rough times and lived happily ever after.

The key is not to lose your positive attitude and ability to see things in an optimistic light. Now, this might sound as rubbish to you, if you are overwhelmed by pain, confusion and despair. But if in the range of emotions you feel right now there is also determination to win your lover back, you have to get hold of yourself. You will not save your relationship by grieving for it.

A very common mistake after a break-up is to concentrate on negative thoughts and play the blame game. Revising the past and understanding all the wrong moves you had done can be helpful in terms of learning on your mistakes. At the same time, focus on future and think what can be done to avoid the same mistakes and win your lover back.

Think about the whole break-up positively. Take it as a lesson, an experience that will eventually help you change yourself to the better. And remember - you made this relationship work in the past and you can do it again in future! Rather than on outer factors - the situation depends on you!

You should also keep in mind that it is you whom he/she considered special and chose from the crowd. So, you have all the chances to win your lover back! Seeing your positive attitude your ex will feel even more attracted to you. If there is no bitterness between you two, it will be easier to keep in touch and, eventually, start dating again.

Eliminate anything that made him/her leave you. Let your ex partner see you are a changed person now, the one he/she always dreamt to be with. Even with a slow progress, do not lose hope; do not lose your positive attitude. Be gentle and do not push your ex towards accepting you again. Let you both enjoy starting everything all over again and re-living that wonderful phase, when you become closer to each other day by day.

And, of course, there is no harm in learning some proven universal tricks and techniques of making up in order to win your lover back.

Find out how to say the right words and do the right things using my step-by-step "How to Get Back Ex" Easy System that has gotten 6000 couples back together after their break-ups!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Positive Mindset = Positive Affirmations

Turbo-Charge Your Affirmations, Develop Positive Thinking So You Can Eliminate Stress From Your Life, Skyrocket Your Self-Confidence and Program Yourself For Lifetime Success! Developing a positive mindset is one of the most powerful life strategies there is. Using powerful positive thinking techniques, visualizations and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve whatever you want.

The idea behind these techniques is pretty simple. Most of us grow up learning to put ourselves down for any real or imagined error. We grow up believing certain things about ourselves or comparing ourselves negatively to others. Affirmations are statements of acceptance that one uses to allow the manifestation of your destiny. They are powerful and positive thoughts and statements sent out to the universe. To do positive affirmations, you need to eliminate the negativity around you. You must first believe that YOU CAN manifest your destiny.

Affirmations encourage you to think about good things rather than to think negatively. They help you focus on your strengths and can increase your confidence. By thinking positively you're more likely to get what you want and solve any problems. Spend a few minutes thinking of what you regard as negative aspects of your personality. Go away now for five or ten minutes and write a list of any and all things that could be considered as negative about yourself. Once you're got your list, on a new blank sheet create a list of all the positive things.

Look at the lists and realize you are neither wholly despicable nor entirely admirable. You are both these things and these two facets of your personally create the entire self. This concept has grown increasingly popular due to the publishing phenomenon of Rhonda Byrne's The Secret (also a 2006 film) and The Law of Attraction series by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks. These books and teachers express similar ideas to Napoleon Hill's classic, Think and Grow Rich. Byrne was inspired in particular by New Thought pioneer Wallace D. Wattles' 1910 book The Science of Getting Rich.

If you have ever thought about why some people are successful in life and others live out their lives in failure. If you've ever wanted to be one of those people who lives' their dreams, the answer is must be to have some structure in your life, such a structure that will foster a positive mental attitude.

The POWER of Affirmations will create wealth, success, romance, help you lose weight, build self-confidence, develop positive thinking - anything you want. It will also help you find your true calling, give your life meaning and allow you to have inner peace as you accomplish your goals. But in order to get the most out of life you must first understand how your incredible creating powers work.

To read further about affirmations, please visit the author's site at:

Mr. Phil Booker
Senior Affirmation Advisor
For more information on 'affirmations' please visit this site:

Healing With Your Mind

Big Cities and Aggression

I have the privilege of living in a small town and I like that. Some people prefer to live in big cities. In fact, millions of people prefer to do so. Living in a big city has its benefits; you have more opportunity for everything: a great cultural life to participate in, restaurants to go to, stores to shop, and more people to watch and communicate with. Also, big cities are the best places to find that perfect job and get a lot of money if one chooses to do so.

Though those are certainly great benefits, attached to them is the stress of living in an aggressive place. One needs to look no farther than your surroundings to see what I mean.

For example, I went to San Francisco the other day and while having a snack in a caf, I noticed that there was a bus stop right in front of the window where I was seated. Being an admirer of people, I decided to pay attention to those coming and going.

Within 5 minutes, I saw a young man passing by with a t-shirt that said Masturbation is not a crime; another man waiting for the bus holding a brown paper bag and drinking from it; a woman getting out of a bus, with a baby in her arms and picking up a folded stroller from the bus and opening it up to put the baby in, with an absolute lack of help from another person; a couple dressed in gothic, and a thin dog, walking alongside a homeless man pushing a shopping cart with his few belongings in it.

Now, if this isnt a depressing view, I dont know what is. And that got me thinking about the natural aggression that comes with living in such places. The problem is, however, that few people realize how this aggression is changing them, from caring human beings to cold-hearted, desensitized people. This change is obviously not conscious; it is rare the person who is truly indifferent to his surroundings.

This desensitization is comparable with those medical people working in hospitals, who, for example, see so much pain and suffering that, if they didnt put a barrier to their feelings, they would probably go insane. It is true that we walk around a big city and see tons of small acts of aggression, perhaps not geared to others but to oneself.

It is necessary, then, for us to become aware of the aggression that we suffer by living in such places and learn to cope with it, so that we may bring our souls to remember that we are divine beings and thus deserving of having peace of mind, physical safety, and emotional balance.

Maria Moratto 2006
Want to have more abundance, health, time, love, fun, and blessings? Visit Prescription For Bliss at, sign up for the newsletter and receive a fr*ee ebook called "Happy People Are More Abundant!"
Dr. Maria Moratto is the author of "The Inspired Healing For Your Body, Mind, and Soul," "The Inspired Healing Journal: Mending Your Broken Heart," and "Attract Money Journal." Visit her site to get fr*ee affirmation cards.
You may reprint this article in its entirety as long as you add this resource box.

Luck Is What Happens When

Monday, August 17, 2009

Breathing Your Troubles Away - The Way You Breathe Can Heal and Transform Your Life

The breath has the capacity to ease pain and soften tension.When you concentrate on breathing, your mind is able to gather together all its scattered energies. Your mind becomes much more focused, quiet, and clear. In fact, when you focus on your breathing, you are in the present, in the here and now. You are able to truly shift from one state of consciousness to another.

The Breath Moves Consciousness

Some great thinkers have actually said that the breath has the power to actually move matter and consciousness to new states of being. The breath is the life force.. When you focus on breathing, you focus on directing the life force within you This focuses and quiets your mind and helps you move energy. That's why it's so powerful to breathe into your difficulties. It moves them, shifts them, transforms them.

Rapid, Anxious Breathing

Notice your breathing when you feel anxious and uncentered. It's high up in your chest, and it's shallow and rapid. Some people feel as if their feet are going to leave the ground. Others break out into pronounced sweats. Rapid breathing and fear thoughts can create the perception of anxiety.

By breathing more deeply and bringing your breath down into your belly, you'll feel a greater sense of peace. You pay attention to what's bothering you, then breathe into your issues and breathe them out deeply transforms your life experiences.

Constricted Breathing

When you open and relax your breathing, you're able to release and transform old habits of mind with greater ease. The Buddha said, "Being sensitive to the whole body, the yogi breathes in; being sensitive to the whole body, the yogi breathes out."

When we inhale, the air comes into the inner world. When we exhale, the air goes out to the outer world. The inner world is limitless, and the outer world is also limitless. . . . Actually, there is just one whole world. -Shunryu Suzuki, The Enlightened Mind

Want to learn more about life transformation, spiritual growth, and healing? You can download our 100 page free ebook, Extraordinary Healing at You can also subscribe to our wonderful free monthly newsletter, "The Transformation News." Marilyn Gordon is a board certified hypnotherapist, teacher, speaker, healer, school director, and author with over thirty years of experience. Her latest book is The Wise Mind: The Brilliant Key to Life Transformation and Healing.

Laura King

Was Jesus Really Born On December 25th - Video

Why Do People Go To Church
Teenage Pier Pressure

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Find Out Why You Believe in Your Religion

Whenever I ask someone involved in a religious organization, the question, do you really believe in your religion? Most of these people will often answer would be yes and start their religious conversion. Some of these people can become very intrusive if I don't stop them soon, very few of these people listen with an open mind.

I have talked to quite a few men and women about their beliefs over the years and still find it hard to believe that most of them live a life of faith with very little understanding or education about their religion. Now some strong believers might take offense to that statement, while others will listen to what I said and start doing a little more research on their religion.

Most of these religions throughout the world make perfectly good sense to their followers and I understand the reasoning behind some of them, it's all they know, everyone around them believes in the same religion and they get some sort of happiness and joy from it.

It's not hard to imagine a young child, walking around with strong religious beliefs if their parents are strong believers in it also. These children grow up and eventually train their children to follow the same path of their parents. Our children should be able to choose, what they will believe in, by the time they are adults.

This is a natural process of life, your parents learned from their parents and whenever someone asked them a question that they really couldn't answer or were uncomfortable answering, they can always reply with, I'm living a life based on faith or you just have to believe. You have to believe that someone is looking out for you and taking care of you. Most of these people think that something else is responsible for the events that take place in their life.

Is it possible for people that live a life of faith to educate themselves about their religion, to find the origin and maybe the destination of their religions. Could these people actually assume responsibility for their choices, whether they're good or bad. It's often hard to listen to somebody tell me that some evil entity made them do something bad. These people are easily convinced by others who agree with them and support them with their statements and beliefs. This seems to be where the biggest problem lies.

Once the people around us support our beliefs, they soon become realities in our lives. These realities will be transferred to others around us and give them support eventually about their beliefs. It's like a vicious circle that never ends. One believe supports another belief, until it's a fact.

Education is the path to freedom and will soon deliver the students from religious bondage. Someone a long time ago said," Seek and You Shall Find, Knock on My Door and I Will Open It.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Science Getting Rich.

Greg is currently working on a religious education also visit our article library, filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Ernest Rossi

Saturday, August 15, 2009

What About The End The End Of The World

Teenage Pier Pressure
Fighting In Gods Name

Is 2012 Really the End of the World?

Maybe just the end of the world as we know it. No, the world is not going to implode or explode or be completely destroyed in any form for that matter. 2012 is a new beginning, not an end.

There has been so much said about all this, from the bible, from Nostradamus, from Edgar Cayce, from the Mayans. In 2012 we will truly be able to experience heaven on earth. For some, this has already started. We are already feeling these changes. There are many people on this earth who have Ascended from the 3D reality to the 5th Dimension reality already. The Earth herself has ascended from 3D to 5D. In 5D time and space are different, they do not exist in the same way as they do in 3D. This is why so many people are having experiences outside what the "norm" has been the past few thousand years.

Some people think the financial meltdowns etc. are really bad news. It is just a change, different things going on, it doesn't have to be bad news. Everything is perception. A lot of people are being forced to change the way they have been thinking, or the way they have been doing things. So much of the world's issues right now are related to the old 3D ways crumbling. It is a new beginning, not an ending.

Jesus (or whatever Ascended Master you relate to based on your religion or lack thereof), IS coming. It is the Christ Consciousness in us all. Jesus "the man" is not going to just show up one day to save us. Its not quite like that. The consciousness of Jesus will show up for us all as soon as we realize that we have access to it. It is your own greatness, your own Christ Consciousness that will save you. Your realization that you are God. We ourselves are the second coming.

What makes things so hard is the separation from the divine light and love of all that is. For many years people have turned to religion, or leaders that tell us that things are outside of ourselves. Those in perceived power don't want us to know that the power of EVERYTHING is within us. We are all one.

The talk of hellfire and hell coming to earth for those that do not accept Jesus into their lives is true in some ways, but not in the literal sense that some organized religions would have you believe. It has to do with those that accept they are the creators themselves. Those that can see and feel their own greatness will truly be creating a heaven on earth for themselves and those around them.

Those that rely on (or "worship"), things from the 3D reality -- money and ego and external power -- truly will be in a hell on earth. Earth and her energy is changing, has already changed. We, as a species, are learning that we can create whatever we want here. It has very little to do with ego and power. There are many on the earth right now who are here to help with this transition. Many lightworkers who are ascending and "getting it" are here to help you. Many are actually devoting their lives to helping others remember where they came from and what divine beings they are. The first wave of Ascension is over. There are many Masters on this plane of our planet right now. Willing to help you to realize you don't have to stay stuck in 3D any more. Many people think Jesus is a saviour, as in separate from you, that will come and rescue you from your life, your existence, yourself, your perceived sins. God is not going to "make people go to hell". What kind of loving God would actually make people go to hell? If all one does is worship money, control or power they WILL likely end up in their own hell. This will be their own doing (or undoing) though. It will not be something that is done TO them.

Look at how things are right now. The world financial crisis is HUGE. Anyone who is very centred in, or worships, money or power at this point in time is RIGHT NOW in their own personal HELL. God certainly isn't putting them there. It is their perception of their time on earth that is putting them there.

Those that are suffering right now just need to look inside themselves, at the Christ Consciousness, at the God in THEM. Hanging onto the old 3D reality and the worship of external things like money or power or ego is what is causing them suffering. The always wanting more is causing suffering. There is enough on this earth for everyone. Some say they don't believe that...I've had people tell me to my face that I'm full of you know what just for suggesting such a thing.

The reality of it least MY reality of it is that there is enough for all. If we take the greed, the control, the lusting for external power away, there is enough.

All through the bible it states that God is in all of us. Therefore, Love is in all of us.

Religions made the devil up to scare the heck out of people. There were, and still are, those that do not want you to know your own greatness. They don't want you to know what they know. If everyone knew, there would be balance. No one would be better than, or richer than. Everyone would just "Be".

Religions say the devil "fell from grace" because he wanted to be God-like. What better way to make people shun their own greatness, their own connection with God. Scare the crap out of them so that when they start to realize their own greatness, and that they are not just a "part of Source (God)", but that they are indeed Source (God) themselves, the creators of their own lives and spiritual journeys, they get afraid and experience more separation. As soon as people realize their greatness, no one will be able to control them. That is very scary for those that think they have the power over the masses.

We are all God-like. We are all creators, God is Love, we are all a part of God. This scares a lot of people and there are certain governments and religions that don't want people to know this, so they make up stuff like the devil or demons to scare people. They don't want the general population to realize their power, they would lose their own place in society; in the 3D reality they have created for themselves. Imagine if everyone knew just how much like God we are, how much a part of God we one could control us anymore. No one would have the power to "make" us fearful. God is Love.....the "devil" is fear.

So, is 2012 the end of the world? I certainly hope it is the end of the world as we have known it up to this point.

Do not fear the changes, embrace them. Connect with Source in your own way. Find and connect with your own internal Christ Consciousness, your own greatness.

When things are done with Love and not fear, nothing but God and Love can shine through.

There are many things going on. Being a psychic lightworker myself (for lack of a better term), I know that what I see and do, anyone can see and do. The biggest challenge is to KNOW that you can do it. It is just a matter of being open to it and having the realization that we are all Source.

Remember where you came from, remember your divinity. Connect with your own Christ Consciousness. Experience the bliss every day, feel the love every day. Live with Love not Fear of what is going on on our earth. Its all good...

I am a psychic living in British Columbia, Canada. I have been psychic since birth and have been doing psychic readings for others for the past 25 years. With these psychic readings I help people to enhance their own personal growth and assist them to realize their life path. I am also a medium and often when I do readings I have contact from the other side, whether from a loved one who has passed over or Spirit teachers and guides. Visit Psychic Medium for more information on psychic readings.

Deepak Chopra

Friday, August 14, 2009

Forgive Everyone in Every Way

Forgive everyone, everyday, and in every way. Each person is doing the best he or she can. No one, absolutely no one is perfect. Since no one is perfect, this means that we all need to share more patience and more understanding surrounding all aspects of our interactions with one another. Think of the last time you needed to forgive someone. And, think of the last time you needed to be forgiven. When we need to be forgiven, there is a feeling of lack or something as missing. When we need to forgive, we often feel anger. Anger is a secondary emotion for loss. When we lose something, the need to restore what was lost. This sends us on a search within ourselves for attention in a peace filled direction. If you noticed, to forgive or to be forgiven leads you to the same place. Both paths of awareness lead us on a search. What are you searching for? You are searching to find wholeness. What is wholeness? This is often one's perception of reality created by what one believes to be true. This creation of what one believes to be true is the path of one's soul seeking manifestation in the world of form from the formless.

There is no set way to wholeness. Simply being aware that you have a self-defined understanding of wholeness that is within you is what we simply need to give attention to within us. This continued attention on what we seek the most within us will grow in our awareness until the need to place our attention on forgiveness fades away.

If a person was to believe that forgiveness is something obtained through the human psyche alone, we all would find the journey into such a place within us as something to avoid. In the deepest parts of who we are, we want to connect to what is sacred within us. Therefore, to re-create a past interaction with someone who we feel we harmed or who we feel harmed us is a useless attempt to embrace what cannot be. This is not to say that certain relationships close to us do not need verbal efforts to make up for a past action leading to harm. In fact, a person can find this useful, and even, helpful. The point I want to make is the place one's attention may be at the time such a verbal interaction will become vital in the success of such expressions taking place.

Dying patients remind me that there are countless times in all our lives where the issue of forgiveness was perceived and we become aware of it. There is no way a dying person can retrieve all their past life experiences in physical form, but we can recall these moments in time and visualize how we would have handled them differently. This is our soul seeking to make right a wrong our personality may not allow us to do, or it may no longer be feasible to take place in our current circumstances. People are such a vast array of experiences. There are endless paths of attention within us calling for our attention. Perhaps, the instant we remember who we are and who others are in the deepest parts of our being, we begin to remember the love that brings all our lives together, and into, being. This remembrance of who we are as children of our Creator reminds us of the unconditional spirit reflected within our own selves. The transcendence of flesh and blood inspires us to give our Creator our lives, the lives of others, and our very reason for living into the hands that created us.

For More on this Author:

Home Purchase Planning

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Super Christians and Conversion

Brainwashing People

Religion and Yoga

Etymologically the word religion denotes duality, as it is a combination of Latin re and ligare, meaning to bind or connect again. Cicero, Lactantius and Augustine slightly differ from each other in their meaning of religion, which is quite natural. Through millennia, after many definitions and interpretations, the word religion has become a loaded word, and organised religion has further distorted its meaning. But shorn of the dross gathered around it, it means reunion with something from which we have separated earlier (fall of man). Similarly, yoga means to yoke or join together in Sanskrit, denoting--again--duality. Therefore, translation of religion should be yoga-not dharma, as is the case-and vice versa.

Like religion, Yoga, too, has also become a loaded word, by and large meaning a regimen of exercises, breath control and meditation (dhyana) to tone up the body and control the mind.

From the above, it follows: Bind or connect again to what (in case of religion)? And yoke or join to what (in case of yoga)? You reconnect with something where the connection has been snapped. Likewise, you yoke or join two things that once constituted one undivided whole.

Both the words were coined by the aspirants in the distant past to describe what they thought to be the source, since lost somewhere along the line. But, was there really a source? If yes, then, how the source was lost? There has to be a self or I together with something dividing it from the source; however 'I' is nothing but first person, singular pronoun.

The famous American philosopher Daniel Dennett maintains in his book, Consciousness Explained, that the self is an illusion-no more than a series of shifting "multiple drafts" or narratives, with no central focus or continuity.

On the other hand, the illustrious British mathematician Roger Penrose says: The world is an illusion created by the conspiracy of our senses.

When these two statements are juxtaposed with each other, we find that "the self is an illusion" according to Dennett, and "the world is an illusion" as per Penrose. Hence, the self is an illusion and so is the world. Is it then all Maya? The word Maya means illusion in English. In Sanskrit, however, Maya means measurement. What can be measured is Maya. English words like measurement, myth, meter, matter, and music, share a common ancestry with it. All measurements start from the point called 'I' or 'self'. When this I or self is knocked off, then Maya collapses along with religion and yoga. Then what is left is the Source.

Currently, I am working on a book for children.

Rich German

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Ovum Factor

The Ovum Factor by Marvin L. Zimmerman is one of the best intrigue novels I have read in some time. There were several aspects that stood out for me with this book. Marvin is able to bring several environmental, moral and ethical issues to the reader. He is also able to show us a little of an insider's view into the corporate world. His passion for the planet is so well interwoven into the story's plot that readers will find themselves tense and wanting to read more. Another interesting aspect of the book is that Marvin also shows us the importance of Indigenous knowledge and the dangers of eradicating life-systems.

The lead character is David Rose who becomes involved with a Nobel Prize winning professor, Charles MacMillan. Charles is driven by a traumatic event from his youth and this passion has helped discover one possible thread of hope for man and the destruction of Earth. Early on in this tale readers are introduced to controversial subjects from genetic manipulation to social ethics. David, however, has no idea of the role that religious leaders going back in time have played in keeping this knowledge from reaching the public. In his ignorance Cardinal Cardoso sends a reformed assassin, Dario Santini, to stop Professor MacMillan's project. A romance develops between David and Professor MacMillan's assistant, Emily Chang - a woman with a troubled past and who has a hidden agenda of her own. David soon finds himself trekking through the Amazon forest in search of a plant that may no longer exist due to vast abuse to the land. His guide, Galileo is also far from what he seems at first and David becomes more than a little reliant on this man.

The Ovum Factor is a sad, gripping, emotionally charged book that is both realistic and intelligently written. Action, legends, adventure, romance and travel are all here. I truly enjoyed the author's style and the simple way he blends fact and fiction. Readers are shown comparisons between modern society and the indigenous peoples and the effect our society has on theirs.

I also enjoyed the concept of fate and the interconnected web of life. We see characters finding purpose in life, and pursuing it. The plight of the planet and the loss of life described in this book may help some readers feel inspired to become proactive in life. I believe that the main message of The Ovum Factor is that there is a potential hero in each one of us.

Marvin Zimmerman has been the publisher and editor of INMR Quarterly Review, focusing on electrical energy, for more than 15 years. His work as a consultant for business and marketing strategy and as an instructor of international business at two of Canada's largest universities must have played a role in the accurate corporate world we see in The Ovum Factor. Mr. Zimmerman is a life-long environmentalist and, interestingly, wrote most of the book on location.

Rating 5 out of 5 stars.

~ Lillian Brummet: co-author of the books Trash Talk and Purple Snowflake Marketing, author of Towards Understanding; host of the Conscious Discussions radio show (

What Was Jesus True Message To His Followers

What Is Intuition
My Parents Influence On Me

Monday, August 10, 2009

How to Forgive Someone

Weve all heard the saying, You have to forgive, but you dont have to forget. I wont refute that, but you have to agree that a lot of people use that excuse to never really forgive at all. Are you one of those people?

Lets rephrase it a little. You have to forgiveand you have to forget the anger, the pain, the anxiety, and everything else that comes with someone sinning against you. But you dont have to make yourself a target (even though Jesus did). Sound a little more difficult? This is really the Christian way of life, and its going to be difficult. No one promised you would enjoy it.

So well start with the forgiveness. This is where you have the most control, because its an act of will. You have to decide to forgive, and then do it. Heres a short list of what this involves:

No more daydreaming about your perpetrators pain and suffering.

Stop thinking about the what if outcomes, and accept what happened.

Start praying for the person. Not for their punishment, not for them to see the lightpray for their good and their soul. Say a simple Hail Mary, without meditating on the one youre praying for. Meditate on the words, and dedicate it to your perpetrator. Let God decide how to reward or punish them.

If you can do something nice for the person, do it without grumbling and without reminding them of what they did wrong.

Stop gossiping about them.

Every time you find yourself thinking about it, change the subject. Think about the starving kids in China, your financial problems, Baby Jesusanything.

Now that (believe it or not) is the easy part. Now it comes time to deal with the anger and pain. Sometimes its easy. But in cases of serious violation, or when someone hurts a loved one, the very idea sounds idiotic. And no, youll never completely let go, but you can completely try. And you can start by using some of the techniques listed above.

Youll probably have to take it further. Youll have to swallow those emotions. Bury them deep. Yes, Im going against what every therapist out there is preaching, but talking and sulking is no way to get over anything. Youve had your period of pity; its time to move on. When you feel the flame of anger building inside you, force it to the back of your mind, and let it die. Dont waste another second of your life stewing. Itll take practice, but every day is another chance.

Finally, theres that last part. This is where most of us have trouble. This is also where we have to weigh our duties, and choose whats most important. Here are a few questions to help you sort it out:

Does it involve someone under your protection? Im talking mainly to parents. Our children obviously come first, and were never obligated to put them in danger.

Does it involve a sexual violation? I dont have to go into this. If someone isnt treating your body like a Temple of Christ, then stay away from them.

Does it involve injury? The big question here is How much? A school boy shouldnt offer himself out to the wedgie bully, but a pop in the arm is usually more a matter of humiliation than personal injury. If your body is being harmed by someone, you have a right to stop thembut again, Christ didnt. Also, consider how likely the person is to harm you again. If it was a one-time event, you should let go. On a side note: Repeated domestic violence has several victims, especially children. And track records show that very few offenders only strike once. If youre trying to figure out whether or not to leave such a situation, stoop thinking and get out.

Does it involve personal property? Whos property? If youre raising a family, you cant risk everything and ignore their needs. But ask yourself if the amount stolen or damaged property is worth the hassle of never trusting someone again.

Does it involve your good name? Hunker down and forget about it. The truth will set you free. Lies hurt the liar more than anyone else. If its the truth, then just be more careful of what you saybut dont withhold something begrudgingly.

Written by the copywriters at, where you can find free content for your Christian newsletters and websites.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

How Many Disciples Were There, Really

Why Do People Go To Church
Put Your Plans Into Action

Bible Scriptures Mirror Prosperity On You

James 1:22-25 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. 23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: 24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. 25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. KJV

This Bible scripture shows us that bible scriptures are mirrors we need to be looking into every day and then we will see ourselves in this new life in Christ Jesus. We look differently in these Bible scripture mirrors then sometimes circumstances in our lives; because they reflect a whole new realm, the Kingdom of God, we are living in or should live in and out of as Christians.

Bible scripture prosperity manifests in our lives as we continue to look, not forgetting what Bible scriptures show us. That continual observing of the reflection of Bible scriptures will bring the revelation to our minds and then comes manifestation for all others to see. That is the power of the Word of God. First we have revelation and then we have manifestation. That is why the importance of meditation of Bible scriptures day and night as Joshua 1:8 tells us.

Joshua 1:8 This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. AMP

So lets get started on looking into some Bible scriptures that will show us in the prosperity of God.

3 John 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. KJV

Did you notice Father God wished above all things that we prosper first of all? This is speaking of financial prosperity. Father still wishes that you prospered above all things today.

2 Corinthians 8:9 For you are becoming progressively acquainted with and recognizing more strongly and clearly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (His kindness, His gracious generosity, His undeserved favor and spiritual blessing), [in] that though He was [so very] rich, yet for your sakes He became [so very] poor, in order that by His poverty you might become enriched (abundantly supplied). AMP

This scripture is all about financial matters and not spiritual matters. Looking into this Bible scripture, we see Jesus became so very poor coming to this earth from a lavish Heaven so that we could financially become enriched abundantly supplied. So keep looking into this mirror and see yourself becoming enriched abundantly supplied then at the time when Jesus left Heaven for your prosperity.

2 Corinthians 9:6-11 [Remember] this: he who sows sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly, and he who sows generously [that blessings may come to someone] will also reap generously and with blessings. 7 Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, "prompt to do it") giver [whose heart is in his giving]. 8 And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation].
9 As it is written, He [the benevolent person] scatters abroad; He gives to the poor; His deeds of justice and goodness and kindness and benevolence will go on and endure forever! 10 And [God] Who provides seed for the sower and bread for eating will also provide and multiply your [resources for] sowing and increase the fruits of your righteousness [which manifests itself in active goodness, kindness, and charity]. 11 Thus you will be enriched in all things and in every way, so that you can be generous, and [your generosity as it is] administered by us will bring forth thanksgiving to God. AMP

This is how the Kingdom of God operates, seed time and harvest. This allows the abundance of Gods grace to cause us to experience every favor and earthly blessing, possess enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance to continue to be a giver. Do you see yourself in the mirror of this Bible scripture? If not, then keep looking.

Galatians 3:13-14,29 Christ purchased our freedom [redeeming us] from the curse (doom) of the Law [and its condemnation] by [Himself] becoming a curse for us, for it is written [in the Scriptures], Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree (is crucified); 14 To the end that through [their receiving] Christ Jesus, the blessing [promised] to Abraham might come upon the Gentiles, so that we through faith might [all] receive [the realization of] the promise of the [Holy] Spirit. 29 And if you belong to Christ [are in Him Who is Abraham's Seed], then you are Abraham's offspring and [spiritual] heirs according to promise. AMP

July 4th of every year the United States of America celebrates its independence from her mother nation. As Christians, we need to continue to look into this mirror of Galatians 3:13 and others that reflect back to us our independence from the law and from the curse of the law because of Jesus fulfilling that law of Moses and taking the curse of the law for our independence.

It might be good for you to go back and look at Deuteronomy 28 where the blessing that came by keeping the law and the curse coming from not doing the law are listed. Dont pay any attention to the curse other than to give thanks to Jesus for fulfilling all of this Law of Moses so that you could experience through Him the blessings. Then your time, meditating on the blessing and see a reflection of yourself walking and living in the blessing. It will come upon you and over take you is the promise. I like to be overtaken by the blessing, dont you?

Now that we are in Christ Jesus, Bible scriptures will reflect back to us being in the blessing of Abraham. We have the spiritual blessing of Jesus Christ and we have the financial blessing of Abraham.

This last Bible scripture mirrors us in prosperity provided for by Heavens blessings.

Ephesians 1:3 May blessing (praise, laudation, and eulogy) be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual (given by the Holy Spirit) blessing in the heavenly realm! AMP

We must not be waiting on our financial prosperity any more. Every spiritual blessing contains your material blessing. All material things came out of spiritual substance. The spiritual blessing of your new birth was waiting on you just to receive it. Your financial blessing is waiting on you to see yourself in it and take it.

Lets make this confession looking into the mirror of these Bible scriptures of prosperity:

I see from these Bible scriptures, I am blessed because I have the blessing of God and the blessing of Abraham, my Father of faith. I have received the spiritual blessings by Jesus and I have received financial blessings by Abraham. I will continue to look into these Bible scriptures, my mirror, reflecting back to me who I am in Christ Jesus, and I will not forget what I see. As a result of this I will be blessed in all I do.

My Father God wishes above every thing else in the earth that I prosper in my finances. My mind is prospering as I continue to look into the mirror of Bible prosperity scriptures. I therefore identify with Jesus sacrifice, leaving lavish Heaven and becoming so very poor so that I now am abundantly supplied in my finances. This is just part of my salvation that Jesus provided for me.

I will continue to remember the operation of the Kingdom of Gods financial increase comes by my generous giving. I do not give out of law but my giving will be as a result of a hearts desire, being prompt, joyous and cheerful. Then I am expecting the results of the Kingdom of Gods guarantee of my Fathers grace and favor bringing earthly blessings to me in abundance. Then in all circumstances, I am assured I will be prospering so that I do not have to get any kind of aid or support, no kind of debt; but I am giving continually out of my abundance to every good work and needs of others. Then Father God provides more seed for me to sow and I get greater harvests. In the process Father provides my every need, and I continue to be generous and this brings thanksgiving to my Father.

Christ Jesus has purchased my freedom from the curse of the Law of Moses by fulfilling the law for me. In this liberty I am experiencing the blessing of Abraham. I also receive the manifestation of financial blessings that come from every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm through Christ Jesus.

These Bible scriptures bring liberty to me in my finances so I continue looking into them, seeing and experiencing the reality of them in my life.

Janie Baer has just produced a CD called Gods Spoken Word and her new website offers products to help Christians use Bible scriptures in every day living, finding the secret power of gods word and help find the unconditional love of Father God. Janie also has a blog,

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Jewish Menorah - A History

The menorah is a seven branched candelabra which has come to represent the Jewish People and Israel. Its origins directly derive from the Torah and its symbolism has proven to be long lasting.

Early coins and pottery containing images of the menorah and dating back to biblical times have been recovered from archaeological sites.

The first menorah was originally made for the tabernacle and later placed in the first and second temples. The Torah records how the great artist, Bezalel, fashioned the menorah in accordance to detailed Divine instructions. These instructions are recorded in Exodus 25:31-40, see excerpt below:

"31 And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlestick be made, even its base, and its shaft; its cups, its knops, and its flowers, shall be of one piece with it. 32 And there shall be six branches going out of the sides thereof: three branches of the candlestick out of the one side thereof, and three branches of the candle-stick out of the other side thereof..."

Listed below are some of the facets of the menorah:

- (as stated above) it was hewn out of a single block of pure gold

- it weighed approximately 150 pounds and just under 5 ft in height

- it had seven branches; a middle branch and three branches extending from each side

- according to Maimonides and Rashi, the side-branches extended from the middle branch in a diagonal line, not in a semi-circular arc as most drawings depict

- extra pure olive oil was used in the cups - gently pressed, not crushed and just the first emerging drops were considered pure enough

- it was positioned beside the southern wall of the temple, opposite the 'shulchan', the table which held the twelve show-breads.

The daily maintenance and lighting of the menorah was a task allocated to the Kohanim (priests). Interestingly, although only the Kohanim were permitted to prepare the menorah, there were no restrictions as to who could light it.

It is written that one branch of the menorah miraculously stayed alight continuously. Synagogues today have a 'ner tamid' (everlasting light) situated opposite the ark, which contains the Torah scrolls. This reminds us of the significance of the menorah during temple times. In addition many synagogues also display a menorah, or an artistic impression of one, in painted decorations or on stained glass windows.

After the fall of the Second Temple, Jewish historian Flavius Josephus recorded that the menorah was taken to Rome and carried along during the triumphant homecoming parade. A depiction of this event is preserved on the Arch of Titus that still stands today in Rome.

During the Jewish festival of Chanukah a menorah is lit on each of the eight nights. This menorah differs from the temple's menorah in that it has nine branches instead of seven.

The location of the original menorah is unknown today but the symbolism lives on; the national emblem of the State of Israel is a menorah, flanked by two olive branches.

The author of this article researched the origins of the menorah during the development of a range of Judaic themed homeware.