Jesus said what you sow you shall reap. In a sense, this is what "The Secret" and the so-called law of attraction are all about. But while Jesus was speaking to the way we treat others, The Secret is about what we manifest for ourselves through our thoughts and beliefs. In other words its about how we treat ourselves.
We see the law of attraction in play all around us every day. Think about that relative or friend for whom everything always goes wrong. No matter what business they start or relationship they get in, nothing ever works out. You might be inclined to say they've had an endless string of bad luck.
Most of us are kind of in between, having some "good luck" and some "bad luck". Maybe you can't seem to get rid of your credit card debt, while your neighbor, who only makes a modest income, got rid of hers in almost painless fashion. These are examples of how the law of attraction can work in a bad way-attracting negative things with negative energy. We also know it can work in a positive way and attract good things with positive energy. Besides knowing people with an endless string of bad luck, you've probably known people who seem to have everything work out for them. The truth of the law is self-evident, the hard part is really making it work for you.
Its easy enough to accept that you control what you attract into your life. What needs to happen next is getting in harmony with the positive energy that is already out there in the universe. If you want greater prosperity in your life then visualize it. It really is that simple but we also have to avoid getting in harmony with negative energy-which will act as a roadblock to manifesting our dreams. For many of us our conditioning and habitual way of thinking is caught up in the negative. That's why its so easy to worry about paying bills off instead of visualizing wealth.
So it isn't that the law of attraction doesn't work, its working all the time. But it works on our conditioning and habitual ways of thinking that are rooted in the unconscious mind-and its hard to undo a lifetime of bad programming in a day. If your subconscious mind is not in tune with positive energy, then "the secret" isn't going to work the way you want it to. But there are ways to learn how to reprogram your unconscious mind and underlying beliefs. Then the law of attraction will work in abundance.
For more information, please visit Making The Secret Work for You.
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